
Boxing match in the murim

"Mocked and overlooked my whole life, but my agony ends here and now! I'm taking up boxing!" While extradimensional beings named “Breakers” scheme in the shadows, protagonist Mo-Han Jin, tired of being the typical chubby high school kid, decides to throw punches like a boxer. He enrolls in a boxing gym nearby, encountering various characters who will generally help him grow as a person, teaching him discipline and kindness along the way.

Ihatefish · Action
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: I Mo-han, am going to train

Mo-Han had already been awakened thanks to Ms. Han Guk's acupuncture. Meanwhile, Gun was holding numerous blunt weapons that could really cause harm.

"Boy... your training begins now," said Ms. Han Guk, looking at Mo-Han with a very unsettling smile.

"Uh... I think it's time for me to go home, goodbye!" Mo-Han said, trying to walk towards the platform where he had landed a few hours earlier. However, he felt a weight on his back that prevented him from moving – it was Ms. Han Guk.



Hours passed since the unfortunate event, namely what had happened to our hero. Mo-Han's training consisted of getting beaten up. Coach Gun had immense strength in his body, so with the numerous blunt instruments he had in the temple, he would continuously break every bone in Mo-Han's body. However, for every bone broken by Gun, Ms. Han Guk would use a strange technique to continuously heal Mo-Han. In doing so, Mo-Han began to feel less and less pain and damage. After a certain point, Gun's blows couldn't even scratch Mo-Han's body, and Ms. Han Guk's healing was no longer necessary.

"YOU'RE FUCKING DEMONS!" Mo-Han exclaimed, looking at them angrily.

"Well, we know, but if you can finish this training... for the next 5 months, we'll tell you something about your older brother."

Upon hearing about his older brother, Mo-Han opened his eyes that were closed from fatigue. In an instant, his anger turned into what we can simply call, a distorted happiness. Mo-Han admires his brother; he is everything Mo-Han could never be. His brother is good at school, has a girlfriend, knows martial arts, and wears designer clothes. Mo-Han envies his brother.

"My brother, huh? Let's continue this damn training." 

Mo-Han said, looking at his two instructors with a smile.

"This is my Mo-Han. Now we will introduce you to the spirit core, the center of energy for every initiate in the murim," Gun said, grabbing a chair and then glancing at Ms. Han Guk.

"Han Guk, go take care of surface matters; I'll handle our affairs here."

With a laugh, Ms. Han Guk left the sacred celestial pavilion using the platform that Mo-Han had landed on before.

"Well... a spirit core is the center of spiritual strength. Everyone living in the murim knows what it is. Your core can have four different affinities, and from it, it determines what abilities you can use. These affinities are: Aura, Spiritual Energy, and the two types of Mana, which are White Mana and Black Mana. Mo-Han, you have an affinity with spiritual energy, like me. Right now, I will teach you how to use your spirit core to emit your spiritual energy in the combat techniques I will teach you," Gun said, giving a slight smile to the plump Mo-Han, who was sitting on the ground.


A few minutes passed after Gun's detailed explanation. At this moment, plump Mo-Han was practicing a breathing technique while Gun was beating him on the back.

"Mo-Han, remember what I told you. You have to breathe in rapid succession for 5 times, then inhale as much air as possible. Right after, you must maintain a steady breath to create a greater output of spiritual energy. This is the breath of the descending mountain."

Gun then sat back down in the chair, observing.

(Do I have to breathe like this... five times... then immediately take a deep breath... OH, crap-)

Mo-Han, missing the heavy inhalation by a few seconds, could no longer feel the energy building within him, making him even more exhausted.

"AAAHHHH, Master, I can't take it anymore!"

Hearing Mo-Han's complaints, Gun stood up. Shortly after, Suryeong Yu entered the pavilion, having just finished school.

"Gun, Mo-Han, I've arrived."

To Mo-Han's surprise, a face he would have never expected to see arrived.

To be continued.