
Boxing match in the murim

"Mocked and overlooked my whole life, but my agony ends here and now! I'm taking up boxing!" While extradimensional beings named “Breakers” scheme in the shadows, protagonist Mo-Han Jin, tired of being the typical chubby high school kid, decides to throw punches like a boxer. He enrolls in a boxing gym nearby, encountering various characters who will generally help him grow as a person, teaching him discipline and kindness along the way.

Ihatefish · Action
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Mo-Han vs Suryeong

Mo-Han was watching Suryeong carefully, trying to peer beyond his icy gaze, but couldn't. They both were in a defensive stance, waiting for a signal. But how did they get to this point?

Let's go back an hour...




"Gun-hyungnim, how do I throw punches like you?"

Mo-Han asked, closely watching Gun.

"Ahahahah! It's too early to aspire to my level; just focus on maintaining a solid guard and throwing the best jabs you can!"

And so, for 40 minutes, Gun taught the basics for Mo-Han's first all-rounded training.

"All right, Mo-Han, I'd say your training ends here for today! Let me know if the others will join us another day."

Before Gun could finish his sentence, Suryeong approached them with two pairs of gloves and wraps.

"Coach Gun... you said I would have a little training match with Mo-Han. Mo-Han, take this helmet and the other gear. I don't want to hurt you more than Baek and Sseol did."

In his mind, Suryeong was simply thinking one thing:

(Mo-Han, show me that you are really determined enough to be here.)

"All right, Suryeong, but go easy. The boy is on his first day."

Gun said, equipping Mo-Han, who wasn't saying a word.

(Do I have to fight? Now? On my first day? This is surreal... I don't have any superpowers to understand what moves to make... how the hell should I attack?)

Mo-Han thought, with his breath becoming more irregular due to anxiety. But just as he seemed too tense, Gun gave Mo-Han a pat on the back, echoing throughout the gym, awakening Mo-Han, ready to fight and still get his butt kicked.

"I'm ready, coach."

And here we are back in the present. Mo-Han was in front of Suryeong, and just before Coach Gun's whistle, Mo-Han asked Suryeong a question.

"Why did you take me to the infirmary first?"

Mo-Han had a very serious tone, as if all the pressure from Suryeong's gaze had disappeared.

"Because you're a human being like me, and if we don't watch each other's backs, who will?"

After these words, Suryeong stepped back two paces, dodging a hook that Mo-Han would have unleashed shortly. Soon after, Suryeong threw a straight punch, hitting Mo-Han in the chest.

(Ahgh- that hurt, I can't breathe... will he hit me again... should I dodge? How do I dodge? I'll lose, I'll be beaten like meat on a cutting board... damn, I'll lose again?)

While Mo-Han was lost in his thoughts, a series of two hooks from Suryeong on the right and left hit Mo-Han, making him fall to the ground.

(N-no... I'm losing consciousness... and he hit me twice... am I falling? NO!)

Just before falling, leveraging his weight to stabilize the pivot foot on the ground and stabilize his center of gravity.

(He recovered at record speed... I knew it, Mo-Han... you're a monster.)

Suryeong thought, looking at Mo-Han's current position.

Mo-Han had a vacant look in his eyes, so concentrated that he seemed to have no fear or emotion, like a machine.

(I don't want to remain a loser... even against Suryeong... especially against him... I DON'T WANT TO LOSE)

And moving at his maximum speed, Mo-Han threw a jab at Suryeong's face. However, even though he did it with all his might, Mo-Han lost power simply by making a wrong move.

So, Suryeong, taking the blow without much damage.

(Oh, it's over)

Gun thought, carrying Mo-Han who had fainted.

"Uh... already finished."

Suryeong said, starting to remove his gloves and helmet, then sitting down with his sister passing him a water bottle.

"Suryeong-Hyung, are you sure you did well? Mo-Han isn't made for combat... PLUS, YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO HIT HIM IN THE FACE!"

With an angry face, Suryeong's sister started slapping him on the back, almost making a metallic sound.

"He didn't faint because of me; he surpassed his limit without proper training... it's his fault."


And so, Suryeong's sister went to the women's locker room with all the other people.




One hour later...

Mo-Han opened his eyes slowly, finding Gun, Ms. Han Guk, and Suryeong waiting for him.

"Uh... where am I - HOW DID IT END?! Did I at least hit you once?"

Mo-Han exclaimed, putting his hands on Suryeong's shoulders, looking at him carefully.

"Yes, with the last one... but you didn't hurt me at all. But now, listen to Coach Gun and Ms. Han Guk."

Suryeong said, then left the locker room.

"See you tomorrow, Mo-Han."

So, Suryeong left the gym with his sister making a hand gesture to say goodbye to the people still in the locker room.

"Uh... see you. So, what do you have to tell me?"

Mo-Han asked the now serious Gun and Ms. Han Guk.

"Dear Mo-Han, today... you awakened, like your brother."

Gun said, with a serious tone.

Mo-Han looked at the two in front of him, confused.

"What do you mean? Would you care elaborate?"

Ms. Han Guk nudged Gun for his lack of explanations.

"What Gun here meant is that you've awakened a latent ability... our gym, despite being a regular boxing gym, has another side."

Mo-Han swallowed hard, expecting something big.

(Just like you, dear readers, hehehaw)

"Our gym is also a training center for the awakened, those who develop supernatural abilities latent in humans. We are part of a different side of the world, with no rules and no mercy. We are part of the Murim."

Ms. Han Guk said, with a more serious look than ever.

"The Murim? The world of martial arts, like in Wuxia novels?!"

Mo-Han asked, with a worried yet decidedly excited look at the thought of being somehow special.

"Exactly, Mo-Han. But if you want to be truly one of us, you have to promise not to talk about it with anyone. Tomorrow morning, come back here; we have more things to do with you, both me and Gun."

Ms. Han Guk said, with Gun nodding.

"Understood, Ms. Han Guk. Well then, I'll go; I'm already late."

Mo-Han picked up his bag and left, noticing that he had already been changed into casual clothes.



"Murim" is a term used in Korean and Chinese comics, as well as in wuxia novels, to refer to the world of martial arts.

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