
Boxing match in the murim

"Mocked and overlooked my whole life, but my agony ends here and now! I'm taking up boxing!" While extradimensional beings named “Breakers” scheme in the shadows, protagonist Mo-Han Jin, tired of being the typical chubby high school kid, decides to throw punches like a boxer. He enrolls in a boxing gym nearby, encountering various characters who will generally help him grow as a person, teaching him discipline and kindness along the way.

Ihatefish · Action
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


"Good evening, are you Coach Gun?"

Mo-Han said as soon as he crossed the gym's threshold.

(What the - since when does this guy come here? Hey... even though he's fat, he's very tall)

Gun, a very powerful man, around six feet tall with a perfectly aerodynamic musculature for quick movement, thought to himself.

"Yes, I'm Coach Gun. What do you want?"

Gun said, scrutinizing Mo-Han.

"Oh, Ms. Han Guk told me to come to you for the trial training."

Mo-Han said, swallowing his saliva and slightly holding his breath due to anxiety.

"I understand, so I suppose you really came to train here, hm... good! I am Lead-Coach Gun Kang! Nice to meet you, boy."

Mo-Han then gave a quick bow.

"I'm Mo-Han Jin, nice to meet you, Coach Gun."

Gun chuckled, patting Mo-Han on the shoulder.

"You can forget about the formalities, just call me Gun-hyungnim."




Soon after, Mo-Han and Gun headed to a fairly empty area of the gym to do some stretching. As they started stretching, Gun noticed that despite the "barriers" indicating Mo-Han's body fat, which should have hindered him from fully extending during stretching, Mo-Han had still stretched his limbs in a way that made the stretching more effective.

"Hey Mo-Han, are you sure you've never done any physical activity?"

Gun asked during a break before starting another exercise.

"Uh... I played basketball for five years, but having had no results, my parents stopped sending me, and here I am."

Mo-Han replied, with a slightly lowered gaze.

"I see, well then! I'll teach you how to adopt a proper fighting stance, come close to me!"

Gun exclaimed, glancing at a couple of people who weren't doing their training as usual.

"Hey, you two! Come here!"

From the back of the gym came a loud "F*** OFF!" and soon after, to Mo-Han's surprise, Suryeong Yu (the one who brought him to the infirmary) and Mina Yu, Mo-Han's classmate (and Suryeong's sister), appeared.

"You two, 5 minutes of plank. I don't want to see your butts in the air. Then, as soon as you're done, each of you will do a one-on-one training session with Mo-Han."

The two guys grunted, then went to do their plank nearby, while Mo-Han swallowed his saliva again (like the fifth time that day).

"Alright, Mo-Han, dominant leg forward and the other behind. Your pivot must be firm, and your center of gravity stable. Keep your arms closer."

Following Gun's explanation, Mo-Han immediately assumed the standard boxing stance.

"Like this?"

Mo-Han asked Gun.

"Yes! Just like that! Now try throwing a jab as I do."

And by putting himself in the same position as Mo-Han, Gun extended his arm immediately with great elasticity and speed, even causing a slight movement of air to shift Mo-Han's hair.

(The coach... has a punch even stronger than Baek's... if I got hit by a punch like that, I'd probably die on the spot! Let's train to reach that level! FIGHT ON!)

And soon after all these thoughts, Mo-Han extended his arm at the maximum speed, though a bit too stiff compared to what was needed, resulting in a somewhat indecisive jab.

"Mhm- you're too stiff; you need to be more flexible and calm. Otherwise, you'll never throw a good punch... you have to do it like this!"

And so, Gun pulled off another jab in the same way as before, with the same cool effect.

(This jab... is damn cool... I did well to come here!)

Mo-Han thought, smiling.


To be continued tomorrow!