
Boxing match in the murim

"Mocked and overlooked my whole life, but my agony ends here and now! I'm taking up boxing!" While extradimensional beings named “Breakers” scheme in the shadows, protagonist Mo-Han Jin, tired of being the typical chubby high school kid, decides to throw punches like a boxer. He enrolls in a boxing gym nearby, encountering various characters who will generally help him grow as a person, teaching him discipline and kindness along the way.

Ihatefish · Action
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


It was 8:00 PM. Mo-Han began to open his almond-shaped eyes, illuminated in a chestnut hue. Before him stood the only teacher who looked beyond appearances – the school nurse and biology teacher. The nurse, named Han Chinjeol, had porcelain-white skin, vibrant chestnut hair, and jade-colored eyes. She looked at Mo-Han with a worried expression as he woke up.

"Mo-Han... are you okay? Suryeong brought you here, just said you fell down the stairs, but these wounds don't seem like they were caused by stairs..."

Mo-Han, sensing the nurse's concern, confidently got up to ensure she wouldn't uncover the secret behind his injuries.

"I really just fell down the stairs, Professor Chinjeol, don't worry."

And so, Mo-Han quickly left the infirmary, immediately running down the stairs to exit the school. As soon as he stepped outside, he began running towards the station, tears streaming down his face and a runny nose.

(I hate myself! I hate my life... I have no talent! I just want to disappear for good)

Mo-Han thought, entering the station and waiting for the train.

(Maybe I should really throw myself under... haha... how do I even do that? I don't even have the guts to do it...)

After contemplating such horrible thoughts of his own death, Mo-Han covered his "hideous" face with his hands to silently sob, waiting for the train.




Exiting the train, after catching it with some people giving him strange looks for crying on a train.

(Ahhh- I feel really disgusting... my head hurts... my back hurts... my stomach hurts... I'm hungry... wait- what's this-)

Mo-Han thought, looking at a piece of paper flying onto his face due to the wind.

(Ugh... why do these things always happen to me...)

And so, Mo-Han began to read carefully the flyer that had flown in front of his face... and as if it were a sign from destiny, what he saw on the flyer made any doubts, fears for tomorrow, and regrets for the past disappear.

(This flyer is...)

The flyer read:

[SPARTAN BUDDIES BOXING GYM! Special Offer! 10,000 WON per month with equipment included!

(Only for the first 5 months)]

After finishing reading it, Mo-Han sharpened his gaze on the road ahead, clenching the flyer in his right hand with a smile despite the pain on his face.

"I've found it... I may not have any athletic talent, but it doesn't matter... in boxing, only hard work matters!"

And so, with his last bit of energy from the tough day he had, he ran home.

As soon as he arrived home, he grabbed the usual 10,000 won his father left him before returning to work after the lunch break. Immediately afterward, he ran back to the boxing gym, which was strangely very close to his home.

(From today onwards, we'll change with boxing... Mo-Han, you can do it! FIGHT ON!)

That's how Mo-Han entered the gym's reception with a bag containing a pair of sneakers, a cotton T-shirt for physical activity, and a water bottle.

At the reception was a person? A woman? It wasn't clear, but this individual had a very muscular physique, blonde hair, and a hint of a beard... despite that, they were wearing feminine clothes. On their chest was a tag that read:

[Ms. Han Guk]

"Uh... good evening... I came for this promotion..."

Mo-Han said, somewhat reluctantly because of the person in front of him.

(Who is this?! Is it a trans person? A drag queen?!?!? WHY IS THIS PERSON DRESSED LIKE THIS—)

Mo-Han handed over his 10,000 won and the flyer that had flown onto his face.

"Oh, good. Fill out this form here, and you can come in for your first trial, so you can decide whether to sign up 100% or not."

Ms. Han Guk said, with a somewhat masculine yet almost ladylike tone of speaking.

"Oh okay... I'll write it right away."

Mo-Han quickly filled out the form, then turned the sheet towards Ms. Han Guk and swallowed his saliva immediately afterward.

"Well, then, the gym is on the far left, and the changing rooms are at the far right. In the gym, you'll find a very gruff but kind man to help you on your first day. He's the head coach of the gym, named Gun. Tell him I sent you for the trial training."


"Okay, I'm going now!"

And with brisk steps, Mo-Han went to change in the locker rooms, putting on the gym shoes and clothing, which was slightly tight on his back and chest.

"I'll work hard so they'll fit me someday! Now, let's go!"

Immediately after, Mo-Han went to the gym, only to see a bunch of men and women training hardcore, while a couple of coaches directed various workouts.

(I expected it... less HARDCORE THAN THIS?!)

Mo-Han thought, swallowing his saliva.

Meanwhile, Ms. Han Guk was looking at the form filled out by Mo-Han, laughing.

"So, it's his brother... let's see how he does this, maybe he's talented like him…."

And so, Ms. Han Guk chuckles


To be continued tomorrow!