
Boxing match in the murim

"Mocked and overlooked my whole life, but my agony ends here and now! I'm taking up boxing!" While extradimensional beings named “Breakers” scheme in the shadows, protagonist Mo-Han Jin, tired of being the typical chubby high school kid, decides to throw punches like a boxer. He enrolls in a boxing gym nearby, encountering various characters who will generally help him grow as a person, teaching him discipline and kindness along the way.

Ihatefish · Action
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Douchebag Baek & his asshole

"Hey pig, answer... did you bring the money I asked for yesterday? Or do you want to die right here, right now?"

Said the troublemaker, Do Cha Baek, a young man from a mega-conglomerate in Seoul called Do-Cha Company. Baek had targeted Mo-Han this year because he seemed the weakest in the class and, well... being different from the others made him an immediate target.

"I don't have them; you'll have to wait until tomorrow if you really want some money..."

Mo-Han replied with a trembling tone. He usually didn't give such responses to Baek because he knew that each time, a damn beating of punches and kicks awaited him.

"Looks like some pig here has grown some balls, huh? Hey Sseol, we'll show him the stars after school. I know you wanted to kick his ass, but you'll have to wait... you, damn pig, we'll see you later."

These were Baek's words before he went to sit back down. Soon after, the teacher entered the classroom.

"Take your seats, turn to page 69 immediately! We don't have time to waste! The end-of-semester exams are getting closer!"




As the final bell rang, a shiver ran down Mo-Han's spine. He looked to his left to see Baek and Sseol giving him a very intimidating look, like two wolves ready to sink their teeth into their prey.

(Oh crap... I'm completely screwed. Why did I have to answer him like that?)

Mo-Han thought, getting up, with the two troublemakers getting up right after, taking him to the boys' bathroom.

"What do you want from me now??? I just said that-"

Without even letting him finish his sentence, the two troublemakers struck him in the face with a coordinated punch, throwing him to the ground.


And immediately after, the two troublemakers began to relentlessly beat him until his face was covered in blood. Baek then stood aside to smoke a cigarette, while Sseol continued to kick Mo-Han in the right side.

"Hey Sseol, that's enough. Let him rot here in the bathroom, you damn pig."

Baek spat on Mo-Han's face, then extinguished the cigarette he had been smoking on his stomach, leaving immediately with his accomplice. But as they were about to leave the bathroom, another boy entered, notably much more muscular and with a decidedly larger physique than the other two troublemakers. They didn't even glance at the boy, leaving the bathroom immediately.

"...Damn bullies, treating a guy like this."

The boy then took Mo-Han to the infirmary, leaving him in the care of the school nurse.

"Thank you very much, Suryeong. If you hadn't been there, it probably would have gotten even worse... you can go home now."

And so Suryeong, this boy in the same year as Mo-Han (the first year), left the infirmary and went home.


To be continued tomorrow!

thanks to all the guys that are reading this right now. I’ll try my best to become even better at writing than right now!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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