
Boxing match in the murim

"Mocked and overlooked my whole life, but my agony ends here and now! I'm taking up boxing!" While extradimensional beings named “Breakers” scheme in the shadows, protagonist Mo-Han Jin, tired of being the typical chubby high school kid, decides to throw punches like a boxer. He enrolls in a boxing gym nearby, encountering various characters who will generally help him grow as a person, teaching him discipline and kindness along the way.

Ihatefish · Action
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Talentless Jin

October 20, 2019, Seoul:

A slightly chubby boy, definitely a bit shorter than average in appearance but with a height slightly above the Korean average, was asleep in his bed. This boy is Mo-Han, his family is Chinese, but they live in Korea due to immigration and the immense poverty in the city they were in before.

6:10 AM:

Mo-Han woke up, took off the undershirt he used to sleep, and headed straight to the bathroom for a shower. After getting himself sorted and cleaned up, he went to the kitchen where he found a note left by his parents:

"Don't eat too much as usual, we've left your breakfast."

⁃ Mom and Dad

So, Mo-Han started breakfast. His usual morning meal consisted of a well-toasted slice of bread, jam, and a sunny-side-up egg. Sometimes he drank orange juice, but most of the time it was a latte since he always needed caffeine to wake up properly. After breakfast, he grabbed his backpack with books and notebooks, usually carrying only a blue or black pen, an HB pencil, and an eraser.

"Better go... before I miss the train."

Mo-Han said, leaving home, but stumbling on a fold in the carpet before falling straight onto the door and banging his head.

(DAMN, THAT HURT! Why do these things always happen to me?)

Thought the clumsy boy, punching the door and hurting himself even more, given that it was made of steel.

7:15 AM:

Mo-Han rushed out of the house, walking quickly towards the train station, catching the train just before it left for school.

(Mondays are such a drag... at least we have computer science for the first two hours today.)

Thought Mo-Han, watching a video on his phone about a new VR game that immersed you in the UFC.

"This game looks cool…"




8:00 AM

Mo-Han was at his desk, waiting for the teacher as usual, with his desk scribbled with intimidating phrases like "kill yourself" or "Stupid pig." As soon as he sat down, Mo-Han could feel a tap on his shoulder... the touch belonged to the troublemaker in his class: Do Cha Baek.

"Hey, damn pig, did you bring the money I asked for yesterday?"

He asked in a threatening tone, with his friend "Lua Sseol" behind him chuckling under his unkempt mustache, making one wonder how on earth he managed to grow such a mustache.
