
Boundless Wealth and Romance

A ordinary person, when he obtained extraordinary abilities, his legendary journey began. He is the new generation of gambling god, the king of jade, and a collector. The process of his appraising treasures has no unnecessary reasons, only true or false. He is known as the "Master of Few Words". "Master, can you tell if my Yuan Qinghua is real or fake?" someone asked. "Fake," he replied simply. "How is that possible? Master, can you explain in detail?" the person pressed. "Get lost! I make millions in a minute, who has time for that? Go find scientific instruments to authenticate it yourself!" he rebuked. This is him, a legendary figure, a master who values every word, a legendary figure who can see through the authenticity of treasures at a glance.

Kill_wolf · Urban
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80 Chs

Wang Yue is missing.

Ye Fei walked into the house and immediately saw Wang Yue bustling in the kitchen in casual clothes. He went over, hugged Wang Yue, and said with a smile, "Darling, what delicious dishes are you preparing today?"

Wang Yue waved her hand at Ye Fei while cooking and signaled, "Wait a moment, don't disturb me! I know you love meat, so feast tonight, I'm making your favorite."

Ye Fei looked at Wang Yue in surprise. Since they had been together, Wang Yue had always been the chef at home. Although Ye Fei loved to eat meat, for the sake of his health, Wang Yue never cooked overly greasy dishes. To improve his cooking skills, Wang Yue often took him out to taste various snacks. What's happening today? Not only was she cooking, but also preparing a sumptuous feast, which was quite unusual.

Perhaps it's because today is the 100th day since they met, Ye Fei thought. He couldn't help but touch the ring in his pocket, preparing to surprise Wang Yue tonight.

As night fell, Wang Yue drew the curtains early, turned off the lights, and the dining table was filled with candles, with red wine ready on the side.

Meanwhile, Ye Fei sat quietly in the bedroom watching TV, waiting patiently.

After taking a shower, Wang Yue changed into a beautiful evening gown and walked up to Ye Fei, saying, "Fei, stand up!"

Ye Fei stood up blankly and asked, "Why?"

"Don't ask, close your eyes and follow me!" Wang Yue said.

Ye Fei let Wang Yue lead him by the hand to the dining room, where Wang Yue finally said, "Alright, open your eyes!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Fei was so happy that he almost fainted.

The table was filled with a variety of dishes, red candles flickered faintly, the red wine exuded an enticing aroma. In addition, there was a heart-shaped cake with two small candles inserted on top, and below it was written, "Dedicated to my beloved."

Ye Fei reached out to hug Wang Yue and said, "Thank you for all of this, you've been busy all day!"

Wang Yue said, "It's nothing, as long as you like it!"

Later, Wang Yue glared at Ye Fei and said, "What about my surprise?"

Ye Fei pulled Wang Yue to sit on a chair and said, "Just wait, I'll be right back!"

Soon, he changed into a suit, holding a large bouquet of roses, walked up to Wang Yue, knelt down, placed the flowers in Wang Yue's hands, and took out a box from his pocket. He opened the box to reveal a dazzling diamond ring, and said earnestly, "Yue, will you marry me?"

Wang Yue was extremely shocked. She thought Ye Fei would at most buy her a few pieces of jewelry or clothes. She didn't expect Ye Fei to buy a diamond ring and propose in front of her. It was a scene she hadn't even dreamed of.

Wang Yue couldn't help but burst into tears, and Ye Fei nervously said, "Yue, what's wrong, why are you crying?"

Wang Yue wiped her tears and said proudly, "Can a diamond ring easily win me over? I won't agree so easily!"

Ye Fei smiled and handed Wang Yue a bank card, saying affectionately, "From today, our financial power is entirely in your hands. In the future, you'll be in charge of my food and living expenses."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "That's about it. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and put the ring on me!"

Ye Fei stood up happily, exclaiming, "You agreed! You really agreed! I feel so happy!"

Wiping away his tears, Ye Fei softly said, "You silly boy!"

Ye Fei smiled as he put the ring on his hand, and the two embraced tightly.

"Yue, I called my parents to tell them our good news. They're very happy and have invited us home for the Chinese New Year!" Ye Fei said.

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Your parents are really nice!"

Smiling, Ye Fei said, "They are really good to me, and they will be good to you in the future. I've already made up my mind. With the money we have, we'll buy a house next year and bring them over. We can all live together as a family!"

Ye Fei nodded vigorously, his hidden sadness unnoticed by anyone.

After the candlelight dinner, the two went to bed early. Unlike usual, tonight Ye Fei seemed insatiable, as if he wanted to exhaust all of his energy, again and again, until Ye Fei fell asleep, exhausted. Then, he stopped.

The room returned to tranquility. Ye Fei stared at the ring on his hand, caressing it repeatedly, reluctant to part with it, tears flowing uncontrollably once more.

After crying for a long time, Ye Fei got up, put on his clothes, and took out the neatly packed suitcase from the small bedroom closet. He stopped at the bedroom door, went back in, kissed Ye Fei on the cheek twice, held back his tears, and left.

Lost in his dreams, Ye Fei seemed to have lost something important, murmuring, "Yue, Yue!"

When Ye Fei woke up, he reached out habitually, only to find no one beside him. Puzzled, every morning after, Ye Fei would usually stay in bed, complaining that Ye Fei's movements were too strong. Why was it different today?

Ye Fei got up, walked out of the bedroom, and found the living room spotlessly clean, and the kitchen as tidy as before. This struck Ye Fei as odd, as he wasn't a tidy person and, despite enjoying cooking, he didn't like cleaning. Last night, the kitchen and dining room should have been a mess from their intimacy.

Could it be because of his proposal? Many people say women change after marriage. Could it be true?

Thinking about this, Ye Fei smiled. If that were the case, it would be great.

Leaving the bathroom, Ye Fei called Ye Fei with a smile. Where did she go this morning? Did she go to buy breakfast for herself? How diligent!

Ye Fei picked up the phone and dialed: "I'm sorry, the user you dialed is powered off!"

Ye Fei put down the phone, puzzled by why Ye Fei's phone was off.

He turned on the TV in the living room but couldn't concentrate. Could something have happened?

It couldn't be, not during the day.

Ye Fei called Ye Fei again, but still no answer.

Feeling something was amiss, Ye Fei hurried back to the bedroom and opened the closet, only to find a shocking scene—Ye Fei's clothes were all gone. He rushed into the small bedroom and found it also cleaned out, nothing left!

Frantically, Ye Fei repeatedly dialed Ye Fei's number, but it remained switched off.

What on earth had happened? What was going on?

His clothes and belongings were gone, even his bank card!

Ye Fei sat on the sofa, stunned. He started to form a terrible thought—had Ye Fei swindled his money?

How could that be? I proposed to her, and my money is her money. Why would she leave?

Ye Fei was engulfed in agony, clutching his head, unable to accept everything in front of him.

It was then that he noticed a letter under the coffee table, with the words "To my dearest Ye Fei" written on it.