
Boundless Wealth and Romance

A ordinary person, when he obtained extraordinary abilities, his legendary journey began. He is the new generation of gambling god, the king of jade, and a collector. The process of his appraising treasures has no unnecessary reasons, only true or false. He is known as the "Master of Few Words". "Master, can you tell if my Yuan Qinghua is real or fake?" someone asked. "Fake," he replied simply. "How is that possible? Master, can you explain in detail?" the person pressed. "Get lost! I make millions in a minute, who has time for that? Go find scientific instruments to authenticate it yourself!" he rebuked. This is him, a legendary figure, a master who values every word, a legendary figure who can see through the authenticity of treasures at a glance.

Kill_wolf · Urban
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80 Chs

Believe that I really love you

Sitting in the spacious and bright office, Xiao Fei listened to Niú Jìn Dá's report.

"Boss Xiao, Wang Yue has left. This woman is indeed as you suspected, not a good person. Our people saw her go to the bank and withdrew all the money from Zhang Yang's account," Niú Jìn Dá said with lingering fear.

Xiao Fei replied with a hint of pride, "I knew it long ago. This woman was molded by me. No one understands her better than I do. Do you know where she is now?"

Niú Jìn Dá said with shame, "She bought multiple plane tickets, some to the capital, others to the south and north. Our people followed her to the airport, but she changed clothes in the restroom and left without being noticed. So we're not sure where she went!"

Xiao Fei nodded and said, "Well, this fits Wang Yue's style. Let's not bother with her anymore. It seems she really has no other plans. Anyway, she's been with me for a few years, so I'll let her go this time."

"What about that foolish kid? What should we do with him?" Niú Jìn Dá asked.

Xiao Fei tossed a voice recorder to Niú Jìn Dá and said, "Give this to him, then make sure he leaves Tianjin. If it weren't for my uncle telling me to stay out of trouble, I would have dealt with him myself. Even if he's the woman I've kept, he's not in a position to challenge me."

Niú Jìn Dá looked at the voice recorder and chuckled. That foolish kid was probably still foolishly searching for Wang Yue. I wonder how he'll feel after listening to this recording.

Meanwhile, Ye Fei sat in the living room, holding a letter from Wang Yue.

"My dear husband, I've left. This is a letter I'm writing to you. Perhaps you will look for me, perhaps you will forget about me. I don't even know where I'm going. Maybe I'll return to my hometown, maybe I'll find a city where no one knows me, maybe I'll travel far and wide.

I'm not a good woman. I've been someone else's mistress, what people usually call a 'second wife.' But I failed and was kicked out. When I met you, I was penniless and had nowhere to go.

I used you, I drugged you. You were vulnerable at the time, and I took advantage of that. I just wanted to grab onto the last straw for my survival! I didn't want to end up on the streets!

And I succeeded. I stayed and became your girlfriend.

But as time went by, I increasingly felt your goodness and my own shortcomings! I hate myself, why didn't I meet you earlier? Why did I willingly fall into depravity? Why couldn't I show you my best side?

But there are no 'ifs' in this world. What happened has happened, no matter how much I try to avoid it, I can't forget what happened!

I know you would say you don't care! But I do care! When I'm with you, every time I see your clear eyes, I feel tainted! Sometimes I wash my body repeatedly in the bathroom, but no matter how much I scrub, I can't rid myself of that feeling.

In addition, there's another issue that's hard to face—I, I can't bear children! This fact is like a fishbone stuck in my throat. I think about telling you every day, but I can't bring myself to. What right does a woman who can't bear children have to talk about love and marriage?

I long for surprises, and you gave me one, you know? Last night was the happiest moment of my life. When you pulled out the ring, I really wanted to shout and be with you.

But I can't, I can't hold you back!

We'll have to face this issue sooner or later. Instead of being unhappy then, it's better to part ways when our relationship is at its best, so the memories we leave each other will be more profound.

I put on the ring, and from today, I am your Wang Yue, wherever I may be and whatever I do, I will remember that I am your Wang Yue!

I also took the bank card. Who made you my husband? Your wife has no money. You can't let me go hungry!

I love you, my husband!"

"Finally, my foolish husband, who never easily trusts women and believes they are born to perform! Not to mention revealing your secrets, money should be saved and not given to anyone except yourself. There is no one in this world worth trusting! If you want to live a better life, you must follow my words to grow!"

"In fact, what are women? They are nothing but commodities. As long as you have money and status, there is nothing you can't have! Don't you like watching TV stars? They are just playthings for the rich. If you work hard, you can have everything too! Money, power, and status determine everything; everything else is illusory. There are not many sincere people in the world, dear husband, so stop dreaming!"

"As I have told you, set yourself free and become a true man. I look forward to hearing about your success one day."

As the letter ended, tear stains covered the paper, clearly indicating that it had been written while crying.

An excruciating pain tore through Ye Fei's heart!

This was his first love, and he had never experienced such anguish before, an indescribable pain.

In the following days, Ye Fei lived in a state of confusion, reliving Wang Yue's emotions over and over again. Every day, he hoped to hear the doorbell ring, with Wang Yue walking in with a smile, saying, "Darling, I'm back!"

But all of this was just his imagination. Day after day, he never received any news from Wang Yue. Even a week later, Wang Yue's phone was turned off, and he lost the last means of contact with her.

Until one day, he received a call from his father, which brought him back to reality from his confusion.

"Ye Fei, are you okay? Why haven't you called home? Didn't you say you were going to bring your girlfriend home?" His father asked anxiously.

Ye Fei forced back his tears. "Dad, I'm fine. Wang Yue...she...she broke up with me."

His father was surprised. In the past two months, he had never heard his son mention anything about having a girlfriend. According to Ye Fei, she was a good girl who had helped him a lot. They even had plans to open a small shop together. How could they break up?

"Ye Fei, why did you break up? Is it because our family has difficulties? Did you not tell her that we are actually wealthy and can buy you a house?" his father said.

For his father, the most important thing was his child's marriage. Although Ye Fei was a bit young to get married, discussing potential marriage partners was normal in their small town. His father thought that maybe Wang Yue broke up because of their family's financial situation. After all, nowadays, girls often want houses and cars when it comes to marriage.

Ye Fei shook his head. "Dad, it's not like that."

Although Wang Yue took his bank card, Ye Fei didn't believe she was trying to deceive him for money. They had been together for over three months, and the bank card had always been in Ye Fei's wallet. Wang Yue had known the password a long time ago. If she really wanted to take the money and leave, she could have done it long ago.

"Then why did she leave? Maybe you made her angry. Ye Fei, as a boy, sometimes you need to accommodate your girlfriend. You should be more tolerant. Haven't you heard of the saying 'the bigger the fight, the greater the fortune'? Learn to be tolerant and not be so petty like women," Ye Fei's father said.

Helplessly, Ye Fei replied, "Dad, we didn't argue! Wang Yue can't have children, and she believed it would hold me back, so she chose to leave."

His father suddenly fell silent. If it had been for any other reason, he might have advised Ye Fei to try and win her back. However, the inability to have children was something that the older generation couldn't tolerate. The older folks yearned for descendants to carry on the family line. A daughter-in-law who couldn't bear children, no matter how beautiful or outstanding she was, would not be accepted.

"I see! Ye Fei, if that's the reason, then your girlfriend is truly a good girl! Our family relies on you to continue our lineage. You cannot make the wrong decision!" Ye Fei's father said sternly.

Ye Fei forced a smile and said, "Dad, it's just the inability to have children. Is it necessary to take it so seriously?"

Ye Fei didn't take Wang Yue's reason for leaving seriously. He didn't realize its importance. After all, he was still young and hadn't considered such things! He had only casually mentioned it to appease his father's questions. He didn't expect his father's reaction to be so strong!

His father spoke with a serious tone, "Nonsense! Isn't the purpose of marriage to have offspring? This matter cannot be taken lightly. In the past, I may not have realized this, but now I absolutely won't allow you to bring her home. Since you've already broken up, don't contact her anymore."

Feeling powerless, Ye Fei hung up the phone. At that moment, he finally understood the meaning behind Wang Yue's words when she left - she wasn't deceiving him, she genuinely couldn't be with him.

Facing his father's reaction, Ye Fei understood that if they were to return to their hometown and get married, once they discovered their infertility, his parents would never agree to the marriage. It could lead to irreconcilable conflicts and affect his relationship with Wang Yue. Wang Yue didn't want them to end up in such a situation, so she chose to leave at the peak of their happiness.

She truly wished to preserve the beautiful memories of their love.

Understanding all of this, Ye Fei felt much better mentally. He got up and washed his face in the bathroom.

Looking at his disheveled reflection in the mirror, Ye Fei forced a bitter smile. People often say love hurts the most, and he used to think it was just a joke, but now he realized how true it could be. He took a shower, shaved his beard, and then went downstairs to the familiar barbershop for a new haircut.

Overnight, Ye Fei seemed to have matured significantly.

But as soon as he returned to his room, someone knocked on the door. It was Niú Jìn Dá, the man Wang Yue had warned him about, standing at the door with a sinister smile on his face, looking at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei's heart sank. Trouble had arrived!

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