
Boundless Wealth and Romance

A ordinary person, when he obtained extraordinary abilities, his legendary journey began. He is the new generation of gambling god, the king of jade, and a collector. The process of his appraising treasures has no unnecessary reasons, only true or false. He is known as the "Master of Few Words". "Master, can you tell if my Yuan Qinghua is real or fake?" someone asked. "Fake," he replied simply. "How is that possible? Master, can you explain in detail?" the person pressed. "Get lost! I make millions in a minute, who has time for that? Go find scientific instruments to authenticate it yourself!" he rebuked. This is him, a legendary figure, a master who values every word, a legendary figure who can see through the authenticity of treasures at a glance.

Kill_wolf · Urban
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80 Chs

A prelude to great changes

When Xiao Fei left, Wang Yue couldn't help but burst into tears. She deeply knew that meeting Xiao Fei was the biggest regret of her life. This man changed her from a naive girl to a strong woman. However, it was also this man who made her taste the transition from heaven to hell.

Now, she endured the daily necessities being pushed on her every day, and then he reappeared. Wang Yue knew clearly how ruthless and cold Xiao Fei could be. If she dared to cut ties with the promotion, malicious retaliation would surely await her.

Nevertheless, Wang Yue still wasn't sure if Xiao Fei would spare Ye Fei.

In fact, all of this was within her expectations, but when she chose to use the promotion, she didn't like this man and didn't think there was anything wrong. However, now, she deeply regretted it.

"It's time to leave, I can't stay here any longer," she resolved.

When she came back at noon, Wang Yue had already composed herself and prepared lunch.

Walking in, Ye Fei immediately called out, "Yue, the boss is considering our price. I think he'll agree soon. His shop is too big, and not many people are willing to take over."

Wang Yue smiled and said, "I was right. We shouldn't act hastily; we should strike when he's in his most difficult time."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "I know you're right, but it feels a bit like taking advantage of someone in trouble. I feel uneasy about it."

"Ye Fei, in society, one must first look out for oneself. There's a saying, 'if one doesn't look out for themselves, heaven and earth will.' Only by investing the least and gaining the most can we succeed. In this society, no kind-hearted person can survive." Wang Yue sighed.

At this moment, Ye Fei changed into new clothes, walked up to Wang Yue, and hugged her, saying, "I understand, Sister Wang, you're right, I'll listen to you."

Wang Yue smiled, her eyes flashing with a complex light. "Perhaps you will become selfish like most people, but that's life. I hope you won't blame me."

Ye Fei didn't notice the pain in Wang Yue's eyes, nor did he notice her furtive gaze behind his back. He seemed to want to completely immerse her in his world, let alone notice her crying after their intimacy.

Ye Fei felt like he had never been happier than now. Every day with Wang Yue, they wandered through the city streets, occasionally buying lottery tickets and occasionally winning small prizes. As for gambling and betting, those were long forgotten. His once inflated ambitions gradually faded with time. Now, he just wanted to open a clothing store with Wang Yue, something that belonged to them.

With their own business, they quietly purchased some gold bars, and then bought a house in Tianjin, settling down with their parents here.

A few days later, as night fell, Wang Yue nestled in Ye Fei's arms and asked softly, "Ye Fei, do you know what tomorrow is?"

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "Is it your birthday? But I remember your birthday is on New Year's Day!"

Wang Yue smiled and replied, "You remember my birthday, but tomorrow is the 100th day since we met!"

Ye Fei sat up in surprise, "We've known each other for 100 days? Wow, I thought we had just started!"

Wang Yue smiled and said, "That's because our time together is always so happy that you can't feel the passing of time."

Curious, Ye Fei asked, "What kind of surprise do you want?"

Their address to each other had changed from "Sister Wang" to "Wang Yue," leaving only one word: Yue.

Mischievously, Wang Yue said, "Of course, I want a surprise, you silly boy!"

Ye Fei chuckled, "Then what kind of surprise should I prepare for you?"

Wang Yue teased, "If I told you, would it still be a surprise? But regardless, you must give me a surprise!"

Ye Fei promised, "Alright, alright, I will give you a big surprise!"

With an excited heart, Ye Fei gradually sank into slumber, still wearing a smile on his face.

Wang Yue reached out and touched Ye Fei's cheek, her eyes brimming with tears as she whispered, "Silly boy, what kind of surprise will you give me?"

Without a job, besides some trivial matters, they usually slept in until noon. Wang Yue enjoyed going to bars, surfing the internet, and singing karaoke, indulging in the outdated nightlife.

Now they slept and woke up late, just like most young people in the city.

By the time Ye Fei got up, it was nearly noon.

Wang Yue had already prepared lunch and was busy in the kitchen.

Dressed in his pajamas, Ye Fei sleepily walked up behind Wang Yue and casually held her hand, saying with a smile, "Why are you so diligent?"

With a smile on her lips, Wang Yue said, "Go wash your face, and then we can eat."

Ye Fei gently planted a kiss on Wang Yue's cheek and happily walked to the bathroom. After he left, Wang Yue gazed at his retreating figure, silently thinking, "The beautiful moments of saying good morning to you every day will never come again. I really don't want to lose you, do you know?"

After they finished eating, Ye Fei said, "Yue, I'm going to prepare a surprise for you!"

Wang Yue smiled and said, "Alright, then I'll also give you a big surprise later!"

After leaving home, Ye Fei drove to Zhou Dafu Jewelry Store. Months ago, Lan Haiyang had long forgotten about the boy who sold him the gold bars. Even if he remembered Ye Fei, he wouldn't recognize the person standing in front of him now.

Ye Fei held the car keys, wore Nike sportswear, and sunglasses. His hairstyle was crafted by a renowned designer at Blue Dream Hair Salon. He was a fashionable young man.

"Hello, sir, what else would you like to see?" the salesperson politely greeted.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "I'd like to choose a diamond ring for proposing. Do you have any recommendations?"

The salesperson handed over a diamond ring and said, "This diamond ring is our latest release, designed by the famous designer Mr. Philip, featuring top-quality diamonds from South Africa."

Ye Fei instantly fell in love with the beautiful diamond ring. Wang Yue had mentioned her fondness of diamond rings many times in front of him, so he believed she would be pleasantly surprised by this gift.

"Alright, I'll take this one! Can I pay by card?" Ye Fei inquired.

The salesperson beamed, making a substantial commission from selling a diamond ring.

"Of course, please proceed to the cashier to make the payment!" the salesperson replied.

At that moment, Lan Haiyang walked over as Ye Fei took out his credit card to swipe at the cashier.

Ye Fei waved friendly and said, "Manager Lan, long time no see."

Lan Haiyang smiled, "Yes, it's been a while. How have you been?"

Ye Fei casually said, "Not bad! I've made a purchase here, so I'll be on my way. Let's keep in touch."

"Sure!" Lan Haiyang nodded.

After Ye Fei drove away, the salesperson curiously asked Lan Haiyang, "Manager Lan, do you know him?"

Lan Haiyang couldn't admit that he had completely forgotten who Ye Fei was and pretended calmly, "An old friend I haven't been in touch with for a long time."

The salesperson sighed, "Indeed, Manager, your friends are all wealthy. Spending over eighty thousand on a diamond ring without hesitation!"

Lan Haiyang's eyes flickered uneasily. His memory was exceptional; how could he forget such a generous customer? Ye Fei's farewell troubled him for several days. How could he forget?

After purchasing the diamond ring, Ye Fei went to a flower shop and bought a large bouquet of roses before returning home joyfully.