
Chapter Fifty Seven

Elena's Pov.

The internet was still on fire, even after two days! articles with the pictures were everywhere, all if them them carried cryptic messages with the them.

Harry did not have a problem with the articles, he said it was normal since I was getting popular and he was already a star athlete, that people would definitely talk and that I did not need to worry, but I was getting some really hurtful hate comments, people were saying that I have snatched one of the nation's star athlete and his fan girls were not taking it kindly with me, if only they knew, who exactly I had, they would not be bothered about Harry at all.

Now I was sitting here, at the office again, Katie was tapping away at her phone and was biting her bottom lip in a very sensual way and I could not help but wonder what was going on between the chats, but then again, I was happy that she was warming up to someone new, that someone stood a chance of becoming a potential girlfriend. I turned back to my phone and continued looking at the comments of another article, this one read,

   Popular Model Elena Young Sparks Dating Rumors With Star Athlete Harry.

The comments on this particular article were milder towards me and were really considerate, considering the fact that I was getting chewed out on the internet by fan girls. LSC Entertainment required that I should not say a thing about the rumours as people tended to answer their own question during such occasions and when I told Harry the same thing, he informed me that it was the sensible thing to do and that he did not have any thoughts of addressing the issue with the public in the first place. I was still scared a little, some people might take the silence as prove that the rumors are true, but then again, I was made to understand that denying it would only serve to stimulate the netizens and general public to come up with more theories that would make the situation worse. I wondered what Lorenzo what Lorenzo thought about this, but I did not worry myself too much in that aspect, because he knew what the industry could be like and that the paparazzi are always ever ready to paint a totally different picture… a chuckle disrupted my thoughts and I found myself looking up at Katie who was holding in a guffaw.

"What's up, why are you laughing so much" I asked.

"Oh, nothing, just having a fun conversation with someone." She replied.

"Your date?" I asked again.

"Yes" She sounded irritated at me, but it could have just been me being extra paranoid.

"Okay" Was my reply before I became completely silent. Katie had not known about the incident and had come home a completely different person to the usually monotonous human being that she was, instead she was smiling and bubbling with excitement, almost as if she had let her hair down and decided to enjoy herself against all odds.

 The date had obviously gone well for her and she had a huge smile on her face, which had been completely wiped off when I relayed the message to her, she had apparently switched off her phone and so was not updated on what was going on and could not reach me, she must have had a really good time, and since then had been invested in her phone, though it was good to see her smiling, I feel like she had shown less than average interest in this matter, or maybe I was being overly paranoid once again, I needed to get some fresh air to clear my head.

"I am going out, to get some fresh air." I informed.

"Hmm" was the only sound that she made with a little nod and then she was back to her phone, typing away and smiling like a cheshire cat, I shook my head and left the confined space, hurrying out, people were giving me looks, but I could not care less anymore, my head was already full with my problems, I had no space to think more about what other people thought.

 While in the elevator, I had a run in with some really mean coworkers, and I,in my frustrations gave them.what they deserved.

Two women, dressed in a black suit and a grey pantsuit respectively, started whispereing to each other when I entered, at first, I ignored them, deciding to not pay any heed to them, but then one of them said,

"She thinks she is pretty, that she is all that, but she is not at all that beautiful in my opinion, I feel like she is over rated and does not actually have any of the qualities they praise her to have, her fans are just all over themselves and I feel like she is supposed to be in the gutter and should not ever stand next to Harry, not to talk of holding his hands, I feel like that is her greatest achievement." The girl in the pantsuit ranted to the other, in a harsh whisper that was clearly audible to the six people in the elevator.

I immediately turned to her and smiled in a sickeningly sweet manner, " You must have exhausted all you vocabulary to say that, though I don't remember ordering a glass of your worthless opinion, I feel like, calling you an idiot will be an insult to all stupid people, I only have one question, were you born this stupid or did you take lessons?, Lastly, I wanted to tell you that your opinion does not matter, as everyone takes you as an idiot, and, I just want to let you know that you are the reason God created the middle finger, too bad you cannot Photoshop your ugly personality like you do with all your photos" I ended, and she looked totally speechless and dumbstruck,she should never had started what she could not finish. The doors opened and I stepped out elegantly, turned around and kissed my middle finger and blew it at her, the other people in the elevator including her friend were trying very hard to hold in their laughter, some had to turn their heads away from her direction to let out their chuckles and then making it look like a cough.

I hurried out of the building and entered my car, speeding off to the nearest restaurant. It was a five star hotel and restaurant, I went inside, ordered a bottle of alcoholic wine and the ok a seat to clear my head, around my third glass, I had to go and ease myself as I was feeling pressed and I went. There I saw a familiar silhouette, I saw the back if the person, what were they doing?, I took a step forward, the closer I got, the more familiar she became, until I came really close to her, to find out it was none other than Valerie, and she was eating pork chops, she had always behaved like she did not like snacks at all, but something got me thinking after I hid away from sight. Why was she hiding? Why did she have to behave so suspiciously? And also, what was she doing here? I thought to myself. Something was up, was Valerie in danger, why was she hiding away to eat food, I needed to tell Katie, forget about the paranoia or the dating rumors, I had to tell Katie this.

I hurried out, after paying for the drink, entered my car and sped off.

Elena's Pov.

The internet was still on fire, even after two days! articles with the pictures were everywhere, all if them them carried cryptic messages with the them.

Harry did not have a problem with the articles, he said it was normal since I was getting popular and he was already a star athlete, that people would definitely talk and that I did not need to worry, but I was getting some really hurtful hate comments, people were saying that I have snatched one of the nation's star athlete and his fan girls were not taking it kindly with me, if only they knew, who exactly I had, they would not be bothered about Harry at all.

Now I was sitting here, at the office again, Katie was tapping away at her phone and was biting her bottom lip in a very sensual way and I could not help but wonder what was going on between the chats, but then again, I was happy that she was warming up to someone new, that someone stood a chance of becoming a potential girlfriend. I turned back to my phone and continued looking at the comments of another article, this one read,

   Popular Model Elena Young Sparks Dating Rumors With Star Athlete Harry.

The comments on this particular article were milder towards me and were really considerate, considering the fact that I was getting chewed out on the internet by fan girls. LSC Entertainment required that I should not say a thing about the rumours as people tended to answer their own question during such occasions and when I told Harry the same thing, he informed me that it was the sensible thing to do and that he did not have any thoughts of addressing the issue with the public in the first place. I was still scared a little, some people might take the silence as prove that the rumors are true, but then again, I was made to understand that denying it would only serve to stimulate the netizens and general public to come up with more theories that would make the situation worse. I wondered what Lorenzo what Lorenzo thought about this, but I did not worry myself too much in that aspect, because he knew what the industry could be like and that the paparazzi are always ever ready to paint a totally different picture… a chuckle disrupted my thoughts and I found myself looking up at Katie who was holding in a guffaw.

"What's up, why are you laughing so much" I asked.

"Oh, nothing, just having a fun conversation with someone." She replied.

"Your date?" I asked again.

"Yes" She sounded irritated at me, but it could have just been me being extra paranoid.

"Okay" Was my reply before I became completely silent. Katie had not known about the incident and had come home a completely different person to the usually monotonous human being that she was, instead she was smiling and bubbling with excitement, almost as if she had let her hair down and decided to enjoy herself against all odds.

 The date had obviously gone well for her and she had a huge smile on her face, which had been completely wiped off when I relayed the message to her, she had apparently switched off her phone and so was not updated on what was going on and could not reach me, she must have had a really good time, and since then had been invested in her phone, though it was good to see her smiling, I feel like she had shown less than average interest in this matter, or maybe I was being overly paranoid once again, I needed to get some fresh air to clear my head.

"I am going out, to get some fresh air." I informed.

"Hmm" was the only sound that she made with a little nod and then she was back to her phone, typing away and smiling like a cheshire cat, I shook my head and left the confined space, hurrying out, people were giving me looks, but I could not care less anymore, my head was already full with my problems, I had no space to think more about what other people thought.

 While in the elevator, I had a run in with some really mean coworkers, and I,in my frustrations gave them.what they deserved.

Two women, dressed in a black suit and a grey pantsuit respectively, started whispereing to each other when I entered, at first, I ignored them, deciding to not pay any heed to them, but then one of them said,

"She thinks she is pretty, that she is all that, but she is not at all that beautiful in my opinion, I feel like she is over rated and does not actually have any of the qualities they praise her to have, her fans are just all over themselves and I feel like she is supposed to be in the gutter and should not ever stand next to Harry, not to talk of holding his hands, I feel like that is her greatest achievement." The girl in the pantsuit ranted to the other, in a harsh whisper that was clearly audible to the six people in the elevator.

I immediately turned to her and smiled in a sickeningly sweet manner, " You must have exhausted all you vocabulary to say that, though I don't remember ordering a glass of your worthless opinion, I feel like, calling you an idiot will be an insult to all stupid people, I only have one question, were you born this stupid or did you take lessons?, Lastly, I wanted to tell you that your opinion does not matter, as everyone takes you as an idiot, and, I just want to let you know that you are the reason God created the middle finger, too bad you cannot Photoshop your ugly personality like you do with all your photos" I ended, and she looked totally speechless and dumbstruck,she should never had started what she could not finish. The doors opened and I stepped out elegantly, turned around and kissed my middle finger and blew it at her, the other people in the elevator including her friend were trying very hard to hold in their laughter, some had to turn their heads away from her direction to let out their chuckles and then making it look like a cough.

I hurried out of the building and entered my car, speeding off to the nearest restaurant. It was a five star hotel and restaurant, I went inside, ordered a bottle of alcoholic wine and the ok a seat to clear my head, around my third glass, I had to go and ease myself as I was feeling pressed and I went. There I saw a familiar silhouette, I saw the back if the person, what were they doing?, I took a step forward, the closer I got, the more familiar she became, until I came really close to her, to find out it was none other than Valerie, and she was eating pork chops, she had always behaved like she did not like snacks at all, but something got me thinking after I hid away from sight. Why was she hiding? Why did she have to behave so suspiciously? And also, what was she doing here? I thought to myself. Something was up, was Valerie in danger, why was she hiding away to eat food, I needed to tell Katie, forget about the paranoia or the dating rumors, I had to tell Katie this.

I hurried out, after paying for the drink, entered my car and sped off.