
Chapter Fifty Eight.

*warning: somewhat mature content and cursive language, reader discretion is advised (•‿•)*.

Elena's Pov.

He kissed the swell of my breast, sucked on one hard nipple then transferred his attention to the other, working his tongue around it, making me more and more aroused, my back arched from the pleasure and expectation.

He stopped, then whispered in my ear, "Relax", I could sense his smirk from that one word, but how could I relax, he had my body drumming and moving at a fast rate.

I tried to regain my composure and failed, but I tried to relax and laid back on the soft cushiony bed, he went back to what he had been doing, kissing the swell of my breast and going all the way down, then inserting his tongue in my hole, that was supposed to be my navel,  my pussy felt heavy from all the pent up arousal, this man was skilled in the art of controlling my body sensations, I moaned, he trailed his feathery kisses all the way down, leaving love bites and hickeys on his wake, I shuddered and grabbed his hair.

"Lorenzo…" I moaned, I was pleased, I did not want him to stop, I wanted him to go all the way.

A loud noise woke me up from my sleep and my dream, it turned out to be my alarm. I sat up in my bed, bleary-eyed, and looked at my surroundings, I was in my room, covered in a cold sweat from the wet dream that had just been interrupted, calmly, I grabbed the alarm clock and threw it across the room in a rage. I fell back on the bed, kicking and screaming and pulling at my hair, my brain registering the frustration that I was feeling, why did that darn godforsaken alarm clock have to ring at the wrong time, it had almost gotten to the good part and then it just had to ring, I screamed again, muffling it by putting my face in the pillow and punching my bed. My brain was registering the fact that I just had a wet dream, why I had it, I did not know, maybe because I was missing Lorenzo so much and had been thinking of him frequently lately or because I was hella horny and did not have any means of getting a release, either way, I was frustrated and enraged, why did the stupid alarm clock have to ring and interrupt the good part alarm clocks should not exist.

After some time, I was lying motionless on the bed, recovering from the trauma, I had to forget it and get to work, today was my shoot, so I had to get up from bed and do the needful so that I could go to the office and meet Katie. I stood up and drearily made my way to the bathroom to do my daily routine.

After a series of sequential activities that made up my daily routine, I was finally dressed and ready. But I had to think about some matters, so I grabbed a cup of coffee and a sandwich, and sat down at the coffee table.

The first issue was the case of the dating rumors, the rumors had spread like wild fire for the first two days, fetching me a bunch of hate comments, mostly from fan girls who expected their sleek super star to belong to them and die single,but today was the third day and the issue had died down almost to a point of non existence and the hate comments had gone along with it, but I had benefited from the issue in a way, I had gained publicity, not that I needed much of that anyway, but it was still a good thing, Harry and the agency were right, I had been worried for ni reason, netizens seemed to relent on the matter, answering their own questions themselves, and the paparazzi, it was their work to spread news and sell stories, however believable or unbelievable it may be, and however true or false it may be, to grab the public's attention and get them talking, I just had to get used to it, as I was told, but I did not think it would be something that I would be able to get used to anytime soon. The second issue was that which I witnessed yesterday. I had seen Valerie hiding away to eat pork chops yesterday, but there were many potholes to consider, firstly, the dressing, she was dressed really casually yesterday and Valerie never dressed casually, she always made it a point of duty to look elegant, even influencing others at the office to follow suit as I have witnessed before, she had been eating pork chops near the rest room area, and that for one was something Valerie would be very disgusted and grossed out about, then why had she been doing it. There were a lot of questions that needed to be answered, like, why was I the one always stumbling on unusual scenarios, then there was the topic of the dress code, she was always wearing one limited edition watch and expensive dresses and jewelry or the other to look elegant and chic, but the plain T-shirt and ripped jeans she wore certainly did not give off that vibe, why had she been hiding, was she trying to escape from someone or something? I had not gotten really close to her to be able to see her expression, but I know she was the one, everything was just so confusing that the only reasonable explanation would be that the person I saw was actually not Valerie, but the question is, if she is not Valerie, then who is she? Is she a thief? Did she steal the pork chops, was that why she had been hiding? Though the hotel had been a five-star hotel and restaurant, it was definitely below standard for someone like Valerie and she would not go there for anything even if her life was on the line, she was not the kind of person to be caught unfresh, I had to inform Katie, she might have an idea about what is going on, the ringing of my phone brought me out of my thoughts and back to reality.

It was Katie calling, I picked up the call and her voice floated to me, she was trying to sound harsh and stern,

"Where are you Elena, you need to come to the office, or have you forgotten what day it is?" She asked.

"I have not forgotten Katie, but the appointment is by noon is it not? This is just four minutes past eight, do not start nagging this morning, I am on my way" I said and then made kissing noises to her, she huffed and hung up the phone.

I smiled, it felt nice to be annoying, I had not told her about what I had encountered yesterday, mainly because I did not want to babble on about something I did not know much and was not sure about or was not so I chose to keep my cool and not rush to tell her, besides when I got back to the office, she was in a rush to go home as she had set a date with whoever she had been on the phone with the whole day, so I never got the chance to start a discussion, though I had felt really bad about her behavior towards me, although she had no idea that I had been feeling that way.

I finished my sandwich and took a large gulp of the already warm coffee, then stood up to leave.

The rude to the office was not long, but my mind was occupied with thoughts of how I could bring up the topic with Katie, if she was not busy with her phone again today, the thoughts of yesterday brought a bitter taste to my mouth.

When I arrived, I walked in with grace and noticed from the corner of my eye that someone pointing at me, remembering the other day at the carnival, someone had pointed at me, and then the next thing I knew, boom, dating rumors, I was not about to let it happen again, I looked in the direction of the person only to find out that it was the friend if the girl that I had encountered in the elevator, she was laughing, probably at her friend whose was really interested in studying the patterns on the floor, I smirked, the other girl is just supposed to be happy that I had decided to answer her friend and not her, mainly because she had tried to curb the volume of her speech, but her friend had gone ahead to be loud enough to be heard by the six people in the elevator, so she got what she deserved.

Arriving at Katie's office, I found her in a pile of paperwork, all dolled up.

"Going somewhere?" I asked, the corners of my mouth involuntarily pulled up.

"Yes, when you are done with your shoot" she answered, looking up at me for a split second and back down at what she was doing.

"Oooh, hitting it off, aren't you" I wiggled my eyebrows at her and she rolled her eyes at me.

 I took my place on the sofa, still contemplating how to start the conversation.

"What took you so long today?" She asked.

Images of the dream flashed in my mind.

"Nothing" I managed to say, but it came out as a squeak, earning a look from Katie, but she did not say anything.

 A little moment of silence reigned in the room until Katie broke it again.

"You definitely have something in your mind, you are not usually this quiet, you can tell me, what is wrong?" She dropped her ballpoint pen and stared pointedly at me. 

This was my chance, " well, I do have something to say, but permit me to ask something" I let out.

She threw her hands in the air, " when have you ever asked for my permission to say something, just say it, what did you want to ask, ask away, I am listening." 

" Have you…perhaps.. noticed anything strange around Valerie?" I asked.

She looked unsure about what I was getting at, "No! And here is my piece of advice for you, you should not either" 

" Hey calm down, I have something to tell you" I let out.

" Okay..go on" She asserted.

"You see, yesterday, when I left saying I went to get some fresh air, I actually went to this restaurant and drank a bit of wine" I started.

" That means when you were coming back, you were drunk driving?" She gasped.

" I said, I drank a bit of wine, I did not say I got myself wine" I snapped, " anyways that is beside the point, now, if I may continue" 

" Yeah sure, go on" she replied.

" Good. Now, I drank a bit of wine, then I felt like taking a piss, so I decided to go to the restroom, there I saw Valerie hiding away and eating pork chops in the restroom area!" I finished.

" Wait a minute what?!" Katie's eyes were as wide as saucers, 

"I saw Valerie…" I began

" I know who you saw, my question is, what did you say she was eating?" She asked.

" Pork…chops?" I said, but it came out as a question.

" What the actual fuck! Why did you not tell me?" She almost screamed.

" Sheesh, settle the heck down, you had a 'date' to go on, remember?" I emphasized the word date using my index and middle fingers and curled it

" Oh right," she recalled.

" But why are you gyrating as that," I asked.

"Why? You do not fucking know that Valerie is allergic to pork?" She looked at me and my eyes went as wide as hers had been barely a minute ago.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's what I am talking about." She replied.

"What does this mean" I started, " Valerie is allergic to pork, but I saw her hiding away to eat pork chops, what do we make of this, and how do you even know,," I asked.

"Oh, I learned the hard way, when she almost died because I used a little pork in her sandwich, and I did not even know she was allergic to it," Katie explained.

"But she looked pretty normal to me, no reactions whatsoever." I put in.

" Are you really sure it was Valerie you saw?" She questioned.

" I am really sure, only that she was not wearing the usually elegant clothes she would wear and she did not have any jewelry on, and the hotel was pretty below standard for her, but then again I am sure she was the one that I saw," I said.

" Did she see you?" Katie questioned.

" No, I did not let her" I answered.

"Then what do we make of this?" Katie contemplated.

"Exactly what I wanted to ask you" I replied.

"Why would she hide away to eat pork, which she is allergic to, it does not make sense, maybe the person you saw just looked like her, but was actually a thief that stole the pork chops and was hiding away to eat it" she reasoned.

I looked at her with a look that said 'really'. 

"Who does that? Who steals pork chops in a five-star hotel to eat them in the restroom area" I asked.

"Then what do you want me to say, this is really confusing, I do not even know what to think. What could this mean, I have no single idea." Katie said, feeling the burden of this crucial information, " wait a minute, is she trying to commit suicide, why would she, who can I eat pork without turning red as a tomato and bloated like a balloon, be eating pork" Katie started.

" This is Valerie we are talking about, she makes others to commit suicide from pressure, not do that herself, and she looked pretty normal to me, as I have said before." I countered.

" You know what?" Katie began,

" What," I asked.

" All this is so confusing that I do not even want to think about it." She buried her face in her hands.

" No kidding about that, I was not even expecting this to be such a big deal, what exactly is going on with her, allergic to pork?" I scoffed, " she was eating it as if she had been starved for a long time and just recently got the chance to eat again." I finished.

" You know what? Forget it, it does not concern us." She said.

" Hey, you are talking about my potential sister-in-law" I mocked, " but still, what if she is in real danger?" I asked.

" We wait and see." Was Katie's reply before she picked up her pen and continuing with what was left of her paperwork.

XD ♥️♥️💜💜.