
Chapter Fifty Six.

Elena's POV.

I sighed in exasperation, I had been expecting a lively feedback from Katie about how the date went, but had ended up disappointed at the way things had gone so downhill.

Apparently, the person in the picture was Nikki but the person Katie met was Samantha, Nikki's step sister. Not that she was bad looking or anything, but she was into some really gruesome and gothic themes, Katie had not felt any connection with her, at least that is what she told me, plus, Katie had not expected to see a totally different person on the first date.

And I had really been looking forward to the date, even convinced Katie to get a waxing and a make over, only to be disappointed like this.

"So? What did you do" I asked.

"What did you expect me to do, she is a girl that likes extreme sports and such things, I am not really into that,not that I hate it but I do not just take a fancy to it, so I was polite for the rest of the night, I did enjoy my time with her, but it is definitely not relationship material, I guess I am just meant to be alone" she heaved a sigh and fell on my bed, nuzzling in my pillows.

I pushed her off onto the ground and she fell with a thud.

"What was that for?" She groaned.

"That was to tell you to take your single life and shove it, because if you are about to give up, I am not!" I declared.

"So, how do you plan to remedy the situation" she sat up from the ground.

"I am planning to send you on another blind date" I smiled down at her and she rolled her eyes.

"More like goose chase. I deleted the app yesterday, I knew this would happen, and I'm glad I deleted it." She smiled back at me, blinking rapidly in a bid to look cute.

" How dare you!!! " I cried, shaking my fist at her," you are going to smell my fist today" Then I jumped on her and tackled her to the ground, then proceeded to tickle her in her most sensitive places which happened to be her ribs and her neck and behind her ears, she laughed and rolled on the ground trying to throw me off, but I had received excessive training from Lorenzo on the art if tickling an opponent, so my stance was strong and she could not throw me off.

When I had attacked her to my satisfaction, I settled on the bed once more and looked at her solemnly.

"I do not want you to continue being lonely like this, I know it is not my place to decide for you or give my personal opinion on such intricate matters, but I feel like I have to" I said.

" But I am seriously okay, I do not need to be in a relationship to be happy, plus I would not want to be tye type of person that goes into a relationship with a person when she fully well knows that she is in love with another person, whoever it may be" She reasoned.

"But you could let another person help you through that phase, do you really think you will be able to forget her especially since she is still bothering you and begging you to take her back? do you think you are going to be able to get over those feelings if you keep thinking about her? Definitely not! and you are going to keep thinking about her as long as you do not have any other thing or person to occupy your mind and keep you distracted, you do not necessarily have to lie to the person that you are head over heels for them, you could just open up and tell them that you are healing from a broken heart and that you are trying to end your unwanted feelings," I stopped and stared to see that she was listening, then a sigh "look Katie, I care about you a lot so I know that this will be good for you, I know how much you loved Josette, the memories of the the two of you will be stuck in your mind and as such it will take you years to forget her, and I do not want you to live like a shell of yourself, still immersed in your feelings even after she may have moved on, gotten a husband and had three kids, one who was graduating from highschool." I heaved, ending my sermon with a very pointed look.

" O….kay, that hit different, I mean, I see your point now" She nodded.

"And you wanted me to kill myself before you understood what I was trying to relay to you" I eyed her ferociously.

" I guess I do not really fancy being that grand aunt with forty cats who stalks her ex on social media and cries herself to sleep while regretting her life choices." She chuckled, I know she was trying to lift the mood in the room as it was filled with seriousness and tension, this was a very sensitive topic.

"I am glad you understand me now, now you know that you need to socialize more with others, I am sure most people at the office do not even know your name" I smirked.

" Hey, I am pretty popular you know, but then again, I hate most human interaction, mostly from the fact that most humans can be extremely stupid and annoying and just odious to be with, therefore making human interaction very strenuous and forced" She narrated.

" Then you try the dating app again, redownload it and use it to your advantage, since you despise most human interaction oh so much" I said dramatically.

 A comfortable silence descended on the room like a curtain and was abruptly cut short by the sound of Katie facepalming herself on the forehead, the sound was pretty loud.

" Oh right I forgot to tell you" she started.

"What did you forget to tell me?" I was curious.

"There is a carnival happening around the park close to your old house, I believe that was the park you met Lorenzo that day, so there is a carnival happening around that area and I was wondering if you would want to go?" She asked, unsure.

" Of course, it has been so long since I had fun or even went around that area,so I guess it would be okay." I asserted.

" Okay cool, let me go get dressed, I suggest you do the same." She scanned my outfit which was a skimpy dress that was very comfortable to wear at home.

" Sure" I said and ushered her out if my room, leaving her to go upstairs to the room she uses when she comes over.

Searching through my wardrobe, I could not decide in what to wear, so I decided to go with a simple black dress that stopped at my ankles but had a side slit up to my middle thigh, the slit was designed with black and gold feathers, the sleeves were elbow length and was cuffed with gold cuff links, the dress was a plain dress and I decided to pair it off with a black floppy hat with gold ribbons, I was set, slipped on my flat heeled shoes, I opted for minimal make up, so I applied only lip gloss to my lips and left the room, to fetch Katie, Turns out she was already waiting for me dressed in a black jean trouser and a white T shirt and sneakers, I felt a little bit overdressed but brushed the feeling aside.

"Are you going for a funeral, what's up with the black dress and hat" She scanned my appearance.

"It's called dressing elegantly, I doubt that you would understand the concept" I sneered, jokingly.

" Oof, just got roasted, well sorry Miss, you sure are elegant, can we go now?"she asked.

"Yes,we may leave now"I thrust my head up dramatically and catwalked out of the house, I could hear Katie shouting 'Drama queen' at my back and I smiled, we were definitely going to have fun today.

 The car ride was silent, and I enjoyed every bit if the silence, but Katie looked as though she was having an internal conflict.

"Call Harry" She blurted.

"Excuse me?" I was confused.

"I mean that you should call Harry to accompany you as I would not be able to accompany you today anymore" She was fidgeting, I noticed that.

"Why? I mean why can you not come with me, it was your suggestion remember?" I reminded.

" I know,it is just that.. I…." She hesitated.

"You..? Come on, speak up, cat got your tongue"I taunted.

"I have a date" she closed her eyes.

"Don't close your eyes si tightly, you are driving and you might end up bursting your eyeballs" I joked, " now, when, how, where, did you have a date?" I asked calmly.

"Well, when I was in my room to get ready, I thought about what you said and decided to redownload the app, and I did, and then notifications popped up that people had paired with me, I accepted the pairing and started talking to the girl, well ling story short, she asked me to go on a date." Katie heaved.

"Then why did you not just tell me to stay back? I mean I am happy for you and all, but then how am I going to spend the day?" I pouted.

" That is why I said you should call Harry, he might be interested, I did not want to dash your hopes, I am sure you were looking forward to enjoying the carnival" She explained.

"Fine" I grunted, dialling the number, he picked up on the second ring.

"Uh Hello" I said.

"Hii Elena, it has been so long, I guess you were busy, now that you are all popular you do not have time for me anymore" I could envision his pout, I scoffed.

"I am on my way to a carnival, do youind joining me?" I asked.

" You mean the one at that park, what's it called? I have forgotten, but sure I can join you, I mean, I don't really have anything to do right now, so I might as well come have fun with you" He responded and I smiled.

"Alright, I'll text you the location, see you soon" I ended the call.

"All good?" Katie asked.

"Yeah, he totally agreed to come, I guess you can just drop me off and go on your way and have the time of your life, with your date, that is" I smiled, Katie's ears had just turned red from my teasing.

"I do hope this turns out better than before" She muttered.

" I totally agree, I hope this one goes well, but do not forget, start on a friendly note, do not go full force and tell her everything about you, take it slow, make the process interesting, I do not know if I can trust you to do a great job."I further teased.

" Elena! It is a date, not some kind of sermon that I would just plunge into telling her about myself and droning on and on, at least I know that much" She retorted.

" Well that is good to hear, I'm hoping to get a good report this time" I said.

" We are here,you will have to walk the remaining distance as cars are not allowed to go beyond this point, goodbye, have a nice day" She said and I stepped out.

" Yeah, you too" I waved to her as the car disappeared in the distance.

I picked up my phone and called Harry, I had already sent him the address but he was not here yet.

I saw a figure approaching me in the distance and I knew it was Harry.

The carnival was pretty interesting to watch, there were colours and costumes everywhere, people were having a fun time with each other, watching the carnival. I was busy chewing on a delicious hamburger that was in my hand, Harry was really good company, we had been talking and laughing a lot, rating people's dressing and judging if it was wearable or not. Suddenly, two young his came along, I knew at once from their bleary eyed look that they were his starstruck fans and I was about to make my way of escape but he held my hands really tight to prevent me from running away.

"Can we please get an autograph?" They were looking at the two of us.

Their roving eyes was unsettling, " me?" I asked.

"Yes" , they both answered,Harry had already signed the autograph and handed over the pen and the book to me to sign and I signed the autograph.

They both squealed in excitement and said a bunch of things, some if which were the fact that they were Harry's die hard fans and that they loved me too, well, that was tye first time I had given someone an autograph, I felt fulfilled.

We continued to have lots of fun and I was happy that at least here was away from the elite society, here no one scrutinized your every move and no one spread fake rumors about you, so I let loose and had an enjoyable time.

"Hey I want to get ice cream, want to come along or should I just get one for you" He asked.

"Of course I am coming, you would not know my ice cream combo anyway" I said and smiled.

" Whatever you say my lady" He bowed in a gentlemanly fashion and I did a little curtsey.

We went to get the ice cream and I noticed from.the corner of my eye that someone was pointing at me or was it Harry? I was worried that we would be recognized, but I let it slide. I opened my phone with my ice cream cone in my hand, I was waiting for Harry to order up, then pay when a notification popped up in my screen, I immediately clicked it and was shocked at what I saw, there were articles about me and Harry, apparently the person had taken the picture when Harry had held me back to stop me from escaping, but in the picture it looked like we were holding hands in public, I secretly prayed that Lorenzo does not find out about this, but I knew that would be futile,he probably already saw the headlines. Fuck the paparazzi, I needed to calm myself and the only thing that can help is the ice cream in my hand, I saw Harry coming in my direction with an ice cream cone in his hand, he had obviously just paid the bill, I motioned to him to move faster.

"Hey Harry, you need to see this" I said when he was within the range to hear me.