
Chapter Fifty Nine.

Elena's Pov.

There were mixed reviews for my participation in the adventure reality show, but I was not going to let anything or anyone put me down, so I focused more on the positive reviews and comments that I was getting. The list for the participants had been released this morning and it was chaotic on the internet, I could not help but think that my life has been full of commotion this week, I just cannot get a break, I must be strong to not have a mental meltdown by now.

I picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hello" He answered in a deep rumble after the first try.

"Uhh.." I mumbled, my brain was registering the sound of his deep rich melodic voice.

"Elena?" He said into the phone and I fell down on my bed.

"Y..yes" I answered.

"How have you been doing," He asked, not that he did not know, I knew that he always had an eye out for me, so he damn well knew the answer to his question.

I hesitated, mainly because I could not bring myself to say anything, probably because my throat was clogged at the moment and my heart was racing wildly.

"I could say that I am fine," I said, not really understanding my own words.

"Could?" He asked," Is something wrong?" He asked voice laced with care and concern.

"Yeah, I am not fine," I said.

"What is the matter? Is it because of the rumors or the list that came out today? If it's about that, then you do not have to worry, it is normal and happens to everyone else, except me of course." He said and I knew that at this moment, he was smirking that annoyingly handsome smirk.

"No, it is not about that, I mean I was worried and ruffled at first, but not anymore" I sighed," when are you coming back?" I mewled.

"Soon" That one word had an orgasmic reaction from me, whether it was from the way he said it, or what it implied, I found myself biting my lips to hold back the moan.

"I hope so," I said, breathing heavily, that was the effect this man had on me, it did not matter if it was on the phone or if, we were meeting face to face, he had the ability to draw a reaction from me and I could not control it.

"I promise, I will be back, and I hope you will be ready for me," He said, I do not know why I heard a sexual undertone in that sentence, I was definitely too horny, that was the only explanation for my actions lately. The wet dream I had yesterday flashed in my mind.

"I…I will hang up now" I managed to say.

"Are you sure you are okay?" He asked.

"Mmh" I managed.

"Take care then," He said and I hung up.

My heart was still beating, if this man had this kind of effect on me while he was a country away from me, then I do not know how I would behave when he is back with me in the same state, I do not trust myself to behave sensibly if we are breathing the same air.

"Fuck!" I screamed, this man would be the end of me, I had initially planned to behave elegantly but had proceeded to make myself look timid, barely able to say something really comprehensible.

"Oh gosh," I muttered, running my hands in my hair.

I needed some fresh air, then I remembered the park that was close to my house, the one I had met Rosette, Amelie's step-sister at.

Funny enough, I had never run into her again, but I got to find out that her house was just three houses away from mine, and all the noise and night partying seemed to come from there, I had wanted to go there once to ask her about how her step-sister was faring but had decided against it, and instead asked Katie to help me get some information on how she was doing.

Turns out Amelie Banks was doomed to stay in bed for life, she had Locked-In Syndrome, and that was the absolute worst punishment, a living corpse. She had done a lot of bad deeds towards me, but I could not imagine such punishment for her, she deserved every bit of it though, she had once tried to kill me, but now she was a living being stuck in a dead body, not able to do anything, knowing that she is alive, but not being able to act like a living being, I felt pity for her, that was why I had cashed in a cheque of Four million anonymously for her parents or guardians to hire a nurse for her, that would pay the nurses bills for six years, that was the best I could do for her, considering the kind of person she had been, this was the maximum of the kindness I could offer her.

I did not want to keep thinking about depressing topics such as that, I picked up my phone and called the second person on my mind, Azalea picked up almost immediately.

"Hey, gurl!" She hyped.

"Hey, bitch, how you doing" I returned.

"I am doing all right,  it has been so long, I do have good news for you," she said.

That was exactly what I needed at this point in my life, good news is I was eager," Go on, my ears are wide open for you" 

" Well, you know I always wanted to work for ESM, I got employed yesterday as the secretary for their COO," she finished and I let out a scream.

"What! bitch if I did not call you would you have told me this, seems like you do not rate me anymore" I feigned sadness.

" Of course not, look girl, I just had a lot going on so I could not really.... okay, I forgot to calm you, are you okay now?" She asked, I knew she was sincere.

" Of course, I think this is such a good thing, it is so overwhelming, I know how much you always longed to be there, to acquire the needed skills to work there and I cannot believe that you finally did it,  I am proud of you girl, keep up the hard work" I congratulated.

" Thank you so much for the support." She said.

" Anytime girl," I said.

" Caleb does not think so though, he feels like it is too far away from him," She said, " but I feel like he is just being insecure because my employer is hella fine, so he feels like I would leave him" she finished.

" Hold up a minute, you and Caleb, are you...?" I was shocked.

" Uhm..yes, we are dating, I thought I told you" I could see her visibly cringe. 

" Took him long enough!" I exclaimed.

"What are you saying? Are you not angry? I broke gurl code did I not?" She asked.

" Of course not, I never liked Caleb in that way, and I knew that you had a huge crush on him, so I never gave him a second thought" I began, " sheesh, took him long enough to see that you were HEAD OVER HEELS for him" I shook my head, it had always been evident that Azalea had some feelings or more for Caleb, she was always praising this quality or that quality in him, so I caught into it real quick.

"Oh my gosh, was it that obvious?" I could tell that her mouth was wide open in shock.

"For me? Yes! But for him? I do not think so, I think he did not really see it" I assured.

" Oh my goodness, girl come over, let me give you some sweet treats, 'cause you are the absolute best." She said she was obviously feeling grateful.

"Sure, I will be over, where are you," I asked.

" I am at home, but meet me at GRILL PLAZA" she replied.

" Good, goodbye, see you in a jiffy," I said and ended the call.

I got up from the bed that I had fallen on earlier when I heard Lorenzo's voice,  I had to go get ready. Putting on a large top and my favorite ripped jeans, then my favorite pair of Air forces, and my dark sunglasses, I was ready. 

I sent Katie a text, telling her where I would be, she was probably at the office or meeting up with her date, I was not sure whether she would see the text message.

I know I had said that I would like her to date and get rid of the loneliness in her life, but she seemed to be sidelining me these days and was solely focused on her date, whoever it was, and I was feeling really bad about it, but I knew that she had to do what she could do to forget about her sorrows, which came in form of a woman named Josette, and I solidly supported her move.

I hurried into the garage after locking up the apartment and choose my least flashy car and pulled out of the compound.

Some minutes later I was at the designated location. The GRILL PLAZA billboard was shining more than ever, I had missed this place. I walked in to see that the place was even better inside, everything looked so new and polished, they had surely renovated the place.

I walked up to the counter to order something, it was Annette that was at the register.

"Hi, can I get a cheese sandwich?" I asked and she looked up, her face lighted up in delight when she saw me.

"Elena!" She was visibly delighted to see me and gave me a really bright smile, but the engagement ring on her finger was even brighter, Tyler had definitely gone all out.

"Hi, Annette, how have you been doing," I said sweetly, genuinely happy to see her.

"I have been doing okay, how about you, what brings you here?" She asked.

" So can I not come here to hang with my buddies anymore?" I asked, feigning heartbreak.

" Of course, you can, and your cheese sandwich is coming right up," she said.

" How are the kids," I asked again.

"There are doing alright, thanks to you," she said and the light in her eyes was familiar.

"Oh no! Do not start with the thank yous, it makes me queasy, anyhow, have you by chance seen Azalea around here's?" I asked.

" Oh yeah, she entered a moment ago and ordered saying she was waiting for someone, her table is just over there," she said, pointing to the said table.

"Okay, please send my sandwich over with a  cappuccino, thank you" I blew her a kiss and left to meet up with Azalea.

"Hey girl," I said and pulled out a chair and sat on it.

"Hey bitch, it is so good to see you face to face after such a long time," she said and I concurred.

" I agree, feels really good to see you, you look so beautiful, you know that, that must be why Caleb realized what he was missing out on," I said and she smiled, blushing a bit, she was definitely flustered.

"Are you okay though?" She asked.

"Why? Do I look like something is wrong!" I asked.

" No, you look absolutely amazing, it's just... I saw what was going on, the whole dating saga with Harry, that must have taken a toll on you, so I am asking how you feel" she explained.

" Oh, okay. I think I am feeling okay now, I must say, I was really ruffled and troubled initially, but not anymore, I mean there is nothing to fear as I am actually not dating Harry, so, you know, it is all a bunch of baseless rumors that will pass since it does not have any grounds, and I was made to know that there is absolutely nothing to worry about, but thank you for asking, it means a lot" I said.

" You are welcome, but I was really just trying to look out for you, so there is really nothing to thank me for " she smiled, I missed her, I only just realized that.

"So, are you guys just friends, are there no feelings attached?" She asked.

" Yes, we are in a platonic friendship, so there are no feelings involved in it" I replied.

" He is handsome though" she wiggled her eyebrows.

" I know, that is why his fan girls want to chew me out," I shook my head, " You can not imagine how some fans think, they went as far as to send me death threats," I said.

" Is that not a tad too far?" She asked.

" Oh, it is, but I am glad that all the hate has gone down drastically, I guess they do not have anything on me so they have no valid reason to keep on trolling," I responded.

" Your life must be really chaotic." She stated.

" Oh, it is. But then again, there are a lot of good things that come with it, so I cannot really complain. Enough about me, tell me about your new employer." I said.

" Oh, he is a damn sexy lady, he is young and handsome, he is not married and I do not really know if he has a fiancee, but then again, it does not concern me, though, I think I will be moving out soon, my workplace is far from here, and that is what is giving Caleb the creeps." She answered.

The man in question came along to our table, carrying a cheese sandwich and a cappuccino.

"Hey there ladies" He gave her a wink, " Hi Elena, it has been so long, it is almost as if you have forgotten us," He said.

" Hey! YOU are the ones that have forgotten me, I mean, no calls, no contact, nothing! I am almost hurt you know" I replied.

" You might be busy, so we do not want to disturb you" He tried to defend himself.

"But ironically, you are the one working and I am free, so you see, sometimes you do not just have to think too much, but instead you can just call me and not wait for me to call you first," I said and he bowed his head like a sinner who is about to repent.

" Okay okay, whatever you say, have a nice...chat, and do not forget to come to the wedding." He said.

" Hold up, what wedding?" I looked between him and Azalea.

" No...it's not what you think, I mean Tyler's wedding" He corrected.

" Tyler is getting married to Annette, and I only just found out about it?!" L I was mad.

" Oh, you did not know?" He asked.

"Where the heck is Tyler?" I asked.

"He went out," Azalea replied.

"Then I guess I will just have to stay till he comes back. Looks like I have some serious scolding to do.

XD ♥️❣️❣️♥️