
Bound by paper hearts:the marriage contract

In the city of Willowbrook, Olivia's life is a canvas painted with sorrow. Orphaned at a young age, she finds solace and purpose in caring for her ailing grandmother, Grandma Lucy. Olivia's dreams of a fairy-tale romance and a love-filled marriage stand in stark contrast to the harsh reality that has defined her existence. Balancing her aspirations with a deep sense of responsibility, Olivia grapples with an agonizing choice. With Grandma Lucy's life hanging in the balance, Olivia agrees to an unconventional marriage contract proposed by Alexander, a domineering billionaire. As the deadline approaches, her dreams of love and a blissful marriage fade in the shadow of Grandma Lucy's desperate need for medical treatment. In the face of adversity, Olivia's determination to save her grandmother becomes a driving force. Despite her internal struggle, she accepts the marriage proposal, hoping to secure a future for her beloved relative. As Olivia steps into the world of Alexander's opulence, his authoritative demeanor hides a kind heart and a hidden world of emotions. The journey ahead is a collision of Olivia's dreams and the harshness of reality. With Grandma Lucy's life at stake, Olivia's desperation to save her takes precedence over her own desires. As the contract binds them together, a question lingers: Can love truly emerge from the seeds of necessity? Olivia's path is one of sacrifice, where dreams and reality intertwine, leading to a twist of fate that could change everything.

Igwe_Okechukwu · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Three:No other choice

After two days Olivia summoned the courage to call Alexander, picking up her phone she dialed the number on the business card he gave her the day they met, the phone rang twice before he picked up "Hello Olivia how are you doing" he asked, "how did you get to know my contact" Olivia asked suspiciously. "I am Alexander Smith and getting your number is the least of these I can easily get done", he bragged "And I know that you will call me back soon" he chuckled on the other end.

Olivia was shocked at his response but composed herself quickly before replying "I have agreed to your request Mr. Alexander, so when are going to pay for my grandma's surgery because there's not much time left". "calm down Olivia" Alexander answered her, "your grandma surgery was successfully done yesterday" he intoned.

Olivia feeling doubtful responded angrily "Please stop messing around Mr. Alexander, my grandma's condition is not something to be joked with".

Alexander feeling annoyed answered her back saying " am Alexander Smith and my words are Gold, I have already sorted your grandma's issue and the surgery was carried out successfully by my medical team if you don't believe me you can call the hospital to verify".

Without waiting for her to respond he hangs up the call, "I can't believe it, she doesn't trust me and even doubts my ability, she just waits until I secure my fortune I will put her in her place" he scoffed.

Olivia runs inside to grab her bag she grumbles inwardly " he's such a jerk and so arrogant, too full of himself".

She leaves in a hurry to the hospital to confirm what Alexander said to her.

Upon getting to the hospital she runs like a mad woman in the direction of her grandmother's ward, on getting to the ward the doors of the room were slightly open which made her confuse because it was not yet time for the nurses to do their routine check-up.

On entering the room she discovers two nurses inside one was dressing the bed while the other administering drugs to her she rushed to her and held her hands and started checking her up looking all over her body, "how are you feeling grandma" Olivia enquired, "I think am ok the doctors did an operation on me last night and they said I need to rest more for some days before being discharged" grandma lucy replied.

Stretching forth her hands she beckons on Olivia to come closer for a hug, Olivia hugs her while shedding tears, the past few days without grandma lucy have been hell for her, she has been living in fear and anxiety of the unknown, what if she wakes up and can't find grandma lucy, what if the surgery didn't go well, what if she develops another illness and she can't afford the treatment, all these were questions that have been running through her head lately.

Grandma Lucy noticing her misery and fears held her cheeks, smiling at her she consoled her saying "All will be fine child, am ok now can't you see, the doctors said I just need to rest for a few days" She chipped in.

Olivia was still worried and doubtful her eyes roaming around grandma lucy's body to see any discomfort. "you don't have to stress your self my child am not going to be sick again ever again I promise you, can't you see that I can even dance my favorite song like I used to", grandma lucy added.

Olivia sighed in relief knowing that her grandmother was fine, at least for now she can breathe fine and sleep well without those horrible nightmares, all she need do is to plan how to deal with the marriage contract, how on Earth is she going to be living with that arrogant jerk.

While still in her thoughts, grandma lucy touched her forehead bringing her back to reality, "Are you still thinking about my ill health I told you that the doctors said am fine, instead of thinking about me why not think of how to get married and give me plenty grandchildren to support this poor old woman" grandma lucy said while displaying a pitiful and miserable look one that will attract sympathy.

Olivia was embarrassed at the words of grandma lucy her mind went back to Alexander and the marriage contract, how she wished both of them were in love with each other living by the countryside with grandma lucy and maybe two or three children running around with steady jobs that can support their livelihood.

Olivia didn't know she was blushing while daydreaming of her fantasy home, her ears have turned red with her cheeks cozy. grandma lucy noticed she looks have to pinche her nose "Hmmm see who's blushing don't tell me you already have a boyfriend and you are hiding it from me" Grandma Lucy eyed her suspiciously.

Olivia tried to avert her grandmother's gaze as she replied her saying "stop spouting nonsense grandma I don't have a boyfriend yet but soon I get you will be the first to know", Olivia was not yet sure how to tell her grandmother about Alexander and the proposed marriage contract maybe after she fully recovers and is discharged from the hospital.

Grandma Lucy was still feeling doubtful as she held Olivia's hands, " You don't have to be shy if you see someone you like you can tell me I will help you be a matchmaker ok, I wouldn't charge you a fee after all you are my precious granddaughter" she smiled mischievously.

Olivia's cheeks got redder at her grandma's words freely her self from her grip she stood up "What can I prepare for you to eat" she asked trying to divert the topic because she knows who her grandmother is she will continue teasing her until she might spill the beans unknowingly.

Grandma Lucy not willing to give up flashed a crafty smile "I know you are trying to run away from the topic, it's ok I wouldn't bother you again, am already tired, and as for the food the nurses have been taking care of that, they even bought exotic fruits that I have not taken for a long time now, how come were you able to get money to for all these bills" she questioned.

Olivia scratched her head and replied "I got a loan from Helen, I will take in more jobs to pay her back", how much did you borrow from her" grandma lucy pressed on.

Olivia was short of words how is she going to hide these from her inquisitive grandmother, she turned to her smiling and said "Grandma you don't need to worry ok I can handle all that you just have to focus on getting better, or don't you want to go home again".

"I will come back in the evening to check up on you, make you have plenty of rest". "you don't need to bother coming always, the nurses here are doing a great job you know, and where did you get money to give them tips because I know nurses are not this nice and caring except they are given extra cash".

Grandma Lucy enquired, "Grandma stop, can you just rest and stop bothering over money issues, you need to rest, bye".

Olivia kissed her on the cheeks as she leaves the room in a hurry afraid that her grandmother would start another questioning session.

After leaving the ward Olivia walks down to Dr marks office she was a little bit surprised and angry, surprised that the surgery was carried out suddenly and done quickly, and also angry at the fact that she was not informed before they started.

She was supposed to give her consent and be there to wait on and pray for her grandma, what if something happened to her grandmother she wouldn't be able to forgive herself knowing that she was not there when her grandmother needed her the most.

On arriving at the doctor's office she knocked on the door while she awaits a response "Come inside" Dr Mark replied from inside. Olivia entered the office she stood by the corner until he offered her a sit.

Olivia sat down facing Dr mark "Good day Dr mark you didn't tell me that my grandmother was booked for surgery yesterday", she queried with a slightly displeased look on her face.

Dr. Mark smiled seeing Olivia's angry but cute face "You should be happy that your grandmother's surgery was successful and that she's ok, and for not informing you mr smith instructed we carry on the surgery at his cost, he said he will inform you and also take care of everything" Dr mark replied.

Olivia left the doctor's office with mixed feelings, her grandmother is now fine, and Alexander has fulfilled his part of the bargain it was now left for her to do.

The courage she summoned to agree to the marriage contract seems to have vanished from her, bringing out her phone she dial Alexander's number after much hesitation.

I have to do this do I have a choice she murmured while she waits for Alexander to pick up after three rings a muscular deep voice sounded "Have you seen your grandma and confirmed that a smith doesn't make empty promises, Meet me at royale villa on Friday by 4 pm to sign the contract, dress properly and don't be late" he added before hanging up.