
Bound by paper hearts:the marriage contract

In the city of Willowbrook, Olivia's life is a canvas painted with sorrow. Orphaned at a young age, she finds solace and purpose in caring for her ailing grandmother, Grandma Lucy. Olivia's dreams of a fairy-tale romance and a love-filled marriage stand in stark contrast to the harsh reality that has defined her existence. Balancing her aspirations with a deep sense of responsibility, Olivia grapples with an agonizing choice. With Grandma Lucy's life hanging in the balance, Olivia agrees to an unconventional marriage contract proposed by Alexander, a domineering billionaire. As the deadline approaches, her dreams of love and a blissful marriage fade in the shadow of Grandma Lucy's desperate need for medical treatment. In the face of adversity, Olivia's determination to save her grandmother becomes a driving force. Despite her internal struggle, she accepts the marriage proposal, hoping to secure a future for her beloved relative. As Olivia steps into the world of Alexander's opulence, his authoritative demeanor hides a kind heart and a hidden world of emotions. The journey ahead is a collision of Olivia's dreams and the harshness of reality. With Grandma Lucy's life at stake, Olivia's desperation to save her takes precedence over her own desires. As the contract binds them together, a question lingers: Can love truly emerge from the seeds of necessity? Olivia's path is one of sacrifice, where dreams and reality intertwine, leading to a twist of fate that could change everything.

Igwe_Okechukwu · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Two:Arrogant Proposal

Olivia's footsteps grew heavier with each passing moment, the weight of her circumstances pressing down on her like an insurmountable burden. She couldn't believe that her only family, her beloved Grandma Lucy, was facing such a dire situation. "Why does life have to be so cruel? Why does it always seem like everything is stacked against us?" she whispered to herself, her voice choked with emotion.

As she walked, the memories of her parents' absence echoed loudly in her heart, intensifying her pain. "Mom, Dad, I wish you were here. I need your guidance and strength now more than ever," she silently cried, wiping tears that streamed down her cheeks.

She passed familiar landmarks, each reminding her of the journey she and Grandma Lucy had taken together. "We've been through so much, and now this... It's not fair," she thought, struggling to keep her emotions in check.

Olivia found herself at a quiet park, a place she often visited with Grandma Lucy. She sat on a bench, feeling the emptiness surrounding her. "Grandma, you've given so much to me. You sacrificed everything to see me through college, and now you need me to save you, but I don't know how," she said aloud, her voice trembling.

In her inner turmoil, she remembered the joy in Grandma Lucy's eyes when they shared their dreams for the future. "If only we had more time together if only I could take away your pain," Olivia whispered, clutching her chest as she longed for a miracle.

Olivia walked through the bustling city towards her home, her thoughts still consumed by the impossible 10 million dollar surgery that her beloved Grandma Lucy urgently needed. It seemed like the weight of the world was on her shoulders as she struggled to find a way to save her grandmother.

Lost in her worries, Olivia barely noticed the man who approached her, his stride confident and commanding. "Excuse me," he said, catching her attention with his deep voice.

Startled, Olivia looked up and found herself locking eyes with a man who exuded charisma and authority. He was impeccably dressed, a powerful aura surrounding him. "I'm Alexander. I couldn't help but overhear your predicament. It seems we both need something from each other," he stated, his gaze unwavering.

"What do you mean?" Olivia asked, feeling a mix of curiosity and wariness.

Alexander smiled a faint hint of arrogance in his expression. "I'm a billionaire CEO, and my family tradition dictates that I must get married before I turn 30 to inherit the family fortune. I propose a marriage contract between us. It's purely business, no love involved, just a means to an end."

Olivia's heart skipped a beat, torn between the desperation to save Grandma Lucy and her dreams of love and a fairytale marriage. "But I can't marry someone I don't love," she hesitated, her voice tinged with doubt.

Alexander's gaze softened, a rare vulnerability flickering in his eyes. "I understand your reservations, but I assure you, it's not what I want either. We can go our separate ways once my family's demands are met."

Olivia was still afraid as she moves away from him, "am not interested in your rubbish deal, can you let me be" she glared at him. Still putting on a devilish smile with hands in his suit pocket he slipped a business card into her hands.

"feel free to call me when you change your mind".

On getting home Olivia jumped into the bed and slept off without changing or having her bath. She was very exhausted and mentally drained over the day's events.

In her sleep, she dreamt of where she got married to her prince charming and her two kids who were running around and Grandma Lucy chasing after them.

The doorbell rang several times before Olivia could get up, "what the hell" she screamed, it was already 9 am and she was still putting in yesterday's clothes which means she never had her bath, smelling her armpit she looked awful with her messy hair.

The doorbell rang again waking her up from her thoughts. "And and who is this disturbing me this morning she groaned" walking out of the room to get the door.

"Finally the sleepy queen is out of bed", your loyal servant wishes you a happy morning", Helen bowed sarcastically with a sham posture." what is wrong with you I have been calling you all night you weren't picking up, I had to rush down here this morning to check up on you, a little wait I would have called 911 to report a missing case", Helen complains while walking inside.

Turning to Olivia who seems quiet she questioned "Where's grandma Lucy and why didn't she wake you sleepy head".

"she's in the hospital" Olivia replied in between sobs as she recalls yesterday's ordeal. "what happened" Helen shouted as she held Olivia in an embrace consoling her, "why didn't you inform me she added" feigning anger. "I tried calling you but your line was not reachable coupled with the who drama and scenario I wasn't even thinking straight, can you imagine I slept with my clothes on and without a shower".

With a heavy heart, Olivia narrated all that transpired yesterday including the marriage contract. She turned to her childhood friend, Helen, who had been following the conversation silently. "Helen, what do you think?"

Helen urged Olivia to seriously consider the offer, pointing out that saving Grandma Lucy was of utmost importance. "Think about what this marriage can do for her, Liv. It's just a contract, and once the money is secured, you'll be free to live your life as you want," from your description, this seems to be Alexander Smith from the Smith conglomerate who owned businesses all over the world" She said persuasively.

Reluctantly, Olivia replied, "I will think about it knowing that her grandma's life was on the line. She shook Helen's hand, and she was still doubtful about the whole idea Deep down in her heart she still hoped to marry a man she adores.

Alexandria has a very good physical build and athlete body with handsome that is well chiseled and delicate facial features, he was her type of dream man, and his domineering aura further complemented his personality if only he was not arrogant.

Olivia fantasized he was her prince charming she was in love with in her dreams who loved her passionately but if wishes were horses beggars would ride.

"Olivia" Helen called out "what are you thinking about, don't tell me you are already picturing your Alexander without clothes" Helen chuckled, "can you please stop joking around, my grandma is still lying helpless in the hospital "Olivia glared at her.

Holding her hands Helen turned to face Olivia " Listen to me, you are my best friend and I want the best for you, this is an opportunity from God to change your life and take care of your grandma, just think of what you stand to gain if you marry Alexander even if it's only on paper".

Taking her hands off Olivia stood up facing the wall " But I don't love him and he doesn't either, he just wants to secure his family fortune" she whispered.

Helen sighed as she got up to where Olivia was standing placing her hands on her shoulder she comforted her "Olivia love is not all that matters in a relationship, stop your fantasies as far as he has money to pay for your grandma's surgery and can take care of you afterward what's there to be worried about" she added.

"I won't let this defeat us. I'll find a way, for you, Grandma Olivia vowed, feeling a surge of resilience and purpose course through her veins.

Olivia rose from the sitting room to get ready for the hospital, her heart still heavy with sorrow, but now mingled with hope. She knew the road ahead would be arduous, but she was ready to face it head-on, for the woman who had given her everything, and the one who remained her sole family in this vast world.

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