
Bound by paper hearts:the marriage contract

In the city of Willowbrook, Olivia's life is a canvas painted with sorrow. Orphaned at a young age, she finds solace and purpose in caring for her ailing grandmother, Grandma Lucy. Olivia's dreams of a fairy-tale romance and a love-filled marriage stand in stark contrast to the harsh reality that has defined her existence. Balancing her aspirations with a deep sense of responsibility, Olivia grapples with an agonizing choice. With Grandma Lucy's life hanging in the balance, Olivia agrees to an unconventional marriage contract proposed by Alexander, a domineering billionaire. As the deadline approaches, her dreams of love and a blissful marriage fade in the shadow of Grandma Lucy's desperate need for medical treatment. In the face of adversity, Olivia's determination to save her grandmother becomes a driving force. Despite her internal struggle, she accepts the marriage proposal, hoping to secure a future for her beloved relative. As Olivia steps into the world of Alexander's opulence, his authoritative demeanor hides a kind heart and a hidden world of emotions. The journey ahead is a collision of Olivia's dreams and the harshness of reality. With Grandma Lucy's life at stake, Olivia's desperation to save her takes precedence over her own desires. As the contract binds them together, a question lingers: Can love truly emerge from the seeds of necessity? Olivia's path is one of sacrifice, where dreams and reality intertwine, leading to a twist of fate that could change everything.

Igwe_Okechukwu · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Four: An Unavoidable Fate

The days leading up to the appointed meeting felt like an eternity for Olivia. Her heart was heavy with the weight of her decision, and her mind was in constant turmoil. She had lied to her grandmother about borrowing money from Helen, just to save her from unnecessary worries. But deep down, Olivia knew the harsh truth - her fate was intertwined with Alexander's now, and there was no turning back.

As Friday drew closer, Olivia's anxiety intensified. She had chosen an outfit that exuded professionalism, a mix of nerves and determination in her eyes as she stood before the mirror, adjusting her attire. She couldn't deny that a part of her was drawn to the man who had appeared in her life so suddenly, but she was equally wary of his motives.

At the appointed time, Olivia stood before the entrance of Royale Villa. The grandeur of the surroundings was intimidating, a reminder of the chasm between her world and Alexander's. She walked inside, her steps faltering slightly, but her resolve unwavering.

Alexander was already waiting in the lounge, his arrogance evident in the way he leaned against the wall as if the entire place belonged to him. Olivia's heart raced, a mix of unease and resentment swirling within her.

"Olivia," he greeted with a slight tilt of his head, his eyes studying her like she was an interesting puzzle.

"Mr. Alexander," she responded, her tone a careful balance of respect and determination.

He wasted no time, getting straight to the point. "The contract is ready," he declared, his voice devoid of any warmth. "Once we sign it, I'll handle the legal proceedings and ensure that your grandmother's future medical expenses and welfare are covered."

Olivia's fingers trembled as she accepted the documents from him. She skimmed through the pages, every word etching itself into her memory. She couldn't believe that her future was being dictated by a piece of paper, a contract that bound her to a man she hardly knew for three years she doesn't know if she will be able to survive.

Alexander watched her with a detached expression as if he was observing a transaction rather than witnessing the upheaval of someone's life. "If you're having second thoughts, now is the time to voice them," he stated coolly, his eyes locking onto hers.

Olivia's gaze lifted from the contract to meet his, her determination flaring up in the face of his arrogance. "No," she replied firmly, her voice unwavering. "I committed, and I intend to honor it."

Alexander raised an eyebrow, his demeanor slightly surprised by her resolute response. "Very well," he said, his tone dismissive. "Sign the contract."

As Olivia signed her name, she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was sealing her fate. Her heart ached, and yet, she couldn't ignore the sense of responsibility she felt toward her grandmother. The consequences of her decision would extend beyond her own life.

Taking the pen, Alexander signed the contract with a flourish, his signature a bold statement of his self-assuredness. He placed the documents in an envelope, his eyes never leaving Olivia's as if trying to gauge her emotions.

"It's done," she said, her voice a mixture of resignation and finality.

He took the envelope and tucked it away, his expression unreadable. "I'll take care of the rest," just prepare yourself for the wedding in three days" he stated, his tone businesslike.

As they left the villa, Olivia felt a strange blend of emotions. She was relieved that her grandmother's future medical expenses and welfare were secured, but the weight of the commitment she had just made was like a stone in her chest. She couldn't help but wonder about Alexander's motivations, about the man behind the façade of arrogance and authority.

The days that followed were a blur of preparation and contemplation. Olivia informed Grandma Lucy about the situation, but she left out the details of the paper contract-based marriage. Watching her grandmother's eyes fill with gratitude, joy, and worry, "I knew you were hiding something from me but how could you treat me like this, am your only family and you didn't inform me about you having a lover" Grandma lucky scorned. "and why are you in such a hurry to get married, why not wait until am discharge from the hospital, who will walk you down the aisle hmm".

Olivia felt a pang of guilt for not being completely honest. But she knew that the truth would only bring more pain and worry to the woman who had sacrificed so much for her."Grandma, it's just a court marriage you still have all the time to plan the wedding when the time comes" Olivia muttered, "just do what you want so far you are happy" grandma lucy gave in but she was still evidently worried and upset.

As the wedding date approached, Olivia's sense of responsibility battled with her dreams and aspirations. She felt like she was walking on a tightrope, torn between the commitment she had made and the longing for a different life, one filled with love and genuine connection.

The day of the marriage registry arrived, and Olivia stood in front of the mirror, her reflection in the bridal gown a poignant reminder of the path she had chosen. She felt like she was walking toward her destiny, a destiny she had accepted but had not entirely embraced.

Walking down from the car to the courtroom where the marriage was been officiated Olivia's eyes met Alexander's, his pride and arrogance evident even from a distance. As they exchanged vows, Olivia's heart felt heavy, as if she was making a pact with a stranger. She forced a smile, her thoughts a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions.

After signing the marriage at the register, Olivia and Alexander drove to the reception venue.

The reception was a lavish affair, the grandeur of the venue matching the grandiosity of the event. Olivia found herself dancing with Alexander, his touch is calculated and distant. Their steps were measured, lacking the natural rhythm of a couple in love. Olivia couldn't help but be acutely aware of the fact that this was a performance, a show put on for the benefit of others.

As the night progressed, Olivia's thoughts drifted to her grandmother, who was unable to attend due to her health. She wished Grandma Lucy could be there, that she could witness her getting married even though she knew it was only just on paper, a loveless marriage. But as Olivia twirled on the dance floor, she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was missing out on her own life, that her dreams were slipping away like sand through her fingers.

As the celebration came to an end and the guests began to depart, Olivia stood by the window, gazing out at the city lights. The weight of her decision settled over her like a heavy load. She knew that the days ahead would be a test of her resilience, her strength, and her determination to honor the commitment she had made.

With a deep breath, Olivia turned away from the window, her heart steadying itself. She was determined to make the best of the situation, to find her path within the constraints of the contract. As she left the venue, she knew that her journey had only just begun, and she was ready to face the challenges and complexities that awaited her.