
Bound by paper hearts:the marriage contract

In the city of Willowbrook, Olivia's life is a canvas painted with sorrow. Orphaned at a young age, she finds solace and purpose in caring for her ailing grandmother, Grandma Lucy. Olivia's dreams of a fairy-tale romance and a love-filled marriage stand in stark contrast to the harsh reality that has defined her existence. Balancing her aspirations with a deep sense of responsibility, Olivia grapples with an agonizing choice. With Grandma Lucy's life hanging in the balance, Olivia agrees to an unconventional marriage contract proposed by Alexander, a domineering billionaire. As the deadline approaches, her dreams of love and a blissful marriage fade in the shadow of Grandma Lucy's desperate need for medical treatment. In the face of adversity, Olivia's determination to save her grandmother becomes a driving force. Despite her internal struggle, she accepts the marriage proposal, hoping to secure a future for her beloved relative. As Olivia steps into the world of Alexander's opulence, his authoritative demeanor hides a kind heart and a hidden world of emotions. The journey ahead is a collision of Olivia's dreams and the harshness of reality. With Grandma Lucy's life at stake, Olivia's desperation to save her takes precedence over her own desires. As the contract binds them together, a question lingers: Can love truly emerge from the seeds of necessity? Olivia's path is one of sacrifice, where dreams and reality intertwine, leading to a twist of fate that could change everything.

Igwe_Okechukwu · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Five: Tangled Beginnings

The initial days of Olivia and Alexander's contract marriage were marked by an uncomfortable and awkward coexistence. Their interactions were stilted, conversations felt forced, and their proximity was a constant reminder of the arrangement they had entered into.

Olivia moved into Alexander's luxurious mansion, a stark contrast to her modest apartment. The opulence of the space was overwhelming, and she found herself feeling like a stranger in her surroundings. The housekeeper, Maria, welcomed her warmly and guided her through the intricacies of the mansion, but the emptiness she felt was palpable.

On the first night, Maria led her to a room upstairs which was adjacent to Alexander, the room was very spacious more than even the whole apartment she shared with her grandmother.

The bed was a very big king size that can contain five people decorated with different flowery designs, Olivia wondered how only she can be sleeping on this bed, it would have been good if someone was sleeping next to her, thinking of which her thoughts drifted out to Alexander, "what are my thinking of", Olivia scorned herself.

The room decoration and paintings were very spectacular and very luxurious, a fortune must have been spent in setting up this place she muttered, while also commending the interior decorator and designers.

Olivia walked to the bathroom door and opened it, she was greeted with a marveling sight of a big bathtub and other luxurious equipment for the user's convenience.

Everywhere around the mansion and her room smelled of opulence, wealth, and splendor. She could not make a mental calculation of how much money was spent on building such a big and beautiful mansion.

Olivia wondered what kind of wealth Alexander and his family possess for him to be able to live in such a big mansion, own the fleet of cars she saw outside, and also pay for the interior decorations.

Olivia came back to the room and went next to the wardrobe, she opened it and to her amazement, it was filled with different kinds of female clothes, bags, shoes, and jewelry all of the high quality and top brands which she has never seen or heard only some she has seen being advertised on television.

What surprised her the most was that the clothes were all tailored to her size as if her measurement was taken, turning to Maria she asked "Are these clothes for me" She, yes ma'am, everything in here belongs to you", she replied.

Olivia was still astonished "But how come you guys know my clothes size, measurement, and preferences" Olivia questioned further, "Mr. Alexander provided the designers with some of your photos and he also gave brief details of your personality hence all these were made based on that", maria responded smiling.

Olivia was still overwhelmed by everything she has seen and witnessed so far everything was so much in contrast with her humble life, things seem too good to be true she thought.

How she wished things would remain like this forever, but deep down in her heart she told herself she doesn't belong here. She was just there as a contracted wife, one that will end someday.

Turning to Maria Olivia asked "Any person lived here before", no ma'am mr Alexander doesn't entertain female visitors here, and even when there are visitors they use the guest room downstairs", maria replied.

Olivia was unexpectedly happy at the fact that she was the only person who has lived in the room, she still harbors some of her fantasies deep down her heart.

After Maria left Olivia was left all to herself, despite the splendor of the environment she still felt lost, she missed her grandmother, her little apartment, and her childhood friend Helen.

According to Alexander's arrangement, grandma lucy would be discharged tomorrow from the hospital and transferred to the new apartment Alexander rented for her, where she would be taken care of by a home nurse and housekeeper employed by Alexander.

At first, Olivia wanted grandma lucy to move in with her but Alexander objected, he made alternative arrangements for him, and Olivia has no other option than to agree after much assurance from grandma lucy to be alright.

Olivia was a bit uncomfortable despite the luxury provided, this was a new experience for her, she thought Alexander would come to check up on her but he didn't show up, feeling a bit disappointed she slept up slowly after much thinking.

What fate held in store for her was uncertain, the intricacies of life are very unpredictable but most times positive surprises come out of those apprehensions.