
Pregnant at the same time

The girls all go to Anna's room, they wanted her to rest well and also to relax.

Vivian: Anna, please relax as for what should be done we will think later.

Anna: I am ok now you all must relax as well, I have been careless, see I didn't even realise that I have missed my periods for three months now.

There was absolute silence after Anna uttered those words. They all looked at each other stunned.

Looking at their reaction Anna asked, don't tell me that all of you missed your periods. Ah

Annie: shit, it didn't cross my mind as we were busy with work.

Sarah: ah, what kind of fuss did we get into?

Vivian: first let us confirm, we will visit the gynaecologist tomorrow and we can check there.

All the girls agreed and retired to their rooms after dinner, there was silence at the table the four girls were stressed and confused as they didn't know how to convey the news to the guys and how would they react.