
Tailing Oliver

Even though Edward asked not to force Oliver to give their answers, Duke had an eye on him he knew how close Vivian and Annie are to him. He knew if he could tail Oliver he could get the information about the girls, and he was right.

On the other side, the girls were nearing the labor period only a week away from delivery.

Vivian POV,

I miss you, Edward I wanted you to be with me and accompany me to welcome our baby. These days she felt very emotional she wanted to meet him, and also to let him know about the pregnancy, but she was worried for others.

Annie: Vivian why do you look sad?

Vivian: I think hormonal changes, I wanted to meet Edward and I wanted him to accompany me at the time of welcoming our child.

Annie: Why don't you call him then?

Vivian: Looked stunned and asked aren't you worried that the other guys would find you all.