
Bound by Destiny

Even though the men generously agreed not to search for them and also give them some time, was worried as hell for their safety. They secretly sent their men's to search for them, but it was of no use.

On the other hand, the girls settled down in Milan, Italy. With the help of their parents and their own efforts, they established a small company named Captivate creations.

It's been six months since the girls left C country and started their new life.

Stephen leng and Mary Leng knew about Anna and they had come to visit her in Milan.

Anna: Mom, I hope you keep your promise and just keep it a secret from Duke.

Mary Leng: glared at her daughter and yelled I know what I have promised now just don't take the stress it is not good for your current situation.

Anna: Sorry mom, but I don't want to put my friends on spot, You know how it is?

Mary: yes, I understand and now can you please relax and rest for a while.

Anna: I am fine mom, you too rest.