
Chapter 2 I'm Your Brother

"What are you doing? Come back quickly!"

Hearing the doctor's words, Jill made a gesture of "shush" to the doctor, and then slowly walked towards Trank.

The distance between the two people was quickly closed. Seeing that she was about to touch Trank, he suddenly turned around and stared at her fiercely.

Before Trank could move, Michelle, Jill leaned over and held him, just as her mother had comforted her before. She gently stroked his face and said, "Honey, it's all right, my little angel."

All of a sudden, the people in the room were too shocked to say anything.

The delicate fragrance of the young girl floated over. The movements of Trank froze as if he had seen the time when his mother hadn't died.

When he was a child, his mother always comforted him like this. Only his mother dared to open her arms to hug him when he lost control.

"Honey, it doesn't hurt anymore. We'll be fine soon..."

The noise around his ears all disappeared, leaving only the gentle comfort of the girl, and she hummed an unknown tune.

When she felt that the emotions of the Trank had calmed down, she looked up at him and asked, "Sir, is it my mother who asked you to take care of me? Are you my family?"

Doctor Depp was stunned.

When Trank was out of control, the girl not only dared to approach him but also dared to say these words to him!

Looking into her clear eyes, there was no fear or disgust, but only full of dependence and expectation.

His heart was thumped.

It was like his instinct to survive before drowning. He held the girl tightly in front of him, and his hoarse voice was tired and trembling imperceptibly. "Yes, I am your brother."

Finally, someone in the world needed him.

Four years had passed.

In a manor in the suburb of N City, Jill wore a vest and shorts. She laughed at the big man more than 1.8-meter meters in front of her and said, "I won't show mercy!"


As soon as the referee gave the order, Jill rushed to the strong man in front of her.

In contrast, she was extremely petite, and her head was not even as big as the palm of a strong man. However, her movements were very flexible. In addition, she had been personally trained by Trank for so many years, and there were few people who could match her in fighting.

As expected, the strong man was tripped over by her agilely in a few minutes. Jill kicked his thigh skillfully. The strong man held his leg in pain and could no longer stand up.

She returned to her original position with a smile. Her high ponytail swayed with her movements, and sweat was flowing on her fair face.

The scar on her face was almost invisible.

"No, no, I surrender."

Jill had learned the acupoints passed down from the State of Hua from Trank. Just now, she kicked the strong man so hard that he felt numb all over. Lying on the ground, he waved his hands in surrender, looking painful.

At this time, Trank was standing on the balcony of the second floor and looking at them.

His face darkened and he beckoned butler to come over, "Bring miss here."

"I see, sir."

Butler replied respectfully. He went to the garden and informed Jill, "Miss, sir asked you to go there."

"Has brother come back?"

Jill's beautiful eyes lit up and immediately rushed upstairs.

Thinking of the man who appeared in her life like God when she was most desperate and helpless, she was extremely happy and wanted to see him right away.

She had no choice but to wait in the manor for the sake of his busy work at ordinary times.

"Brother Trank, you're back!"

Jill hugged the man who was standing on the balcony. The usual smell of Cologne came to her, which was her most familiar smell, giving her a sense of security that no one could compare.

Her heart was full of sweetness.

She raised her head and saw the man's cold eyes.

Jill was confused, "What's wrong with him?"

"Have you finished your exam?" There was still a hint of anger in the low voice of Trank.

As soon as Jill heard this, she knew that something bad was going to happen. She wanted to run away in horror.

"Where do you want to go?"

Trank strode forward and grabbed her hand.

Jill lowered her head and dared not speak. She had seen butler take out the report from her room.

There was a conspicuous "E" in each subject, and none of them passed the examination.

"Brother, I don't want to go anywhere."

Jill smiled awkwardly and quietly looked at butler with a pitiful expression.

Butler Kevin standing aside, said he had no choice.

"Jill, you are getting bolder and bolder. Every time the teacher calls to report your grades, you let butler go. I think it's not the first time you have got such a result, right?"

The voice of Trank was cold and calm.

Anyone who was familiar with him knew that this was the sign of the anger of Trank.

Jill trembled and quickly acted like a spoiled child. "No, brother, I didn't mean to hide it from you. I just worried that you were too busy with your work and didn't want to disturb you."

She knew that Trank was a man who could be persuaded by reason but not is cowed by force. Every time she acted like a spoiled child, she would always bring the matter to the past.

This time, there was no exception.

The expression on the face of Trank eased a little, but his eyes were still sharp. "Why don't you study hard?"

Study hard?

This was a hard time for Jill. She had a strong memory and almost mastered everything taught by the teacher, but she really didn't want to sit in the classroom every day. It would be very boring!

She didn't dare to speak out her true feelings, so she quickly found a new excuse for herself. "I don't like studying because of you."

"Blame me?"

Sitting on the chair, Trank was reading her report.

"Yes, you always don't come back. Is there anyone urging me to learn? The bodyguards around me are busy with training."

Jill felt wronged, completely forgetting how happy she was when fighting with the bodyguards just now.

Butler Kevin also said at this time, "Yes, sir. Life in the manor is too leisurely, which is not good for her study. If she can go downtown, the situation may be better."

Trank was in silence.

The reason why he let Jill stay in the manor was that there was much internal strife in the Hughes family. If he wanted to protect her well, he would never let her get involved.

But in the past few years, he had gradually taken control of the Hughes family. There was indeed no need for him to keep Jill in the countryside.

"Go get changed. I'll take you to the Hughes family."

Jill's eyes suddenly lit up. She knew that Trank was not going to blame her grades, but was willing to take her back.

She immediately agreed and went to her room to change her clothes.

That afternoon, they arrived at the villa of the Hughes family.

Jill followed Trank. They got out of the car and a servant standing at the door greeted them.

"Young master, Mr. Rogge is waiting for you."

As the servant spoke, her eyes fell on Jill.

When they entered the hall, they found that there were already several people sitting in the hall. It was Trank.

Trank and Jill had greeted the people present.

Jill raised her head and saw a dignified old man sitting on the sofa. he was also more than 60 years old, without any expression on his face.

"Trank, come with me."

The old man ignored Jill and went upstairs.

"I know, Grandpa," Trank answered. He turned around and said to Jill," wait for me here. Don't run around."
