
Chapter 3 Be My Girlfriend

No wonder this old man looked a little similar to the Trank. It turned out to be his grandfather.

Hearing the words of the Trank, Jill nodded in agreement and watched him follow the old man to the second floor.

In the study, Mr. Rogge asked seriously, "Is this the child you raised outside?"

"Yes, I came back this time to let my family admit Jill."

"No way!"

The old man refused immediately. "The origin of this child is unknown. The Hughes family won't accept such a person!"

"Why? I've been living with Jill for four years. She's my sister. Why can't the Hughes family accept her?" Trank asked.

"I don't think anyone can use the surname of the Hughes family!"

The atmosphere suddenly became depressing.

Hearing that, the expression on the face of Trank became colder.

Jill didn't know what they were talking about in the study.

The servant led her to the garden and she was sitting on a chair, lost in thought.

"Are you the girl who still wants to be the daughter of the Hughes family?"

A mocking voice interrupted her thoughts. When Jill turned around, she saw a beautiful young man sitting on a tree and looking down at her.

Hearing that, Jill was stunned for a while. Soon she remembered that she had been told by Trank that he had a brother. His elder brother had a son, Daniel.

When Daniel saw Jill, he remembered what his father had told him the other day.

If the wild girl brought back by Trank became the daughter of the Hughes family, she would also enjoy the right of inheritance, and girls were the most pleasing. They would often act like spoiled children in front of the old man, and the old man might give her more inheritance.

He jumped down from the tree. "You're just a wild girl. How dare you want to become a member of the Hughes family? Why don't you let God give you an extra meal?"

Jill pulled a long face. She remembered that Trank had told her before that she couldn't cause any trouble in the Hughes family.

She endured the anger in her heart, turned around, and walked into the room.

Seeing this, Daniel stepped forward and stopped her. He looked at her with disdain and said, "Well, I think you are a beautiful girl. I will give you a chance to be my girlfriend. It's a good chance for you."

Then he reached out to pull her.

Jill stepped back. She didn't want to make trouble here, but this person had gone too far!

"No way!" She grabbed Daniel's hand and pulled it back ninety percent off.

"Ah!" Daniel cried out in pain. His arm was loosened and drooped. Apparently, it was dislocated.

The noise in the garden soon attracted the people in the room. Several servants screamed and came over, followed by an elegant old woman. She was the old lady of the Hughes family, and also the grandmother of Daniel.

"Daniel, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that the injured person was Daniel, Mrs. Hughes quickly walked over and hugged Daniel. She said angrily, "Go and find Iris. Hurry up!"

The family doctor of the Hughes family arrived soon and helped Daniel get the dislocated part back.

Seeing her grandson sweating with pain, Mrs. Hughes felt so sorry for him. She turned around and stared at Jill and said, "Did you do it?"

With a straight face, Jill retorted, "He provoked me first."

"Nonsense!" Mrs. Hughes scolded, "Why did Daniel offend a wild girl like you for no reason? But you, an uneducated wild girl, always like to make trouble!"

Knowing that the people of the Hughes family would help their relatives, Jill didn't say anything but stood there coldly.

"What happened?"

The low voice of Trank came from outside the crowd.

Seeing that the Trank finally arrived, the tensed body of Jill immediately softened. She looked at him with slightly red eyes, full of grievance.

She didn't need to be afraid of anything as long as her brother was there.

"It's him who came to provoke me first. He also said something unpleasant, so I hit him."

"I don't believe it!" Mrs. Hughes snorted, "No matter what happened, you just slapped Daniel! A wild girl like you doesn't have the right to step into my Hughes family. I tell you, I have to hold you accountable!"

"Grandma, it must be not simple." Standing in front of Jill, Trank said coldly, "Jill will never take the initiative to hit anyone unless someone goes too far."

Trank knew what kind of person Daniel was. Besides, he knew more about Jill.

Hearing the words of Mrs. Hughes, he cast a cold glance at Daniel.

Daniel's face turned pale with fear and shrank in his grandma's arms.

Seeing what he was doing, Terry, Trank immediately knew what was going on. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Daniel, apologize to Jill right now."

"What are you talking about, Trank? It's Daniel who was injured. How could you ask him to apologize to this wild girl?" Mrs. Hughes was furious.

Jill was protected by Trank. Hearing his words, the last panic in her heart disappeared completely.

She reached out and pulled the sleeve of Trank and said in a low voice, "Let's forget it, brother."

It was not a big deal. She didn't want to cause any trouble to Trank.

"Apologize. I'll say it again." Obviously, it was not the plan of the Trank Wright.

Looking at his sharp eyes, the Trank Mrs. Hughes frowned but didn't say anything.

Trank was a child that the Hughes family didn't want to admit. But recently, his madness gradually healed. With his decisive means, he quickly controlled more than half of the power of the Hughes family.

Now in the whole family, no one dared to provoke him.

Daniel could not bear the gaze of Trank. He lowered his head in horror and apologized, "Uncle Trank, it's all my fault. I'm sorry."

"I don't want to see such a thing again."

Trank's eyes swept over their faces. Seeing that they no longer refuted, he left with Jill.

He came back this time because he wanted to let the people of the Hughes family recognize the existence of Jill, and then lived at home. But seeing today's situation, he'd better take Jill back to his apartment.

On the way, Jill followed him quietly. However, as long as she thought of the way that Trank stood up for her, she felt sweet in her heart.

"Why are you laughing alone? Do you still feel happy after making trouble?"

Hearing that, Trank turned around and patted her on the head.

"Nothing like that." Jill covered her forehead and followed him into the apartment.

The servant immediately took over the coat of the Trank gave him slippers.

The apartment was not very big, but the environment was very good. The inner decoration was the favorite style of the Trank. As soon as Jill looked at it, she immediately liked it.

Although it was still daytime, there was a nanny in the apartment, which made people feel cold.

I guess only Trank lived here before?

But it didn't matter. She would be with him in the future! Thinking that she could live here soon, Jill floated in the air.

"I have asked Kevin to arrange the transfer procedure for you. You will go to school tomorrow.


Hearing the words of Trank, Jill was stunned for a moment. "I... am I going to the new school so soon?"