
Boss, please be self-possessed

At first sight, Min Jiangxi was a tutor for the interview, but QinZhan mistook it for a woman who threw herself into her arms. He asked, "how much is it?" She replied, "two thousand an hour." "After sleep?" "Pre tax." "It's very cheap. I'll pay for it!" From then on, she was the teacher of children during the day and the shield of the black faced king of hell at night.

DaoistflOfXJ · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 9: There are obstacles everywhere

"Pioneer" is an educational institution that has risen rapidly in the first tier cities in recent years and is highly sought after by the rich. The industry calls it a "talent concentration camp", while the outside world jokingly calls it a "money burning base camp", accusing it of hating the poor and loving the rich.

Although the evaluate vary greatly, no one can deny the outstanding performance of 'Pioneer' in the education industry' "Pioneer" mainly serves students facing the college entrance examination, and promises to ensure that they can enter a satisfactory college at the latest one year regardless of their foundation.

It has been established for three years, and its promises have been fully fulfilled, which has attracted a large number of aspiring rich people to queue up with money to make appointments. When ordinary people are still spending a lot of time fighting for an uncertain future, some people have already taken money to buy a bright future.

At more than 8 a.m., min Jiangxi appeared in the most luxurious area of the CBD, bought breakfast and milk, and set aside time to compete with dozens of hundreds of people for the elevator. When he came to the company, she was still more than ten minutes away from the official work.

The usual morning is always the most boring time. Even those who arrive early also sit in their seats, or make up in front of the mirror. It is as quiet as an experimental class near the college entrance examination. However, today's situation is very special. As soon as min Jiangxi pushed the door, she saw a group of people gathered together. It seems that something big has happened.

Someone was facing the door. Seeing min Jiangxi, he could not help saying, "Hey, here you are."

Minjiangxi was dazed, especially when everyone looked at her. She said slowly, "what's the matter?"

Miao Yun said, "don't you know that sunzhiwei has an accident?"

Min Jiangxi's light surprise at the bottom of her eyes flashed away, and then said without changing her face, "I don't know. What happened to him?"

"It was revealed on the Internet that he was spending too much time in a nightclub. He was so crazy that he took off his underwear. His wife went to pick him up in person."

"It's a big shame this time. At least there are more than a hundred people in the company."

"It's OK to lose face outside. I heard that her wife is not a fuel-efficient lamp. "

Everyone was full of ridicule. Min Jiangxi asked, "when did it happen?"

Someone said: "the night before yesterday."

The night before last? That was the night she met sunzhiwei at DK. He was beaten by Qin Zhan. How could it be... ? It happened after she left?

Sunzhiwei was beaten into a bloody gourd at that time. Even if he wanted to spend a lot of time drinking, she was afraid that he was powerless. That could only be deliberately arranged by the man.

Minjiangxi quickly straightened out her thoughts. She couldn't tell what it was like at the bottom of her heart. Seeing her silence, Miao Yun said, "isn't sunzhiwei your customer?"

Minjiangxi quietly replied, "I went to meet him, but it didn't work."

Miao Yun suddenly smiled and said sarcastically, "you have been here for a month. It seems that none of them have been successed."

Minjiangxi didn't make a sound, and the people looked different face. Miao Yun quickly said, "ah, I don't mean anything else. I just don't understand whether you are looking for a job or a boyfriend. Why are you too high an eye for them?"

She deliberately teased min Jiangxi and made it clear that she would not be able to stand down. Min Jiangxi was not surprised by this sudden attack. Who made her a 'airborne force', which not only provoked the second boss, but also made the lower group of colleagues jealous.

Before minjiangxi could reply, she suddenly heard a familiar male voice behind her: "she can't lack a boyfriend. How many people are lining up here."

When Min Jiang looked sideways, she saw the extraordinarily handsome face of Lu Yuchi.

Miaoyun looked at Lu Yuchi and said with a smile, "here comes the handsome guy."

Lu Yuchi looked at his watch and replied with a smile: "just when it's time to go to work, just call me Mr. Lu. Otherwise, people will mistakenly think it's office harassment."

Miao Yun raised her eyebrows. "Then your threshold for harassment is really low."

Lu Yuchi said, "all honest person are like this. I don't know what the heart of those who chat about others all day is."

He made a pun about this. He mainly implied that Miao Yun was always picking on Min Jiangxi. How could Miao Yun not hear it? Her face immediately changed. She just took a breath to refute it. Finally, she saw Hermanyi coming towards the glass door. She hold back and turned to her seat.

The rest of them all went back to their seats. Min Jiangxi and Lu Yuchi looked around and shouted, "Miss He."

She look steadily forward and didn't say hello. She went straight to the office.

Lu Yuchi is a d-level tutor and min Jiangxi is a B-level tutor. They are not in the same work area. Before they leave, min Jiangxi hands him breakfast. As soon as he returns to his office, Lu Yuchi's message comes.

"Miao is picking on you again. Why are you get used to her?"

Minjiangxi replied, "There are such clowns everywhere. Let her hop for a while. Anyway, I can't get angry."

Lu Yuchi said, "these people don't know that you have passed the interview with the Qin family. Now I suddenly want to hit them in the face with Qin Zhan. Aren't the local people in Shenzhen city afraid of Qin Zhan?" Withing a nose picking expression bag.

Min Jiangxi said, "there is still a probation period after the interview. Don't talk too full and laugh too early. I won't fight unprepared battles."

Lu Yuchi said, "one probation period is enough to scare them to death... Which one did you buy your sandwich from?"

"The shop you like are too much people. I bought it casually. What's the matter?"

"By the side of the road?"

Minjiangxi couldn't help but be happy. "Don't be so angry early in the morning, young man. "

After chatting a few words, they were busy with their own business. Minjiangxi was preparing the courseware for today's visit. An hour passed. A colleague came to her and said, "Mr. He asked you to go there."

Minjiangxi gets up and walks to the office. Her colleagues don't pay attention on the surface. In fact, they are talking privately. Is there nearly ten 'chargeback' quota? If she is full, she must be dismissed according to the company's regulations, and even the big boss can't keep her.

Standing at the door of the office, min Jiangxi knocked several times. A woman's voice came from the door, "come in."

Min Jiangxi pushed the door in and said with his normal face, "Miss He, you are looking for me."

There are many folders piled on the desk in front of hermanyi. She seems very busy. She doesn't look up and says, "wait a minute."

She didn't ask min Jiangxi to sit down. Min Jiangxi stood at her desk and wait. More than ten minutes later, hermanyi didn't say a word. Min Jiangxi knew clear that there was punished standing.

Raising his wrist, min Jiangxi looked at the time, and He Manyi said, "in a hurry?"

Min Jiangxi said, "No."

Hermanyi's voice was lukewarm. "Yes, you haven't talked about any orders this month, and you don't have to see customers."

After that, she raised her head and stared at Min Jiangxi with an expressionless face. She said, "it's already the ninth one. Ding Ke told me to take good care of you before he went on a business trip. I introduced you to top-level resources. How many people are jealous of big customers who can't come? "

"Min Jiangxi, the first place to speak is by strength. Your performance not only disappoints me, but also makes it difficult for your senior brother." After a pause, hermanyi seemed to make a decision, "Someone is watching your jokes outside, and I don't want to embarrass you. I have a friend who works as an educational institution in Shenzhen. If you like, I'll introduce you to them."

As soon as the voice was over, someone knocked on the door of the office room. The receptionist pushed the door open and said, "Miss. He, there are guests coming to sign a contract. They are waiting in the reception room."

Minjiangxi glimpses the expression on the receptionist's face. She doesn't know if she thinks too much. She saw a strong excitement in her eyes. What's the excitement? It's not that she haven't seen the signing.