
Boss, please be self-possessed

At first sight, Min Jiangxi was a tutor for the interview, but QinZhan mistook it for a woman who threw herself into her arms. He asked, "how much is it?" She replied, "two thousand an hour." "After sleep?" "Pre tax." "It's very cheap. I'll pay for it!" From then on, she was the teacher of children during the day and the shield of the black faced king of hell at night.

DaoistflOfXJ · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 10: His temper is soft and hard

What was the excitement of the reception? Min Jiangxi found out the reason after one minute and two seconds. When she opened the door of the reception room and saw hermanyi looking at her with a blurred shock and uneasiness, she knew it was something wrong. She quickly glanced at the person sitting in front of hermanyi. The sofa covered most of the body, leaving only half of the man's neck and back of his head.

But these are enough. Min Jiangxi has recognized who it is.

When she walked around the sofa to the front, min Jiangxi looked at the man in a white shirt and black trousers, smiled and nodded, and respectfully shouted, "Mr. Qin."

Qin Zhan didn't lift his eyelids. There was no expression on a handsome face . He didn't answer.

Hermanyi said: "teacher Min, the next time we make a contract with the customer, we should report it to the company as soon as possible..." while talking, she secretly looked Qin Zhan's face. Although he didn't say a word, she was inexplicably trembling, so she added: "don't want the customer to wait like now."

Min Jiangxi said, "I heard that it is necessary to report in advance before signing a formal contract. Is it also necessary to trial contract?"

Hermanyi was angry that Min Jiangxi didn't show any signs of Qin Zhan's. Just now, she deliberately accompanied her in acting in the office, but she didn't expect min Jiangxi to dare to refute back.

She paused for a moment and said without changing her face: "can Mr. Qin compare with ordinary customers? Even for the probation contract, we should provide the most considerate service."

As she said this, she looked at Qin Zhan again and immediately changed her face. She asked kindly, "Mr. Qin, would you like a cup of coffee or juice instead of tea?"

Qin Zhan looks down at his mobile phone and replies, "No."

Hermanyi held her heart in her hands and continued: "then I'll have someone prepare some fruits and snacks for you."

She winked at Min Jiangxi and motioned her to go. In fact, these things were clearly done by other people. Min Jiangxi didn't mind being put on small shoes, but as soon as she lifted her foot, Qin Zhan suddenly said, "I'm looking for a tutor, not a domestic servant."

As soon as he said this, he Manyi's face was as bad-looking. She dared not laugh any more, but she did not dare to angry. She used to dealing with elite leaders from all walks of life. She had seen people who didn't like their words, but had never seen people who spoke so hard.

The scene was awkward for a time, and min Jiangxi didn't make a sound to save it. Lu Yuchi and Cheng Shuang both knew that Min Jiangxi was just a seemingly easy-going person. She could endure hermanyi's repeated provocations, but now someone taught her a lesson, she was so happy.

After a few seconds of silence, he Manyi blushed and said, "ha, Mr. Qin is so humorous."

Qin Zhan picked his eyelids and looked at hermanyi without blinking. Hermanyi immediately felt that her body was trapped by invisible forces. She dared not move, and her smile became stiff inch by inch.

Just when min Jiangxi thought Qin Zhan was just looking, he asked hermanyi with a straight face in front of a third person, "can't you even tell whether serious or joking?"

Although the atmosphere was so tense that it was suffocating, min Jiangxi didn't know which tendon was wrong. She wanted to laugh. She bowed her head deeply and forbeared.

Hermanyi did not dare to look Qin Zhan in the eye. Just as she was burning with anxiety, someone knocked at the door and brought the prepared contract in.

The contract was made in duplicate, and min Jiangxi and Qin Zhan were signed together. He Manyi dared not say a word more. Afterwards, she respectfully took the person to the elevator entrance, watched the elevator door close, and the smile on her face slowly faded away.

In the elevator, min Jiangxi was carrying a file bag with both hands in front of her. The silver elevator wall reflected her upright and good posture. She made sure that her expression was natural, but Qin Zhan, who was standing a step in front of her, suddenly said, "laugh if you want."

At a loss, she looked at Qin Zhan's face through the elevator wall, but saw that he was also looking at her from the mirror like elevator wall, with opposite eyes. Min Jiangxi thought that she had just laughed in the office, and she should not have shown it. How did he know?

Qin Zhan seemed to see through what she was thinking and said, "I helped you again."

Min Jiangxi blinked gently, nodded and said, "thank you, Mr. Qin."

What else could she say? She could not say that he knew exactly what others were thinking. It was very frightening.

Qin Zhan said lukewarm: "Thanks should be kept in mind. Don't just put it on your mouth. Most importantly, gratitude should be put into action."

Minjiangxi wondered why Qin Zhan's sudden remind from. She soon figured it out and said, "don't worry, you are my first customer in Shenzhen city. I will go all out."

She had to pat her chest to show her loyalty. She would treat Qin Jiading as if she were her own. She was afraid he would say she took advantage of her.

The elevator goes directly to the underground garage. Qin zhan drives a dark gray Lamborghini urus. Min Jiangxi is afraid that he has requirements for seats. Before getting on the bus, she specially asked: "can I sit in the back?"

Qin Zhan said, "take the co driver."

Min Jiangxi obediently opened the front passenger door and fastened her seat belt. She knew that Qin Zhan was not easy to talk about. Besides, they had nothing to talk about. When the car reached the ground, she opened the file bag and took out the prepared materials to read.

The sun is blazing outside the car. In Shenzhen city in July, the temperature is often 38 degrees. The car is equipped with a 22 degree cold air conditioner. It drives smoothly and feels comfortable like sitting in an office.

Minjiangxi looked at the materials carefully, and her mind was full of how to take the first step. Unexpectedly, the car that was always running at a constant speed suddenly braked. She was caught off guard, and her body was leaning forward. The materials in her hands did not fall, but the file bag on her leg slipped to her feet.

Looking up in panic, she saw a bright red Ferrari less than two meters ahead. The four exhaust pipes at the rear of the car were emitting white smoke, and the engine was buzzing. It was an inexplicable sense of clamor.

The red light turned green in the last three seconds, and there was no time to respond. Ferrari took the lead in accelerating. Qin Zhan stepped on the accelerator with an expressionless face, and the speed was the same as before, as if it had not been affected. Just when min Jiangxi thought that what had just happened was an accident, the red sports car in front slowed down again. It deliberately blocked Qin Zhan's road. Qin Zhan had to change the road when he turned on the left turn light, and Ferrari also turned on the left turn light.

Minjiangxi looked at Qin Zhan's face and caught a glimpse of him sipping his good-looking lips, still unable to distinguish between joy and anger. She thought that the outside world had told her that he was domineering and domineering. She thought that his temper must be on fire. Unexpectedly, he was not angry at all. This is worth learning from.

The red sports car ran two blocks under the black urus, and then came across a red light. This time, only one red car and one black car rushed across the zebra crossing. Min Jiangxi wanted to say that he would stop and call the police. Qin Zhan suddenly accelerated, and the dial suddenly soared from 60 to over 100. The distance between the two cars was not big. He just went to the other party's ass.

There was a bang. The urus hit the rear of the sports car. It not only hit, but also drove forward against the other side, driving for tens of meters, and then suddenly slowed down. Min Jiangxi was so scared that she forgot to breathe, holding the paper in her hand.