
Boss, please be self-possessed

At first sight, Min Jiangxi was a tutor for the interview, but QinZhan mistook it for a woman who threw herself into her arms. He asked, "how much is it?" She replied, "two thousand an hour." "After sleep?" "Pre tax." "It's very cheap. I'll pay for it!" From then on, she was the teacher of children during the day and the shield of the black faced king of hell at night.

DaoistflOfXJ · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 8: You have to rely on your ability to take advantage

Qin Zhan was standing nearby smoking alone.

Cheng Shuang is afraid of him, and her face changes. Min Jiangxi winks at her and instructs her to go first. Cheng Shuang winks nervously. Min Jiangxi responds. Finally, Cheng Shuang takes the first step.

After looking at Qin Zhan's silhouette, min Jiangxi whispered, stepped forward, stood two steps away from him, and shouted politely as usual: "Mr. Qin."

Qin Zhan spits out a cloud of white smoke and looks away. She doesn't know whether he is happy or angry. He says lukewarm: "people who can come here should do well. I'd like you to play it in front of me. It seems that your friend runs a swindler company."

He said the sharpest words in the lightest tone. Min Jiangxi didn't think she could hide it, but she didn't expect Qin Zhan to say it so openly.

For this reason, she had to stand at attention and be beaten. "I'm sorry, Mr. Qin. My friend opened a new company, but the insiders didn't recognize her, and bullied her as a girl. I had to 'rely on others' to take advantage. But she is really capable. I believe she will do a good job in the company."

Qin Zhan glanced at Min Jiangxi and asked with a dark look, "Do her company has something to do with me?"

After that, without waiting for her answer, his eyes were slightly cold, and he said in a dangerous tone: "everyone in this world has it. For the first time, you dare to make an idea on me. Do you think I'm stupid, or do you think can take advantage of my advantage?"

Minjiangxi felt oppressive. Facing Qin Zhan's question, she wanted to apologize, but it was useless. She had to reply without blinking: "I really shouldn't be smart in front of smart people. Sorry doesn't mean much to you. If you are really angry, you can invalidate yesterday's oral agreement. I promise I won't take advantage of you under your guise in the future."

Qin Zhan didn't change his complexion and was unmoved. Originally, he thought min Jiangxi's words were all there. Unexpectedly, she added: "of course, you can give me some time to make compensation in my field. I believe the result will always be more convincing than language."

Qin Zhan look away, took a cigarette and said, "I hate being taken advantage of by strangers. I've always been generous to one of us. I'll give you a chance. If you do well, we'll be our own people. I'll cover you even if you run amok, but if you don't do well..."

He looked sideways at Min Jiangxi again. At first glance, his black pupil was silent, but when he looked at it, it was heavy danger and indifference. His lips were open. His voice was low and his speed was very slow. And said: "I will get more serious."

Minjiangxi looked at her quietly. In fact, the alarm rang loudly in her heart. She suddenly thought of the message Qin Zhan sent her last night when she was in the car. It was only the two of them who knew about Lu Yuchi pretend to policeman, but Qin Zhan know it too.

She was not sure when Qin Zhan knew about it, whether he only checked Lu Yuchi, or whether, as rumored, there could be no "suspicious" people within a kilometer radius of Qin Zhan, for fear of plotting against him.

Whether by chance or as expected, the more contact with Qin Zhan, the more minjiangxi felt that the rumors were true. No wonder Cheng shuang felt like a great enemy when she heard his name.

For a short time, min Jiangxi quickly forced herself to calm down and respond: "thank you Mr. Qin for giving me the opportunity. I will try to be 'my own person'."

Qin Zhan took his last puff of smoke, put out the cigarette end in the smoke extinguisher beside him, and said faintly: "tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock."

Min Jiangxi nodded, "OK."

Both of them were facing to one side, with their backs to the corridor. Min Jiangxi paid full attention to Qin Zhan, and didn't notice when someone approached behind him. Until Qin Zhan suddenly turned his head, she looked back along his line of sight, and saw a bright woman in a red dress standing not far away.

The woman wore exquisite makeup on her face. After taking off her eyeliner, she knew that she was young and almost the same as min Jiangxi. She looked at Min Jiangxi, then smiled and said to Qin Zhan: "I've been looking for you for a long time, you hid here and whispered to people... Is it bother you?"

A woman looks at a woman. There is no need for a sixth sense. Minjiangxi doesn't want to carry the blame. She says to Qin Zhan, "Mr. Qin, I'll go first."

When she walked forward and brushed past the woman, she clearly saw that there was a flash of unhappiness, even murderous, in the other party's kind of unsmiling arrogance.

When min Jiangxi walked away, the woman walked slowly to Qin Zhan with her shoulders in her arms. Her eyebrows and eyes revealed slight unhappiness, and her tone was also three points angry and three points disrespectful. "Is it so low for you to be your own person now?"

Qin Zhan was expressionless and walked forward as if there were no one else. The woman followed him and said sarcastically: "you are really generous to 'your own people', but some people are too clear about their desire. In this moment, do you think there are 20 or 30 business cards from strange man?"

She deliberately blurs the subject. In fact, min Jiangxi didn't take anyone's business card, but Cheng Shuang took it.

Qin Zhan didn't even turn his head. He said in a natural tone, "I let her do."

The woman didn't expect it. She sneered and said, "what's the situation?"

Qin Zhan stopped walking and looked sideways at the woman in front of him. His handsome face was full of estrangement and meddling. His mouth was open and his voice was even colder. "Take care of yourself. My people don't need others to gossip. If they don't know, they think you are my somebody."


As soon as min Jiangxi came out, she called Cheng Shuang. Cheng Shuang answered soon. The two met soon. Cheng Shuang was so worried that she repeatedly asked, "what did he say? Did he embarrass you?"

"I think he's a good man," Min Jiang replied

Cheng Shuang looked at Min Jiangxi with an unbelievable expression and took a half beat to test, "did he... Threaten you?"

Min Jiangxi said, "the most important thing to be a man is to be principled and obey the rules. He is a principled man, and I am ready to abide by his rules."

Hearing this, Cheng Shuang looked puzzled and said subconsciously, "what did you promise him? If he dares to coerce a good man into prostitution, you must not swallow it!"

Minjiangxi replied quietly: "don't watch some soap operas. In real life, no hegemonic president loves me. Only the hegemonic president hired me with a high salary. I studied hard for more than ten years before I came back."

They were not going to stay for a long time at the reception. When they went out, min Jiangxi looked left and right without any trace. Cheng shuang said, "I just saw the senior management of Chu Jinhang company. Chu Jinhang didn't come today."

Minjiangxi subconsciously wanted to deny it, but when it came to her mouth, she acquiesced.