
Boss, please be self-possessed

At first sight, Min Jiangxi was a tutor for the interview, but QinZhan mistook it for a woman who threw herself into her arms. He asked, "how much is it?" She replied, "two thousand an hour." "After sleep?" "Pre tax." "It's very cheap. I'll pay for it!" From then on, she was the teacher of children during the day and the shield of the black faced king of hell at night.

DaoistflOfXJ · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 7: Rely on others to fight

Cheng Shuang was completely muddled until min Jiangxi held her hand, shook it quietly and forcefully, and led her to the sofa.

Originally, dongbolei only reserved a place for min Jiangxi. Seeing Qin Zhan's silence, he was noncommittal, and everyone moved aside without any trace.

Minjiangxi and Cheng Shuang sat in the middle of a group of business leaders, especially minjiangxi. Qin Zhan was beside her. Before Qin Zhan could speak, she poured out a glass of wine and said with a smile on her side: "I haven't had time to thank Mr. Qin for that day. Thank you for your help."

Her voice was not loud, and she seemed to have a low-key intention, but everyone present could hear it clearly. Seeing min Jiangxi's eyes was also a bit more intriguing.

Qin Zhan leaned on the sofa and didn't restrain himself because of the change of the occasion. Just like in the nightclub, he was lazy, took a smoke and said, "What is good thank you?"

Minjiangxi said, "I know what you value most. The future will be long. I will repay you with practical actions." With that, she raised her glass to Qin Zhan and drank it down.

For a while, an outsider couldn't figure out the relationship between Min Jiangxi and Qin Zhan, but he saw that their dialogue was meaningful. Why did a man with a bad reputation help a beautiful woman? This is Sima Zhao's trick. Everyone all knows.

No one dares to gossip about Qin Zhan's private life, but looking at Qin Zhan's attitude towards min Jiangxi, he also tacitly agrees that Cheng Shuang will sit together. Most of the time, Cheng Shuang is also trying to win a smile. A group of people are worried that they can't curry favor with Qin Zhan. At this moment, they see a breakthrough. They should not only carry min Jiangxi, but also Cheng Shuang beside min Jiangxi.

Several people took the initiative to talk to Cheng Shuang. They didn't hand out their business cards before. Now they are also competing for them. Minjiangxi caught a glimpse of a 'Mediterranean' exchanging business cards with Cheng Shuang. She smiled and said to Cheng Shuang, "be careful. Don't give out your room card as a business card."

It was this "Mediterranean" who teased Cheng Shuang before, asking her not to give Qin Zhan a business card but a room card. On the surface, she is joking, but everyone knows what really mean is.

Sure enough, as soon as the "Mediterranean" looked changed, he immediately went to see Qin Zhan's face, but when he saw Qin Zhan's face was expressionless and could not see his happiness or anger, he quickly smiled and said, "I had made a joke with Miss Cheng before. Don't take it personally."

Min Jiang said without changing her color: "joking, don't take it to heart too."

The more beautiful a woman is, the more people will think of such words as snake, scorpion and beauty. Especially when min Jiangxi is pleasant, it only makes people think of the four words "hide a sword in a smile" and can't be provoked. Not only Qin Zhan can't be provoked, but also the people around him can't be provoked.

Qin Zhan obviously didn't plan to stay here all the time to 'share happiness with the people'. After sitting for a while, he stood up and a group of people followed him like the emperor. Everyone said with compliments that they had a chance to have dinner together. Only minjiangxi said honestly: "take your time. See you tomorrow."

Did Qin Zhan meet anyone who wanted to?

Minjiangxi astonished them.

Qin Zhan didn't say anything, but those had already settled down the relationship between him and min Jiangxi. When Qin Zhan left, they greeted each other with smiling faces.

Minjiangxi's leaving Cheng Shuang, some people are willing to be related to Qin Zhan, but can't catch up with min Jiangxi. It's also good to curry favor with her best friend.

Half an hour later, Cheng Shuang pushed open the door of the bathroom and met min Jiangxi, who had been hiding here for a long time.

There was no one else in the bathroom. Cheng Shuang finally asked, "what's the matter with Qin Zhan? No... when did you meet him?"

Although there were no strangers, Cheng Shuang could not help lowering her voice when she mentioned Qin Zhan's name.

Compared with Cheng Shuang, min Jiangxi looked calm and answered every question: "yesterday, he was my new customer."

Cheng stared at Min Jiangxi and said, "are you a tutor for Qin Zhan?"

Min Jiangxi corrected her, "it's for his children."

Cheng Shuang looked terrified. "I've only been abroad for a few days. Why didn't you tell me something so big?"

Min Jiang looked calm. "Qin Zhan is the ninth client sent to me by the second boss. Don't I take it? I have no choice. It's no use telling you. You're so busy."

Cheng Shuang frowned and asked solemnly, "do you know who Qin Zhan is?"

Minjiangxi calmly replied: "it is said that his reputation is not good, but it has nothing to do with me. He pays me and I help. I am a teacher, not a policeman."

Chengshuang was helpless, and said with some bewilderment: "it seems that you don't have a good understanding of reputation."

Minjiangxi joked, "the tongue twister is not bad."

Cheng Shuang hurriedly said, "I'm not kidding you."

She looked expecting too much, clenched her fist and said, "I'm too busy this month. I haven't had time to popularize our local culture in Shenzhen. You don't know 'six sights in Shenzhen'."

Minjiangxi's eyes were slightly pricked. "Don't fool outsiders. There are eight scenes in the Shenzhen city. The lotus flower is early in spring, and there is the brocade of the overseas Chinese town..." she broke her fingers to calculate.

Cheng Shuang turned her eyes and interrupted: "sister, that's Shenzhen in your outsides' eye. As a native of shenzhencity, I tell you that there are only six scenes in deep city now!"

Looking at Cheng Shuang's gnashing of teeth, Min Jiang Ximian applauded. "I'd like to hear the details."

Cheng Shuang whisperes name and surname, "the six sights of the deep city now refer to six people, three gods and three evils. Your dream lover Chu Jinxing is one of the three gods, and your new customer Qin Zhan, coincidentally, is the first of the three evils!"

She deliberately bites "evil" and "first" very hard, just to let min Jiangxi understand the situation. She can't ask for money but life.

As a result, min Jiangxi blinked, her eyes pure and clear, and asked in a low voice, "is Chu Jinhang so famous in Shencheng?"

Cheng Shuang almost fell over and held the lavatory. She solemnly told minjiangxi how dangerous Qin was, but someone only had Chu Jinhang in mind.

Minjiangxi raised her hand and touched the back of Cheng Shuang's head.See coaxed her: "OK, OK, I believe it. Can't I believe it? You are so angry. Do you bring a quick rescue pill?"

Cheng Shuang calmed down and whispered. Min Jiangxi came close to hear what she said.

"You shouldn't have come to help me out just now. Now that you have taken advantage of him, he can't easily let you go. It's over."

Minjiangxi tried to persuade Cheng Shuang everytying is ok.

Someone pushed the door and entered the bathroom. They couldn't whisper any more. They simply walked out. Min Jiangxi walked in front, and Cheng Shuang walked behind., Min Jiangxi suddenly stood still. Cheng Shuang almost bumped into min Jiangxi and was about to ask what happened. Looking up, she was also shocked.