
Boss, please be self-possessed

At first sight, Min Jiangxi was a tutor for the interview, but QinZhan mistook it for a woman who threw herself into her arms. He asked, "how much is it?" She replied, "two thousand an hour." "After sleep?" "Pre tax." "It's very cheap. I'll pay for it!" From then on, she was the teacher of children during the day and the shield of the black faced king of hell at night.

DaoistflOfXJ · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 6: Forced Liangshan

At 7:30 p.m., min Jiangxi and Cheng Shuang appeared in a forest hotel in the suburbs. The two got off one after another. The former had black shirts and black pants and wore a pair of black flat bottomed pointed leather shoes; The latter was dressed in a white one shoulder dress with high heels with eight centimeter thin heel straps.

When Cheng Shuang got out of the car, she naturally stretched out her hand to hold min Jiangxi's arm. They walked forward side by side. She whispered, "hold on me."

Minjiangxi said faintly, "sister, take off your sunglasses. There is bright road ahead."

Cheng Shuang took off her sunglasses and looked casually. It seemed that she just found min Jiangxi was wearing black. She raised his eyebrows and said, "why do you wear like a bodyguard?"

Minjiangxi said, "to set off your boss's identity."

Cheng Shuang cooperatively raised his chin, looked at the front and said, "my father dared to look down on my new company, which is not full moon. When I got the invitation letter from him, he said that I must be disappointed tonight. He advised me to close the door before opening the door. What do you think of him? I'm afraid I'll surpass him suddenly."

Min Jiangxi said expressionless, "it means that my uncle is very strong. He just want his daughter to be valued by father, but he don't want father to be valued by daughter."

The two of them made jokes and walked in. Halfway through the journey, Cheng Shuang stood suddenly, staring at several middle-aged people who were talking and laughing.

Minjiangxi looked and asked strangely, "what's the matter?"

Cheng Shuang said without turning his eyes: "dongbolei, vice president of Sheng group, who wears coffee trousers, is the leader in the cultural and media industry. If I can catch up with him in this field, I will have enough to eat and drink in the future."

Minjiangxi said, "what are you waiting for? Hurry to meet your leader."

The two of them stood by and waited, looking at each other. In fact, they looked like wolves looking for food in the forest. Finally, when the circle of people in front of dongbolei dispersed, Cheng Shuang found the chance, and immediately stepped forward with high heels.

Looking at it from a short distance, minjiangxi could not hear the conversation, but it seemed that the conversation was pretty good. It looks some good news. Finally, someone approached and said something to dongbolei. He left immediately, leaving only his assistant to talk to chengshuang.

Minjiangxi is not sure what dongbolei's attitude is. She simply finds a place to sit down and wait. Before her ass is hot, Cheng Shuang steps back with high heels and roll her eyes. Min Jiangxi gets up to meet her and asks in a low voice, "so fast?"

Cheng Shuang was so angry that she burst into her lungs. "If my father hadn't made repeated orders to persuade me not to make trouble for him again, I would really like to hit him!"

Minjiangxi looked up at dongbolei's assistant. The man was looking at them. Specifically, it was minjiangxi.

Cheng Shuang was so angry that she pulled min Jiangxi's arm and said, "don't pay attention to him."

Minjiangxi looked curious. "Why? Did he have any unreasonable thoughts about you?"

Cheng Shuangyi couldn't help but blurted out, "Shit. He has a crush on you!"

Min Jiangxi's eyes were slightly picked, "me?"

Cheng Shuang murmured, "Everything was very good when the boss was there. As soon as the boss left, he immediately showed its original shape. It's shameless...",

Minjiangxi doesn't care at all. While smoothing her hair, she said half jokingly and half seriously: "don't be angry. Business is off while friendship is on."

Chengshuang glanced at her with lateral head, "do you mean to say I am the one who makes eight refunds a month?"

Cheng Shuang didn't succeed in her first conversation, so she held her breath. They took the elevator upstairs. She soon found dongbolei and sat around on the sofa chatting with a group of industry leaders.

"You are free round now. I will not miss the chance to sell yourself. I'll introduce myself again to them."

Cheng Shuang's personality is turbulent. She just leaves when she says to go. Min Jiangxi was not worried that she would fail until a familiar, nervous figure suddenly appeared in his sight.

The man was taller than 185 and stood out from the crowd. As soon as he appeared, a group of people on the sofa immediately got up to meet him. They have given him the throne. When he turned around and sat down, min Jiangxi saw Qin Zhan's face from a distance.

Cheng shuang came for dongbolei. In addition, there were other senior executives of literary and communication companies around here, and only half of her business cards were handed. Qin Zhan's appearance obviously broke the interactive atmosphere of mutual praise. Everyone looked at Qin Zhan's face and complimented him.

Chengshuang naturally knows exactly what Qin Zhan's position in Shencheng city is, he is beyond she reach. But now she has to give people her business card, or she won't be sensible.

When she came to Qin Zhan, Cheng Shuang handed over her business card with both hands and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Qin, this is Cheng Shuang. Nice to meet you."

Qin Zhan's face was pale. He didn't even look at her. He took a smoke and his eyes there is no other.

Cheng Shuang's face turned red and white, but she still kept a polite smile, took back his business card, nodded, and said softly, "excuse me."

Of course, there will be feelings of embarrassment and loss of face. However, compared with the pressure from Qin Zhanshi, Cheng Shuang wants to escape. However, someone in the audience joked, "is Miss Cheng too impatient to hand over business cards whenever she meets people? Does Qin always accept anyone's business cards?"

Another person continued with a smile: "business cards are not good. You can try changing them into room cards. Maybe you can talk on another occasion."

There was laughter all around. Cheng Shuang took a deep breath, and her heart was in the ground. On the cusp of the storm, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him: "so coincidentally, you are here, Mr. Qin."

Chengshuang turned pale complexion and saw that it was min Jiangxi.

Min Jiangxi's face was calm and easy-going as usual, and his eyes fell straight on Qin Zhan's face in the middle of the sofa.

A group of elites were not busy making a statement. They first looked at Min Jiangxi from head to toe, and then observed Qin Zhan's face without trace. However, Qin Zhan was also looking at Min Jiangxi. Although his expression had not changed significantly, he answered: "what are you doing here? There are other sidelines besides your own job?"

Min Jiang smiled and looked at Cheng Shuang. "It's not me. I came with my best friend. She has opened a new culture and media company and wants to learn from your predecessors."

Just because Qin Zhan said a word to min Jiangxi, people had all kinds of ideas in their minds. Before Qin Zhan spoke, someone took the initiative to say, "it's a friend of Mr. Qin."

Dongbolei directly gave up his position and motioned min Jiangxi to sit next to Qin Zhan.