
Born To Be

A Pilot and A Doctor Love Story. One thing must be warned about love. Love hurts, it only cause anger, betrayal, jealousy and obsession. Would someone be brave enough to try? Elle, the girl who always gets cheated everytime she enters a relationship. Miguel, the guy who never experienced being on a long term relationship because he always wants a new girl. Will it work if they'll become a couple? or will they only destroy one another?

kriiiiiz_ · Teen
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16 Chs



"Hey, wanna go out?" Elodi said while we're fixing our things.

Our class is already over and we're getting ready to go home. I'm tired and sleepy.

"Nope. Hendrixx and I will meet." I said and closed my locker.

I was waiting for their answer but when I looked at them they looked confused.

"Uh, what?" I frowned.

"Who? Hendrixx?" Hail asked and I nodded.

"He's your ex, right? And he left you too, am i right?" Elodie said.

"Yes. But both of us already moved on. We're just doing this for..." I stopped and stared at them.

Yeah right, why are we meeting in the first place. What the heck, Elleiana.

"For?" They both said. Waiting for my answer.

"Closure...yeah, closure." I said and smiled a little.

"Closure, huh." Hail said and smirked.

'What?' I mouthed when I saw Elodie staring at me. I shook my head and took my cellphone out when it vibrated.

From: Hendrixx

Hey. Is your class already done?

I immediately replied to him.

Compose Message

To: Hendrixx

Yes. I'm already on my way.


After sending it, I took my things and said goodbye to my friends.

"Bye. Let's go shopping tomorrow." I said and kissed their cheeks.

"Alrighty." Elodie said and hugged me.

"Take care." Hail said and smiled.

When I got in the car, I checked my phone if he replied, but no so I just played a music on my stereo.

After I parked, I went straight to the coffee shop to wait for him. I was about to order when my phone rang.

"Excuse me" I said to the cashier and answered the phone.

( "Hey, where are you?" ) Hendrixx said.

I think he's already here.

( "In the cafe shop.") I answered.

( "There are many cafes here." ) He said and chuckled.

I sighed. ( "Near the branded stores, then in the front are jewelry stores." )

( "Okay. I'm on my way." ) He said.

I didn't answer and faced the cashier with an apologetic smile.

"One iced mocha latte, please." I said and looked at the menu again.

"Anything else, Ma'am?"

"And one cinnamon bread. That's all." I said and gave my card.

She returned my card and gave me my order. I thanked her first and looked for a seat. The bread i ordered is actually for him. I don't know if he wants a drink so I ordered him a bread instead.

And speaking of, there he is, walking towards me. I want to act like a cold hearted person to him so I pretended not to see him.

When he's already close to me, I faced him and acted like i was surprised.

I forced a smile and motioned him to sit down. "Sorry, I didn't know what you want."

He shook his head and smiled.

"No, It's okay." I nodded.

He sat down and took a bite from his bread. I couldn't help but to stare at him while he's chewing.

That sharp jaw line, brown eyes and long lashes, thick brows, broad shoulders, fluffy hair, and his plump lips...

"How are you?" He suddenly asked.

I sipped on my drink before answering him.

"I'm good. How about you?"

"I'm not that okay." He said and chuckled.

My face changed.

"I thought you'll be okay if you will leave me?"

My voice broke. My tears fell. I'm already emotional. Because it still hurts.

"And now that you're back you're acting like nothing happened. Like you didn't..broke me.."

I cried.

"Elle...I'm sorry.." He said with his eyes full of emotions.

I took a deep breath. "What did you feel? When you left me.."

"Of course it hurts, It broke me too." A tear fell in his eyes.

I wiped my tears and looked him straight in the eyes.

"I will only ask you this once, I hope you will answer me honestly." He nodded.

I sighed. "Why did you leave me?"

I felt a tear dripping in my eyes.

He sighed.

I waited for his answer, but I received nothing. So I called his name, he's zoning out.

"Hendrixx." He immediately looked at me.


"Why can't you answer me?" I said. Trying to hold my tears.

"I'm sorry." He said.

Sorry? Is that enough? He broke me and left me without even explaining anything and he'll just say sorry?

I cried.

I think this is not the right time to talk about it. Right. I immediately wiped my tears and forced a smile.

"Finish your food. I need to go home early. I have a lot of stuffs to do." I said and checked my phone.

One message received.

From: Bro

Where are you?

I typed fast. He doesn't want late replies. He won't stop calling you if you replied late.

Compose Message.

To: Bro

I'm in the mall. Going home in a bit.


After sending the text, I looked at him. He's zoning out again.

"Hendrixx." I called him.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Are you done? Let's go." I said.

"Yeah, sure." He said and stood up.

I took my things and went out. He went to the restroom so I waited for him outside the cafe.

"Going home?" He asked while fixing his hair a bit.

"No. I'm going to a bookstore. I need to buy something. Wanna come?" I said and he nodded.

"Sure." He said so I started walking.

When we reached the bookstore, I went straight to the Medical Books, since I'm already in college next year and I'm taking Med. Its good to have an idea about it.

"Taking Med?" Hendrixx asked and I nodded.

I went straight to the cashier to pay. I was about to give my card but a hand stopped me.

"Let me." He said and gave his card to the cashier.

"No need-" I stopped him.

But he insisted. "Please?"

I nodded so he smiled at me.

After paying, he gave me the book and smiled at me. I thanked him first before going to the parking lot so I can finally

go home. Kaidenn's waiting for me.

"Thank you for this." I said and raised the book he paid.

"Don't mention it. Thank you also, for your time." He said and smiled.

"I'll go home now. Drive safely." I said and waited for his answer.

"Me too. Take care." He said and smiled again.

While driving, I thought of something.

What was his main reason why he left me? Is he sick? So he left without telling me? Or....

Did he left me for another woman.....Or his parents just really don't like me?