
Born To Be

A Pilot and A Doctor Love Story. One thing must be warned about love. Love hurts, it only cause anger, betrayal, jealousy and obsession. Would someone be brave enough to try? Elle, the girl who always gets cheated everytime she enters a relationship. Miguel, the guy who never experienced being on a long term relationship because he always wants a new girl. Will it work if they'll become a couple? or will they only destroy one another?

kriiiiiz_ · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs



6:45 AM.

"What the f-" I said to myself annoyed and hurried into the bathroom to take a shower.

My class starts at 7 o'clock! I said angrily to myself while taking a bath.

I no longer chose clothes to wear, what I got was what I was wearing.

When I went down, my sister, Felice, suddenly greeted me.

"Oh, why are you in a hurry? Eat first," she said but I just stared at her.

"Why?" She asked.

"Today's my first day, I'm a transferee and I am late." I said seriously which surprised her.

"I'll eat at break time later, Bruce and Alford is waiting for me." I said and kissed her forehead.

"I'll go now, I'm already late. Please tell Mom I'm leaving. Bye." I said goodbye to her and left.

I started the car and drove quickly to school, thank god because there's no traffic.

When I arrived, Alford suddenly called.

"What?!" I said irritably after I answered the call.

"Where are you? We're already late. It's embarrasing." He said seriously with mixed annoyance.

I was in a hurry to get in because we were really late, "I'm coming, where are you?"

"In front of the Dean's Office."

I ended the call and hurried to the Dean's Office.

I caught up with them in front of the door, the mixture of annoyance and shame to their faces is so obvious.

"Look who's late on first day." Alford said coldly.

"Let's go inside." I said and they nodded in response.

As we entered in the Office, we saw Dean playing with his ballpen.

"Good morning, Dean." I politely said.

He looked at the three of us first as if he's examining every corner of our body.

"Why are you here? Don't you have classes?" He asked.

"We have, but we're transferee's and we're late." Bruce answered seriously but politely.

"We can't go to our classroom since we're not yet familiar here." Alford added.

I cleared my throat.

They looked at me so I smiled shyly.

He looked at us for a moment and turned to his secretary.

"Where's their classroom? I'll take them there, the teachers might scold them." He said to his secretary.

The secretary showed him a folder and he nodded.

"Come on. Let's go, your first subject will be over in a few minutes." He said and went out first.

We walked quietly until we stopped in a room and he suddenly faced us.

"Here's your classrom." He said and knocked on the door.

"Good Morning, Dean!" The students greeted him warmly but he just motioned them to sit down.

The room became silent after they sit down.

"Excuse me, Dean. What are you doing here?" A teacher asked him with a smile.

"I'm just here to bring these tranferees." He replied and looked at us.

"Go inside." He smiled at us but didn't lose the authority of his speech.

"Thank you, Dean." I smiled gratefully at him and he just nodded at me.

As we entered, we immediately looked for a seat, but even before we could leave in the front, the teacher who talked to Dean suddenly spoke.

"Good Morning! I'm Ms. Forbbes. I'll be your Professor and English Teacher for this school year." She said and smiled at us.

"Kindly introduce yourselves first." She smiled again.

Alford introduced himself first.

"Good Morning Everyone! I'm Alford Davidson." He smiled as he introduced himself.

"Good Morning Guys! I'm Bruce Chavez." He also smiled.

"Good Morning! I'm Miguel Adams." I introduced with a sweet smile on my face.

"Okay, you may go to your seats now." She said.

After we sat down, she spoke again.

"We will start our class tomorrow. Bring your books" She said and wrote some reminders on the board.

"Class Dismissed. See you again tomorrow! I don't want late students anymore, understood? Goodbye." She said and went out.

"Wooh! It's so nice that the teachers are kind here." He said and faced us.

"Thanks to Dean because he accompanied us here, otherwise, we might get lost. This school is really big." Bruce said while nodding.

Yes, it's big. It's even bigger than our previous school.

"Yeah, it's even bigger than RMU." I said and they just nodded.

We heard the bell rang so it means its break time.

While walking in the hallway, Bruce suddenly spoke.

"I wonder what food they have in the cafeteria." He said and touched his chin.

"And what about it?" Alford said.

"Nothing. I just hope that they have my favourite Spaghetti!" He sounded like a kid.

"And what if they don't have it?" I said.

He maked face and all of us laughed.

When we're already in the cafeteria, I saw Elle. She's really beautiful, as well as her friends.

"Ohhh. look who's looking to her crush." Bruce said so I looked at him.

Both of them looked at me as if I did something wrong. Oh, I think they caught me looking at Elle?

I ordered 2 sandwiches and a large iced coffee since I didn't ate my breakfast earlier.

"You're looking at Elle earlier, huh." Bruce started teasing me.

"Finally! You're having a crush after 4 years!" Alford is joking but he looked relieved.

I looked at them and frowned.

"Stop." I said and started eating.

They didn't listen to me. They kept on teasing me.

Do I really have a crush on her? Yes, She's beautiful but I don't think that's not an enough reason to say that i'm crushing on her...

"Hey, you still thinking about her?" Alford said and smirked.

"Will you please stop?" I said irritably.

"Okay okay." He said and acted like he already surrender.

"Chill, bro." I heard Bruce's laugh behind me.

"Where have you been?" I asked him.

"Restroom." He answered. I nodded in response.

We're now walking in the hallway going to our classroom since the break time is over. I don't think we'll do a regular class today since its only our first day.

I think we'll only do things such as introducing ourselves, writing reminders, and I think we'll also go around the campus so we can be familiar around here.

"Wanna go out later? Let's drink." I said to them.

"Drink? Are you crazy?" Alford is now annoyed.

"Coffee." I said and raised my brows.

"Oh, Coffee not Beer, Alford." Bruce said while laughing.

"Whatever. I'll treat you both." Alford said.

"Nice." I said and continued to stalk Elle on her social's.

I can now say that I'm already crushing on her, but....


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