
Born To Be

A Pilot and A Doctor Love Story. One thing must be warned about love. Love hurts, it only cause anger, betrayal, jealousy and obsession. Would someone be brave enough to try? Elle, the girl who always gets cheated everytime she enters a relationship. Miguel, the guy who never experienced being on a long term relationship because he always wants a new girl. Will it work if they'll become a couple? or will they only destroy one another?

kriiiiiz_ · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter 6


"Hey, What's up?" I greeted Hendrixx.

We're currently in a cafe, he asked me to meet him again because he said he wanted to say something to me in person.

"Hi." He greeted back and gave me an Iced Coffee

He still knows my favourite, huh.

I smiled at him. I kinda miss this feeling..

"How are you?" He asked and take a sip on his coffee.

"I'm good." I smiled.

"So? I thought you're gonna say something? What is it?"

"Ah yeah.." He chuckled. "I almost forgot."

I laughed. He look so cute.

"You remember my lil bro, right?" He asked.

"Hmmm...Blake? Yeah, of course." I said and sipped on my drink.

"Mhm. He's inviting you on his birthday." He said and smiled at me.

I suddenly got excited. I'll finally meet his brother after a long time.

"Really? Where will he celebrate it?" I sounded like an excited kid.

"Honestly, He didn't want to celebrate it with his friends or with my parents, you know, they're not in good terms right now.." He said and avoided my eyes.

"Ah, did he already have a plan? does he want to go out of town?" I asked him.

"So I can clear my schedule."

I'm not that busy, but you know. Just in case.

"I can call him now to go here so we can talk about it. What do you think?" He suggested.

I nodded. "Okay."

Bro Calling..

"Excuse me." I said. He smiled and nodded.

"What?" I asked my brother as soon as I answered the call.

"Where are you?"

"Cafe. Outside the village."

"It's already late, young lady."

My brows furrowed. "Young lady, huh?"

"Whatever. Who are you with?" He asked.

"Hendrixx, his brother is coming too." I simply answered.

"What?! I'm coming. I'll fetch you."

"No. I'm just here because his brother wants to invite me on his birthday, okay?"

"Fine." He said and ended the call.

One Message Received.


Text or Call me when you're already going home, so I can wait you outside.

I typed a reply and went back on our table.

Compose Message

To: Bro

Okay. Thanks <3


Blake is already there, but he looked sad, then Hendrixx is laughing. What's happening?

"Hey. Sorry, my brother called." I said and gave an apologetic smile.

I saw Blake's face lighten.

"Why?" My brows furrowed.

"Elle!" I was surprised when Blake suddenly hugged me.

I almost lost breath so I patted his back.

"He said you already left." He said and gave Hendrixx a death stare.

I laughed. Such a cute boy.

"What? No. I just answered a call." I said, holding my laugh.

"Liar." He said and glared at his brother.

Hendrixx and I both laughed. He's so cute!

I cleared my throat. "So? What's your plan? Do you want to go on a vacation?"

"Hmm..I'm planning to go out of town." He simply answered.

"Where? You wanna go hiking or swimming?" His brother asked.

"Or maybe we can go abroad. Uh- Japan or New York?" I suggested.

"Hmmm..That sounds great." Blake smiled at me so I smiled back.

I suggested Japan and New York because when me and his brother is still together, he always tells me that he wants to go there.

Japan, because he loves anime. New York, because he likes the view, and he also wants to go in the Time Square.

"So? Where are we going? Out of town or country?" Hendrixx asked again.

"Out of the country. I want to go to New York." Blake said and sipped on his drink.

I got excited again. I'm finally going to New York! It's not my first time because me my family loves to travel.

Finally, after two years. I'll see New York again!

"Elle? Are you with us?" Blake snapped his fingers.

"Uh yes. Sorry." I said feeling embarrassed.

"What's that again?"

"I said I'm already booking a flight for five days. Is that okay with you?" Hendrixx said.

I looked at the both of them, they're waiting for my answer.

"Yeah." I answered.

I want to disagree but I can't! Five days is too long. I'll be in Med School after a year, I've been reviewing since last week so brain is prepared for the tests that I will take.

What should I do? I can't say no to them. Especially to Blake.

I checked the time, It's almost midnight.

"Hey. I need to go." I said and stood up.

"Oh, It's almost 12am." Blake said and checked his watch.

"Thanks for tonight. I'll see you guys tomorrow? I'll buy clothes for our vacation!" I sounded so excited so both of them chuckled.

"Yeah sure." Blake said and smiled.

"Let's go. I'll drive you home." Hendrixx said but I stopped him.

"No. I have my car with me."

"Oh." He said.

I saw Blake laughed.

"Drive safely." He added and smiled.

"You too. Goodnight." I said and walked out.

When I got in the car, I texted Kaidenn.

Compose Message


omw home :)

I started the car and drove away. I also played some music so I won't get sleepy.

When I arrived. I saw Kaidenn waiting at my parking space. I smiled. I hurried out of the car to meet him.

"How's your date?" He asked.

I looked at him, thought that he's joking but no, I think his serious mode is on.

"Date? That's not a date." I said.

He laughed when he saw my reaction and messed up my hair. We already went inside because it's already cold.

He's already heading upstairs to sleep because he said he already finished eating, but he stopped when I suddenly called him.


"I'm going out." I said and avoided his eyes.

"Of town?"

"No. Country. Do you remember Hendrixx's brother? Blake? He asked me to come with them on his birthday." I said.

I started praying that he will say yes.

"Okay." He simply said.

I was surprised. "Okay?! You serious about that?!"

"Yes. You're already old enough and in fact, you already know what is right and wrong, don't you?" I nodded.

"That's why I'm allowing you to come." He said and smiled at me.

I run towards him to hug him tight. "Thank you!"

I heard him chuckle and hugged me back.

"Which country are you going to?" He suddenly asked.

I faced him and smiled. "New York."

"How many days will you stay there?"

"Five. Don't worry, I'll use my funds!"

"Okay. It's up to you but I'll still give you money."

"Thank you so much!" He laughed at me.

"Go to sleep. Don't forget to tell that to mom tomorrow."

"Yes I will! Thanks again! Goodnight!" I said and hugged him again.

"Goodnight." I went upstairs with him so I can sleep already.

The next morning, while we're eating breakfast, Kaideen looked at me.

I mouthed 'What' and he raised his brows.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" Mom said.

"She's going to New York." Kaidenn said and my eyes widened.

I looked at her, she raised a brow and smiled.

"Really? With whom?" She sounded so excited.

I felt relieved. I thought she'll be mad.

"Blake invited me. Brother of Hendrixx."

"Oh, only the three of you will go there?" Mom asked.

"Yes. Their parents are busy." I said and she nodded.

"We'll stay there for like five days, is that okay?" I asked nervously.

Mom chuckled. "Of course, hun. Just don't forget to visit our relatives there."

She said and we laughed. "Yes I will. Thanks, Mom! Kaidenn!"

See you soon, New York!

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