
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The Fight Is Not Over (Part III)

Chapter 6

Yep, that's right. When a light as bright as religious teachings was about to shine on me, a tank shell in the shape of a wall that rose upwards appeared to cover my body. Maybe the Spirit Core responded to the bright light in front of him, so a tank skin could appear in the blink of an eye.

Phew, thank goodness, thanks to his work, I can avoid exposure to the light in front of me. Arigatou, Spirit Essence. You are the savior of my life. Really, no joke this time.

"That's great, Inti Spirit, you are the best. This way, I can mel-"

Krrrrrrkkkk- krrrrrkkkk-

Are you? I think I heard a sound, right? But where? Also just now whose sound frequency is it coming from? Please explain it to me first, okay?

While I was breathing out, a strange sound clearly sounded in both ears. Oh, please, I hate horror stuff. I swear, why am I kidding?

Krrrrkkkk- krrrrrrkkkk- krrrrkkkk- krrrrkk-

Wowowowow, not just once, this sound was clearly heard throughout the area. Damn*, what should I do? There wasn't a single clue when I looked around where I was standing.

Confused and curious, I immediately turned around to see if there was anything suspicious nearby.

It's very unfortunate, I've looked around several times, the answer is still not satisfactory. Well, the light brown ground surface was the only sight that could be seen from my eyes.

Wait a minute, what was that sound just now? But when I looked, how come it wasn't there at all? I mean, the sound like glass wanting to crack was very clear to my ears, but when I looked around, I couldn't find the source of the sound.

Huuuu... feels like entering a horror theater, it's real.

Krrrrrrkkk- krrrrkkkk- krrrrrrkkkk-


Fumu, when I think about it, that voice gradually gets stronger. In fact, this sound frequency continued to occur several times.

I'd better look around the area again.


Eits, wait a minute, is this just my feeling or does the tank shield in front of me look like a glass surface after being hit with a hammer.

Slash, why? What's wrong with the shield I made? Could it be that he couldn't bear the beam of light at the front? Or…

The light ahead is not a natural phenomenon?!

Just as I focused my gaze towards the front, the collection of tank shells that formed a floating wall surprisingly seemed to suffer a lot of damage. The surface is cracked, there are lots of scratches everywhere, and some parts look like they have holes and cause heat to spread around the parts.

Damn it, if my previous guess is true, in other words I-"

"Haaah- haah- haah-" I quickly ran, taking steps towards the back, avoiding the rays of light behind the surface of the tank's skin.

Damn it, why- why did I just realize this?! Kisanak you Sasha!



Bad, really bad. Give me a chance to run. Please, it's only ¼ of the way.

While focusing on moving both legs, for a moment I heard a fairly large crack from behind.

Fumu fumu, could it be that the sound just now came from the tank's shell-based shield? K- I lost, s- s-hopefully the shield behind me doesn't break before I can get away. Please don't scare me.


Damn*, there's no hope for me to live anymore. You bastard Sasha!

Running while turning my head back, I was silent for a moment when I saw that the tank skin that had contributed to my life had now instantly disintegrated into black smoke.

Everyone, help me-


Goofy, crazy, crazy! Argghhhhh- Kisanak is right!

There was no pause after the shield was reduced to dust, the light that had previously been completely blocked shone quickly, illuminating the entire area, including the place where I was running.

Dam*, it's real, that's not true, kid. Just watch out, Sasha!


This is not my favorite day! I swear, I really suck, really!

About to continue his journey, away from the scene of the incident, without warning, Sasha's light shone, penetrating right into his back, causing intense pain in the deepest parts of his organs.



Well, that's my fate as a Human Change, if I don't kill, I'll be the one who gets killed.

After 5 seconds, I, who couldn't bear the pain, exploded, causing quite a powerful explosion effect around the place where I last ran.


Q- anyone, please help me. I-I- I don't have the strength to do anything.

Being hit by the glare of the light without any warning at all, my body collapsed, hitting the ground so hard.

Eits, you all don't need to worry, because I fell by landing on both knees first.

"Haah- haah- haah- haah-"

Crazy, I feel like I'm auditioning for a psychopath. Where does it really hurt anymore?

In a semi-standing sitting position, the breath sounds quite fast, inhaling and exhaling at close intervals. I swear, my body feels really heavy to move.


A woman with a short body across the eyes? Don't tell me she is Sasha, a descendant of the First of Wizards on this planet where I was born?

Yep, that's right, while I was paying attention to the surrounding area, Sasha, as annoying as the kid I once knew, was currently standing, holding a sword the size of her body, trying to shout one word through her wide mouth.

Oh damn Sasha*! Shut up, my ears feel very disturbed, you know?!


Wow, that's noisy. Are what I just said still not clear enough to your ears?


Misleading, my narration is even distorted. It's true, it's a kid.

Instead of stopping, with all her body, Sasha screamed so loudly again, creating a high frequency sound around the arena where the match was being held.

Grrrrrrhh... SHUT UP SASHA BEG*!

It's noisy, you know?!


Damn*, it was noisy, now it's blowing a lot of dust all over the area. What do you want?!

After 2 minutes of screaming for no reason, Sasha finally chose to stop, closed her mouth tightly, and did not make any movement other than breathing.

Yes, I admit that you didn't scream back, but the wind you threw was really annoying. Sasha, quickly minimize the dust around you, none of this would have happened if it weren't for you, okay? Do you understand?!

While Sasha was silent, a dark brown wind suddenly appeared and began to cover the competition arena. You know, I had a headache facing that one kid.


Especially? Yes, I will be silent watching the collection of dusty winds heading towards me? Obviously not, right? It's all there is.

Seeing the dusty wind spread in less than 1 second, I immediately closed my eyes which were previously wide open, avoiding the potential for dust to enter my sense of sight.

Good luck, good luck.

