
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The Fight Is Not Over (Part II)

Chapter 5


Sasha oh Sasha, what's wrong with you? Why does your gaze look so scary, even though I'm about 19 meters from you? But why… why- please don't scare me, I beg you, Sha.

As the opponent's hand was positioned back to its original position, the hair on the back of my body suddenly stood up, accompanied by a feeling of weakness in my body without any logical explanation.

Bro, b-b-p- please, I don't know why I'm like this, but there's one thing I can be sure of, and that's-


Oh, why is this? Why did my knees collapse to the ground? Someone please spare me from this incident. I don't understand why my knees suddenly hit the ground so hard.

Unable to control my fear, the knee I usually used to move the hinge suddenly buckled, hitting the ground without being able to stop at all.

Kisanak! Someone please explain why I can be like this?! It's very strange, in fact it's enough to make the hairs on the back of my neck tingle.

Even though before that I didn't know why. You don't feel pain, you can move your body freely and you can babble to your heart's content. So, right after looking at Sasha, my body suddenly stiffened, locked like a house lock, overshadowed by feelings of fear both in body and soul.

Eh, just a moment. What? I found something odd, you know? Seeing Sasha's eyes? Don't tell me that my body….

"Sasha, wh- wh- wh- are you the mastermind?"

Crazy, even though I'm not a guy who stutters, why have I changed like this? Very disappointed, I swear.

In a halting tone, I managed to ask a question to the little boy across from me. Admit it Sasha, you must be the mastermind behind the strange condition in my body!

"Hahahaha, that's right. You're smart too, guy number 100."

Damn, this kid is a bastard, just bewitching people for no reason. No wonder my body can do things beyond logic. Sasha toml*l!

"W-w-w- how- how-"

"It's simple. Since the match is already at the end of time, it would be better if I end the game between the two of us."

Kisanak you Sasha...! Next time think carefully before acting! So, now look, I can't move my body at all!

Graaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! I'm really annoyed, really.

Before she had finished speaking, Sasha spontaneously interrupted, giving the honest reason why she did something stupid like this. Damn it!

"M- m- you mean-"

Arrrggghhh, why do my words sound like a stutter again? I really don't like it, really.

"Yes, this time I will show you the true power of Sasha. Watch-"

You mean witness my body's helplessness after you activated a magic? You're crazy!

"Roaring skies, raging lightning, destructive storms, magma bursts, endless floods of poison, bright rays of light, particles of God, sharp weapons in the form of roots, darkness in the middle of the night, hyper active black holes, and all the power of Human Change!"

Wowowowow, relax Sha, relax. Is he crazy, is he chanting spells or reading poetry? It's really long, I swear.

With a very serious facial expression, Sasha uttered many spells from her mouth, changing the topic of conversation that was interrupted because of her actions.

Slash, maybe join the competition sometime Sha. Guaranteed first place, really. Really, I'm not lying.


Sasha, please don't scream like that. You look like a child who asked to buy toys, seriously.

Not even a second after the chanting of dozens of mantras, the screams of a small child could clearly be heard in both ears. Well, I can't relate to it logically, the voice came from none other than the opposing contestant, Sasha. What an annoying kid.


B-b-b- what the heck? Mati Edyan, dozens of natural phenomena at one time? Obviously my brain can't understand it logically!

While standing half-body, I swear that right now across from my eyes there are dozens of natural scenes gathering in one moment without any clarity, as well as a single barrier around the competition area.

Wow, academy, you guys aren't joking, right? Please help me first, why are the examinees trapped in this incident, right?

Someone, please save me. I still want to live in the future. Sasha? What an idiot, what do I care about that kid?


Kampret Academy, help me why?! Wow, take me away from here, hurry up! The phenomenon was about to swallow my body.

Not even 5 seconds had passed, dozens of phenomena in the form of lightning, hurricanes, super hot lava, giant roots, collections of floating objects, water typhoons, bright lights and a black hole bigger than the arena, for no reason it spread everywhere.

It doesn't stop there, because apart from natural phenomena, most of the powers belonging to Human Change that I have seen, seem to be present and following the movement of these phenomena, circling the area around Sasha standing.

Wowowowow, wait a minute bro. Aren't there two tanks on the right side of the tornado? If I relate it based on the argument above, that means my strength is there too.

S-s-s- are you serious? How could that be? P- please tell me that Sasha wasn't the mastermind, understand? My thinking is on the verge of stupidity, seriously.



Grrrrrrhh... the wind is really strong, I swear. Don't let me just fly away.

While trying to get up, for a moment I felt a hurricane hit my body, causing the knees that were tightly attached to me to suddenly come loose.

Wow... help me! Please, I still want to continue living, really.


Light? Could this be help from God? P- please, give me one chance to live. I- I promise, I will worship, and also remember Your name, Gods.

When the body was swaying due to the strong wind blowing around, a bright white light appeared to shine near where Sasha was.

Fumu, that light came from Sasha, right? Don't tell me that the lantern doesn't come from God? P- k- k- please don't scare me.


Bet dazzled. Wow Sasha, please explain what you mean? Urrgghh... my eyes can't see at all.

Standing up, trying to rise from my slump, my vision is currently only filled with a glare that makes my eyelids move narrower and narrower. Slash, it's like my easterner, really.


Are you? It's like hearing a sound. But what? I don't even know the origin of the sound. In a moment, I will open my eyes again.

"Hmmmmmhhh." Slowly, the two eyeballs that originally seemed to be squinting as a result of the glare of the light in front of me now opened as wide as the world's hopes.

Whatever it is, I hope it's not a big threat.


"Hm? A Shield?"

Rubbing my eyes for a moment, maybe it was a bodily response after my two senses of sight opened wide enough.

I wonder how? Whether I should say thanks or be confused, what is clear is that I am very grateful for the performance of the Spirit Core. Truly, your presence is so meaningful, Spirit Essence.
