
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Annoying, right!

Chapter 7



Are you? It's like the sound of breathing. Right? You must have heard it too, right? Be honest!

While my eyes were closed, for a moment my hearing caught the sound of someone exhaling a collection of carbon dioxide out of my nose.

Hadeh, curiosity once again planted itself in my mind. Aaah... there is no choice, instead of being overwhelmed by curiosity, it would be better if I opened these two eyeballs again as brightly as the window curtains. Yes, that really surprised me.

"Hmmmmh." Slowly but surely, one of the senses with the function of seeing is now opening back to its original position.

Yosh, now let's look at the origin of this sound.


E... bro, I'm not looking at a statue in the shape of a child, right? If so, then what is the logical reason why Sasha is still like a mummy? Yes, the time he got possessed in the middle of the match, it wasn't really funny, I swear.

As soon as a pair of eyes focused on the source of the sound, a little girl around 6-10 years old was seen to be silent, focusing her gaze forward, facing right where I was.

Oooke, Sasha, that kid's nickname, can you stop what you're doing? Because of you I am filled with fear, really.

Tell me that you are not affected by black magic. Please answer my question, Sasha.


Well, move too. That's good, I thought you were studying magic like your ancestors did.

After a few moments I watched, Sasha finally moved her right hand to release dirty air from her nose.

Wow, I've got a new question again. Hands raised to face level, are you making an offering? I'm biased-

"The Seven Power Elements, Combined with the All Power of Human Change. Come and Join Me!"


Wowowowow, I'm dazzled! Sasha, I know that my previous actions cannot be forgiven. It's just that, doing this kind of ridiculous action, do you want to make me blind?!!

Saying a few words from his mouth, with a cynical look Sasha began to raise his hand, creating a bright glare around him,

Please stop what you're doing, Sasha. Not only me, all the spectators who are watching the match could die because of you. Please, think first if you want to act. As long as you like your forehead.


Especially? Do you think my eyes are made of glass that reflects light? Isn't that right?

Feeling the sensation of seeing the sun directly, the lids in both eyes spontaneously moved to cover almost the entire surface of my sense of sight.

Phew, luckily my body is made up of great cells. Yes, it's like this, I can't imagine that my eyes are too late to close.

Huuuuh... you might get short-sightedness, it's true.



That was Sasha's voice, now what? Don't confuse me.

While my head was lowered, trying to minimize the glare from the front, I once again heard a strange sound right near where I was standing.

Anyway, oddities beyond human logic always intersperse my life. Am I someone special? Or… is it the other way around?

I don't know, I'm dizzy myself.


Okay, Spirit Essence, is this your doing? No one is capable of making a tank skin-shaped shield like the one in front of you except you. Just admit it, I won't be angry.

When a pair of eyes opened again as before, a tank shell in the shape of a building wall floated very clearly for anyone who could see.

Fumu, creating a tank shield, could it be that the Spirit Essence is trying to protect me? Really? Seriously? If so, I'm very grateful.


Finally, the bright glare was blocked by the tank wall in front. Thank you, very, very grateful



Owowowowo, i- this is a lie, right? It's just a lie, right? P- please save me.

About to stroke my chest as an expression of gratitude, the unique defense made by my Spirit Core suddenly cracked, showing several strange, dazzling white lines in several parts, continuing to experience widespread damage until the object in front was no longer a solid object.

Well, the barrier in front of him had now crumbled into snow-white dust.

S- anyone, t- take me away from here.



It's really hot!!! Waaarrgghhh….!!!!

Before I could blink, a bright glare of light suddenly appeared, hitting the entire area including where I was standing, causing my body temperature to rise above normal levels, creating a loud scream that came out of my mouth.

Argghh!!! Damn right!




Damn* you Sasha!!! You've carried out murder simulations over and over again, and now, you're forcing the process of a human being to die by force on me? Kisanak lah!!

Continuing to shine, illuminating the entire room in the arena location, I who was right in the area then exploded, as a result of the light illumination large enough to exceed the capture of my two eyeballs.

Wow, it exploded due to light heating. Is it really ndesek, bro?



What?!! Want to make fun of me, huh?!! Grrrr!!!

After a few moments of screaming, my consciousness accidentally drifted, entering the space of limitless imagination, continuing to burn until I didn't realize that my body would collapse any time soon.

Wow, please let me out first. Soon I will be made into super spicy grilled chicken. Medical assistance, I hope you don't forget your main task.



What? What was that sound just now?! Q- how is it? Ouch... my consciousness was lying relaxed in dreamland again.

Aaahhhh... I'm dizzy.

While I was lying right on the ground, something like a shock wave suddenly sounded quite loud in the area around where I was lying.

Yes, really, something like that. I don't know for sure where the sound came from. Huhuhu, now what should I do?


How many times do I have to do this? Want to make me suffer, huh? I'm already dizzy.

While continuing to try to wake up from the trap of dreams, for a moment my ears caught some kind of strong gust of wind around the location.

Oh, even though the weather doesn't show any potential danger from strong winds, how come this suddenly appears? Does not make sense.


Yosh, my consciousness has recovered. Good, I don't need to ask you all for theories.

After exploring the subconscious for a long time, in the end I managed to open both eyes as a sign that I had succeeded in awakening.

That's great, since my eyelids are slowly opening, I can't wait to see it.



Yo what the f*ck?!! B- bro, my eyes aren't nearsighted, right? I'm not imagining things, right? If that's the case...

How can a typhoon sway to form such a powerful gust?!!

Just when both visions had opened wide, I was silent for a moment, looking at a cyclone not far from where I was. Yes, really, very close without any safety distance.

S- anyone, please help me....
