
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Now What?!!

Chapter 21

Yo what the hell*? Bruh, you're not kidding, right? I'm not watching a magic show, right? My eyes really work well, don't they? M- if not, then what is it? How could they just stop like that?! Anyone, please give me a brief explanation. I don't understand at all, suwer.

There were only a few meters before blood splattered everywhere, all the bullets that were fired in an instant stopped, floating above the surface, remaining in that condition for the next few moments. Well, if it was just floating, I wouldn't mind, but expectations don't match reality. The various bullets around were now falling at the same time.

After 6 seconds of flying above the surface, all the bullets were more than the height of a human and then collapsed to the ground simultaneously. Falling down and sticking to the outer layer of the ground, really makes the mind wonder, doesn't it?

Wowowowowow, hang on bro, hang on. Impossible, my senses didn't see wrong, right? Really? Are you sure? Actually, it makes the mind hit by various kinds of questions.

After falling without a single warning, the rusting effect on the iron suddenly appeared, eating away at all the materials around it, spreading from one side to the other very quickly until it ended in a collection of porous bullets splattering near where Sasha was standing.

Wow, I've fallen, but I've been affected by erosion. Science, explain it to me right now! I really don't understand, really.

"C- decay? W- how could it be-"

It's scary, just relax, Sha. Stomping your feet until the objects below are completely damaged, your mind is filled with emotions, right? Kids your age can run away in vain, suwer.

Wanting to say one short sentence, without saying much, Sasha then stepped forward, stepped one foot forward, stomped that foot down, making the sound of ceramic shards when stepped on so hard. Actually, the thing that the child is standing on is none other than the bullets from the tank I made, right? Comment? I don't know, I'm confused too, cheers.


Wow, staring and saying strange words from your mouth, are you taking part in a film star actor search contest? B- if so, I admit your expression looks quite scary.

Wow, stop it, Sha, stop it! Cancel your order immediately before the large vehicle at the side melts into dust!

Not even a second after Sasha said that, the greatest and most beautiful weapon was not far from where I was standing, a super super jumbo tank, suddenly charred, burning without experiencing the effects of combustion, slowly melting, spreading itself to all corners of the tank before finally collapsing into white dust. Well, in other words my most sophisticated vehicle has been turned into a collection of useless particles. Kampret, asking to be beaten is really stupid. I swear, it's really annoying.

"Damn* you brat!"

Haaaah, just because it's destroyed, don't think that my actions will stop too, you idiot!

"Continuous nuclear explosions!"

Less, do more!

Not yet, still not enough, go back to doing it like before!!

Well, that sounds better, right? OK, he definitely won't be able to survive one explosion after another. Just believe!

Raising his right hand, parallel to the human chin, a unique sentence that scares most people comes out of his mouth. Well, sometimes sacrificing something for the safety of those around you will certainly feel better than having to suffer together. What do we think we are?


Yes, that is so. After a pile of words had been strung together into one fairly short sentence, successive devastating nuclear explosions occurred near the location where Sasha had landed. Great, teach him a valuable lesson. I didn't mean to torture him, but rather to try to awaken his unclear ambitions. Suwer, it's up to you if you don't believe me.

By the way, how many explosions have been summoned at my command? ten? twenty? fifty? Or more? I don't know, my head is too full to think about it all.

"Hoooooh, nuclear, huh? Okay-okay, I already know your weakness."

That voice, d- don't tell me-

"Y- can you still survive, Sasha?"

"I apologize for my delay."


M- I don't know why, I have a feeling that soon Sasha will create something deadly. I don't know if this is a sign or just a feeling. Please make it easier for me to fight this child.

"Trap it!"

Wowowowow, what is that, what is that?! Edyan, how could he summon a scary object in space to come here. You're such a bastard, Sha!!

Standing up, raising both hands at shoulder level, Sasha then spun slightly up into the sky like a ballet dancer doing something quite extreme. Actually, when I do unnatural activities like that, I'm fine with it, the problem is the object in the opponent's palm. Is it a black hole or not? How come it's as small as human fingers, right? Aish, that's really surprising.

Floating, floating just above the surface, the two now fairly sized black holes then flew, thrown straight ahead, gliding very freely targeting me as bait. What a damn kid, there's no one to vent his emotions to, right? Kampret, just watch out you kid!! I'll wait for you!



Wowowowowowo, just play as long as you suck. I thought my nuclear was drinking water, right?!!

While standing without any balance, a black hole appeared to appear out of nowhere, moving slowly, sucking in anything, including the explosions I made, until they disappeared without a trace. Edyan, using things like this to fight, you are indeed a cheating Human Change, Sha.

Slash, all the explosions have been used up, now is my life the next target?

After sucking in all the explosions I made, the two mini-sized wormholes then sped up, moving themselves forward, aiming right at my body. Etdah, one problem is not over yet, this is just playing along. I'm tired


Damn it, it's really hard to act perfectly, what if you were told to line up, right? Aaahhh, so annoying!

When tilted here, tilted here, I tried to minimize the gravitational force created by the two objects in front of my eyes. I can't deny that they are very small, but once a black hole is still a black hole, there's no story that this object has a very weak gravitational force, right?

"Yabei, if I keep doing this, my body might-"

"Don't bother asking for my help, bro."

First, I'm talking to myself. Second, these two holes were created because of you. So stop talking and get out of here.

While my mind was full of questions, without any reason Sasha volunteered to help me from the current situation. Well, I admit your intentions are good, but you're just acting a little crazy. Seriously, we're fighting, not chatting with neighbors. (So) I really beg you not to talk about strange things anymore, okay? My head feels dizzy, yeah.

"Never mind, I don't need-"

"Yes, you need my help. Watch-"

What is your child craving? Meatball? Cireng? What are school children's snacks? Suwer, that's really impressive.

"Blue Eyes!"
