
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Super Extreme Gravity

Chapter 22

Wow, can you relax a bit, can't you?! Satan, just shoot like that, you think my body is a hunted animal, huh?!! Grrrhhh, this is really annoying, kid!

Changing the color of the pupil to light blue, the laser beam the same size as the eyeball now advances, speeding forward, targeting someone none other than me. Going back to doing what he did again, huh? Rock brain. Argghh, I'm dizzy!

Hell, how stupid are you to do something like this? I swear, your actions feel arrogant, really.

Traveling at the standard speed of light, for a moment I just watched two lasers go straight into the black hole of his own making. What's the point of this kid creating a wormhole? Yes, the laser he made himself was put in there. Doesn't he know about the theory of relativity? Are you serious? Really? Open your textbook sometime, Sha. Don't have fun playing around with things that aren't clear, can you understand? Well, I hope you understand, anyway.

OK, now I just need to escape the black hole trap, okay? Hmmm, maybe I should do-

Yo what the fuc*? Guys, did I see correctly? Maybe my eyes are momentarily short-sighted? Really? Bro? Something beyond the laws of physics is presented very clearly to the image-capturing senses!


Surprised? Well, I admit I was surprised. How come? Seeing that the laser light can come out without experiencing any effects, my head really feels like it's going to explode!

There was no pause after the light fell into the hole with super extreme gravity, the boy's blue laser came out, emerged from the hole, and moved again at high speed without caring about the tense events that every object in this vast universe would experience.

Swearing, shocked, no-no, totally unreasonable is a good description of what just happened. Eydan, can light come out without being trapped forever? It really violates the laws of physics. Any scientist, please give me some explanation. Suwer I don't really understand, really.

Kampret, instead of me thinking about this phenomenon, it would be better if this leg was moved to face to the side. Well, prevention is the best way, there's no doubt about it.

Silent in a state of mind surrounded by various questions, I suddenly woke up, freed when I was about to be taken to the realm of dreams, for a moment I was silent as I looked at the two lights on the other side which would soon penetrate one of my body parts.


That kid never stops terrorizing me, doesn't he? OK, I'll do it in line with this reality!


Haha, it's not that easy, ferguso. You slow, laser freak!

A few seconds before the two lasers burned my deepest organs, I swiftly jumped, doing a tiger jump, placing both hands to touch the ground first before my waist rolled on the surface. Hey, don't think I can't play sports, kid. Since I was little, I have loved doing activities like this. Remember that well!

Awwww, honestly it hurts a little. Spinning until it makes a loud sound is certainly not what I want. Seriously, why would I lie to you guys? There are benefits, right? No, right? So don't just snap, sweetie. Later, I'll cut that mouth too.


Due to the exercise of rolling without the availability of a single mattress, the result is that the waist has to feel aching and excruciating pain. Originally, the heart's intention was to be safe without getting hurt, but this is what happened. Tired, yeah.

By the way, I can't forget that incident, can I?

"Haah- haah- haah-"

Pull it, throw it, pull it, throw it, don't panic, okay? All events must have a cause and effect, this phenomenon is no exception. Y- even so….

"What was that just now? Why can light pass through black holes so easily?"

Panic, astonishment, surprise, were shown very clearly on his face. Actually, instead of being cool, I was actually afraid of making it. Suwer, not a single lie was told, really, believe me.

Sitting with my chest turned backwards, for a moment one short question was the culmination of all the questions in my mind and then I asked it to whom it was unclear. Yes, I didn't have time to think about that, but my head feels bombarded with countless thoughts, really.

"Why? Why are you even surprised? Isn't that action considered normal for Human Change like us?"

S-s- relax? Hell, nah. Bruh, you studied at school, right? Have you ever watched a short discussion about the theory of relativity, right? B-


Crazy, he talks about legal things without caring about cause and effect. Wow, that's really easy for him to say, as long as it's just that, you know, suwer.

"What did you say?!!"

I really want to consider what he said as just bullshit. But reality doesn't want to be on my side. Given evidence that makes no sense, it certainly makes anyone, including scientists, start to question whether this is fact or just fantasy. Really, try to give a clear enough explanation, Sha. The scientists will definitely be looking for you, understand?

Moving his lips up and down, two words in a fairly high pitch then came out, responding to Sasha's words, which looked very stupid, lah. You know, my head is dizzy.

"Hahaha, you're funny too, aren't you?"

Funny? Other people ask questions and answer them jokingly? What?! What a joke you say?! It's true, kid!!


I'm so excited about this kid. Just watch out Sha!!

Positioning his body to turn, for a moment the expression of anger was very clearly visible on his face. Heh savage, my question is not a joke!! Your head is asking to be hit by a rock, isn't it?!!

"Like this, every time Human Change produces superpowers, laws including stupid theories taught by schools and scientists will be erased, having no impact on us. I mean, our superpowers treat these laws/theories as if vanished, leaving no trace."


B- b- b- lie, you've got to be joking, right? No? Impossible, very hard to believe. M- how can the law be lost regarding superpowers?!! You must be telling fake news, right?!! Argghh, headache!

Lifting my body up, while my knees were placed against the surface, for a moment I pondered listening to Sasha's statement that Human Change was no exception, I could ignore the laws of physics as if they never existed.

Wow, m- m- I can negate the laws of this earth?!! Seriously, it's not April Fool's Day, right? Please don't joke and give me a deeper explanation. I swear, crazy ideas are now starting to poison my brain. Oh dah, dizzy.


For a moment, allow my soul to travel to the next world. This head needs to rest for at least 2 minutes, is that understandable? Good, I appreciate it, ciyus.

Remaining in this condition, the eyes that were originally focused on looking forward suddenly disappeared, starting to enter an abstract place, a room where human souls rest.


Sometimes life needs peace, right? What's more-

"Never mind, don't worry about daydreaming too much."

