
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Rise or Admit Defeat?!!

Chapter 20

While my eyes were rubbing, a strange word accidentally came out without my knowledge. Ho'oh, I'm indirectly doing one of the activities when I wake up, right? Aish, even flashbacks to when I lived at the orphanage. Honestly, I miss it. I'll play there sometime, if my life is still safe.

"Are? Tank skin?"

The shield, made from super hard tank steel, could this all be the work of the Spirit Core?

Both hands on my waist, stopping the rubbing action which lasted for about 10 seconds, for a moment I was silent seeing a shield in the shape of a wall, displayed very clearly right in front of my face.

Spirit Essence, are you the maker of the thing in front? Could it be that you reacted when you saw Sasha's attack? Is it true, t- if it's like that, I'm very grateful to you. I swear, I'm really lucky to have a foreign object like this. Ciyus, joking doesn't really do any good, suwer.

Kampret, that kid's laser turns out to be quite great. Sia*, descendant of the first Wizard with the characteristic power of the Earth Elemental, truly, your power is already at the stage of illogicality.

Hela, stroking my chest with my right hand, for a moment I heard a strange sound like an object when it was heated as hot as possible. It's exactly the same, I swear. Moreover, when I looked at the center, something surprising was clearly visible in both visions.

Fuck, it's getting deeper and deeper. Sooner or later, my stomach will be lasered, here.

With my eyes directed to the center of the shield, my mouth was silent for a moment, unable to say much about the slow melting of the shield made by the Spirit Core.

Wow, before I could breathe, the child was still trying to torture me. It's crazy!

"The barrier can't last much longer, huh? If that's the case-"

The decision has been made, whether I want it or not, I have to take action, here!


Great, even if you have to do acrobatics, it's okay. I will do whatever it takes to save my body and soul!

Understanding that the danger would soon arrive, the heels spontaneously tilted, facing directly to the left, without any warning the moving member then moved, positioning the head and both hands to be dropped directly onto the surface.

Yes, in other words I want to roll sideways. Ho'oh, I did one of the activities when PE class started. Great, I really like doing activities like this. Respect for the sports teacher, okay?

Huuuuuh, horrifying, it really makes the hairs on the back of your neck tingle. I swear, if I had insisted on doing nothing, my stomach and deepest parts might have come out without needing surgery. Mom, I'm scared.

As soon as my back turned, rolled right on the surface, turned my face backwards, I couldn't help but have a silent expression, seeing the skin of the tank made by the Spirit Core being penetrated very quickly by the laser made by the opponent. Seriously, a second late my body could leak as much as possible. Rill, bye.

Come on, that kid's abilities are really scary. Okay Sha, I admit your strength is superior to mine, so will you be satisfied and stop the match between the two of us? Well, even though he would answer negatively, anyway.

While the body lay down, stuck tightly in a prone condition, a fast-speed golden laser was briefly seen advancing, burning the entire surface of the shield made by my astral object, continuing to shoot at high altitudes until it passed several white rays in sight. That's right, what else if not starlight? In vain, this child has strength beyond my expectations. Seriously, why lie, try?


While the laser was aiming at one of the stars, the shield created by the Spirit Core now began to fall, burning away until it turned into a collection of dust. Ho'oh, Sasha's laser is so hot, those annoying particles look so pitch black.

"Haah- haah- haah-"

"Why? Want to give up, end this fight, huh?"

You kid, there's no way I could raise the flag so easily! Do not expect!

While the process of expelling carbon dioxide into the two nostrils, Sasha sarcastically asked whether I was still capable of fighting or not? Fuck, you think I'm that weak, huh?!! I'll prove it, okay!!

"Is that so? You want a fight, if that's what you want-"

Stand up, position both knees to work together towards one goal, both hands that were placed near the waist then rise to the level of the tip of the forehead.

OK, get ready!

<Collaboration of All Tanks!>

Yosh, combine all the tanks on the face of the earth, come here and shoot the kid on the other side. I can't stand his idiotic behavior anymore!

Unable to tolerate it any longer, a tank measuring up to 10 meters spontaneously appeared, appeared and stood firmly near me, preparing to blow off the heads of my opponents, including Sasha. Hahaha, this time your gun will crush your skull, bro. Wait!

With an arsenal of 500 tank cannons, bullets of various shapes and uses, and cannons positioned on all sides of the vehicle except for the wheels, victory will certainly be achieved soon. Nice, the finish line is in front of your eyes, an achievement cannot be achieved without some kind of action. Now, watch, you little bastard!

"Fumu? What do you want to do with-"

Shut up, your response doesn't change my intention to blow your mind at all. So don't complain when you reach the realm of barzah! I don't want powerful angels to listen to your chatter!

<Fire! >

Cannon, aim yourself, then shoot the kid on the other side!! I'm fed up with that kid's behavior!

Unfinished, I spontaneously spoke, said a word from my mouth, raised the red flag as a symbol of the war that had begun. Yes, people like Sasha must be eliminated even if they have to use violent methods.

Wow, great, continue your action!

Less, maximize your strength!

Well, it's better this way. Phew, being bombarded by bullets like this, and the number will continue to increase as each cannon fires, that's great, teach him a lesson for daring to bother me!

After the word fire was spoken so loudly, 100 cannons with a variety of different bullets now came forward, facing Sasha, firing a large number of bullets in succession. Excellent, unmanned cannon. Without needing to log in, I already have the control room all to myself. OK, I just have to give orders, right? If that's the case-

"It's useless, you know."

Halah, pretending to be able to face all my attacks without causing injuries to the body. Haaah, don't make me laugh, brat! Your position is now truly cornered, unable to escape. Have fun in the realm of the dead!

While tens, or maybe hundreds of tank bullets targeted the body of a small child in sight, Sasha, as the person being targeted, seemed to relax, moving her head to the right and left, shaking her head slowly for 3 seconds before uttering a dialogue to question the effectiveness of my attack this time.

I don't need to answer your question, Sha, let skill be a means of proof. Come on, bullets, hit and rain on the boy's body. My eyes can no longer see his idiotic behavior.

"Huh? What's the max-"
