
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

How Could that Be?

Chapter 8

Wow, author, why do you want to make a scene so little?!! Instead of being good, the phenomenon ahead actually feels terrible. Suwer, why did I lie? What a silly writer!


A small child, standing in the middle of a terrible typhoon ahead? Don't tell me that he….

That kid, huh? Legendary descendant, the greatest Elemental Wizard and famous among the people. Yep, who else if not Sasha the bloated kid. Hadeh, I'm really tired of his behavior, really.

Right across from my eyes at this moment, a girl around elementary school age could clearly be seen standing in the middle of a whirlwind.

Etdah, what's wrong with too many people? Really reckless, genuine.




Wow, wind, slow down a bit. Without realizing it, you almost made me lose my mind. Etdah, you really don't know etiquette.

After a few moments of spinning, the gust of wind around Sasha suddenly broke, creating a fairly strong whirlwind phenomenon, releasing huge wind pressure in all directions, including the area where I was lying.

OK, if it's just an ordinary wind incident, I don't have a problem. Not this time, the dust came with it, it was terrible!

While I was focused on looking ahead, a collection of wind containing quite annoying dust suddenly rushed straight at me. Oh, it's windy, it's dusty too. It's really annoying!


Especially? It's impossible to force your eyes to stay open, right?

Realizing that the eyes could not hold on any longer, immediately the two lids moved, covering almost part of the sense of sight, blocking access to the interior.

Haaah, fortunately my body is structured like a technological device. Very sophisticated indeed, seriously.

"Hmmmmmh." Keeping my eyes closed, I put my hands on my hips and raised them, placing them slightly higher than my head, preventing the dust in front of me from getting in straight away. In other words, I put both hands right in front of my eyes, see?



Kisanak, the longer it takes, the stronger it blows, right? Argghhhh!!

Instead of weakening, the wind, whose origin was not clear, actually blew stronger than a few moments ago. Damn* you wind!!





Now what? Will I be trapped in this situation?

While raising my arms as high as my head, I tried to block the wind in front of me for a few moments.


Bro? I'm not stranded on an island without any inhabitants, right? I'm in the arena, right? K- I'm lost, why do I feel the sensation of living in an uninhabited city?

There was no pause after saying the narrative, the wind that had previously caused my eyelids to move shut was now suddenly gone without further clarity.

If we conclude, the phenomenon of the sudden disappearance of the whirlwind, right? OK, scientists, I need an explanation from you. My brain is really confused, seriously.

"Hmmmm?" What? Is there a problem if I open my eyes? Gosh you guys….

Trying to break my curiosity, I opened my two lids spontaneously, giving my eyes a second chance, trying to capture the image right in front of my eyes.

Sooner or later, I will see it.



Oh- my- God. What the fuc* bro? Sas, Sasha, if you hate me, hate me, but I really beg you, don't make anything strange happen while the two of us are competing.

Haah... Sasha, are you going to fight or trying to create a natural phenomenon in the arena? Gile, my intentions are true, I swear.

When a pair of eyes focused directly on the target, my eyes widened, my lips fell silent, unable to say anything, seeing a small child on the other side now covered in lots of strange colors all over his clothes.

Yep, that's Sasha, a little girl with long hair with a twirler attitude than a kid her age. I don't know, I'm confused about the kid's behavior. That's right, I'm not joking.


"Now I'm ready."

Ready? Ready for what? Could it be that you have a hidden plan to defeat me?

Taking a deep breath, Sasha spontaneously said a few words while lowering her right hand to head level.

OK, I admit that your clothes are quite charming, but one thing that makes me wonder is why your index finger is pointing at me, right?

After he finished his sentence, for some reason Sasha was silent, pointed a finger, looked at me with a very sharp gaze, continued to pay attention to that position for the next few moments.

Glaring at me? Why? What is it? Am I doing something incorrectly? Is not it? Really? If yes, please say so now. I promise not to do it again, suwer.

"Then? That's all?"

Hehe, don't you make other people angry first? He's acting strange anyway. So it's not my fault, right?

Seeing Sasha silent, watching me like a stalker, I felt uncomfortable and asked her a simple question.

"Those who despise me will die in perdition."

Wow... that's really scary, it's real. Your words sound like a wizard, seriously.

Remaining in a position of attention, Sasha responded to my words with a clenched fist with her left hand. This indicates that he has really lost his temper.

OK Sha, I know you're angry, but it's good if you don't do anything crazy after this. Understand? Promise not to go berserk? Did you understand?

"Are? What do you mean-"

"Top match time-"

"Shut up!"


W- a- a- a- a- what is this? W- k- k- k- why is it like this? I- I'm confused, no, o-my brain can't comprehend the current events!

About to ask a question from his mouth, the arena siren loudly announced that there wasn't much time remaining in the match.

Yes, I can't deny that right now I feel very happy. How come? After all the things I did to hold back Sasha, I finally managed to slow the kid down so he didn't win so easily. It really makes my heart happy, really.

But unfortunately, my dream of holding Sasha until the end didn't go very smoothly.

Haaah... how long will I have to be trapped with him? I really want to get out right now.

Before the siren had finished speaking, Sasha suddenly screamed, uttering silent words in a loud tone, trying to express the annoyance in her mind.

Does it stop there? Of course not, bro, because after Sasha said the trivial word, the entire audience behind the viewing glass now stopped, along with the clockwork and the sound of the sirens which fell silent in the blink of an eye.

That's right, they were all silent as if they couldn't make the slightest movement. Never mind humans, time-telling objects such as clocks also stopped as a result of the words of the underage boy.

Guys, does anyone have a white flag right now? If so, I want to borrow that thing right now.
