

This story centers around the creation of the worlds billions of years ago. It tells the impact of the the Angels on the hatching of the Devine egg leading to the creation of the billions of universes, both seen and unseen. Salvatore was once an Angel, but due to his conspiracies and arrogance, he was evicted from heaven to rule the underworld for all eternity. Salvatore found a way to relocate the underworld to Earth, but will lead to destructions and the free roaming of supernatural beings in the world of the living. Boma was born of Man but created from the lights of the seventh Heaven. For Salvatore to take over the world, he must first of all contend with Boma in finding the four sacred stones that imprisoned him. Find out in this novel if Salvatore or Boma succeeded.

Adeshina_Okunlola · Fantasy
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10 Chs


In the beginning of time, when God first nursed the intention of creating some vacuums and cells to serve as habitats for his creations. He conjured an egg to exist outside the space time continuum. He created angels to serve as emissaries and messengers, part of whom were Zadkiel who was the head of the angels to maintain orders in the cosmos, while Ophaniel, Rikbiel, Zophiel and Satan were in charge of keeping celestial records. They received injunctions on daily basis, assigning for them their duties. Lucifer was always the first to know what their duties would be, as he was a member of the record keepers.

Zadkiel and his team were assigned to protect and nourish the egg that God created and they always delivered as instructed. They nurtured the egg for twenty seven billion years continually and the egg matured and grew exponentially. Zadkiel traveled one day to understand the real composition of the egg and its purpose, because God never opened to them the purpose of the egg. Zadkiel arrived at site of the egg and decided to have a closer examination. He was still some distance away when he felt a sudden tremor. The egg began to tilt left and right. Zadkiel being a very brave Angel, summoned courage and moved closer to examine the egg. But the closer he gets to the egg, the hotter he felt. He placed his ears on the surface of the egg and heard an intense rumbling within the core of the egg. Zadkiel couldn't explain what was happening, then he rushed back to heaven to report the situation of the egg. Getting to heaven, he met every other angels composed and staring at him. Zophiel approached him and asked of where he'd been, and he told him he was coming from the egg. He was yet to relay his experience with the egg when Zophiel interrupted him, "about the egg, we've received new directives never to move closer again. The egg will soon hatch," Zophiel said. " I can't even explain how the egg is doing, it's become so hot and heavy and when I moved closer, it felt like eruptions were taking place within it, " he explained.

Zadkiel and Zophiel were unawared that Salvatore, a third order agent was heavedropping on their conversation. Salvatore rushed down to the celestial palace to tarnish the image of Zadkiel, just maybe he could receive God's commendation. He began to spread rumors about what Zadkiel had said and what he never said. But Since Salvatore couldn't stand in the presence of God, let alone backbite his fellow angel, Satan advised him to spread the rumors among the Seraphs, these were the angels guarding the celestial gate. But instead of spreading the truth about Zadkiel haven gone to see the egg before the injunction of never going there again was given, he kept on spreading lies about Zadkiel disobeying a direct instruction and went to observe the egg after they've been directed not to. The rumor ricocheted all around and God aware of everything, including the most hidden, did not bother. He instructed the Seraphs never to dabble into the rumor and they all followed suit.

Three million years after, the egg hatched in the form of an explosion, which was today referred to as the 'Big Bang'. The pressure and heat within the egg had fully grown that the shell could no longer hold. Pieces of the egg scattered through the space. A message eventually appeared on the celestial record stating the purpose of the egg. "Behold today my angels, the Devine egg has finally hatched. The hatching will birth the beginning of millions of universe. Now it's in pieces, but each corresponding fragments and matters will merge to form the planets, the galaxies, the asteroids, the comets, the rocks, the waters and every other minerals and isotopes. We shall make some of the planets habitable, while others as cells for any of our creations that will cause mischief in the world. We shall install for them knowledge beyond their capacities and achievements beyond their strengths". These was the message received that gave them the knowledge of the egg.

Zophiel was a resident of heaven, he was one of the angels assigned to man specific creations since the beginning of time. He was originally assigned to be in charge of keeping celestial records. His brother Salvatore was supposed to be responsible for each and specific seasons and the types of crops that grows in line with each seasons. And after the planting season, Salvatore was supposed to be responsible for the instigation of the Angel in charge of water to bring forth rain, in order to ensure germination. But Salvatore was a very rude and arrogant angel who felt belittled given such a task. He claimed he wanted to be the one who supports the throne of divinity, but the task was awarded to the most trusted, loyal and powerful of them all, Angel Gabriel. Salvatore grew jealous and began to constitute nuisance, he was later granted the custody of the underworld. He reigned on the throne of chaos in hell. As more wicked souls Salvatore admitted into the underworld for questioning, the more he grew to like earth. But it was already written that Salvatore would one day planned to escape hell. As a result, four stones were supernaturally placed in unique regions on earth; the region with the highest cold, the region with the highest heat, the region with the highest wind and the region of the middle-earth.

Salvatore has a young angel was one of god's favorites, he was well loved by the other senior angels for his brilliance. He grew closer to lucifer when he was given an assignment to plant the seeds of sins on earth before the creation of Man. Lucifer already discharged from heaven was the only earth inhabitant as at then. Being a former custodian of the scroll of destiny and a cunning creature, he knew what the fruit can do. As a personal vendetta, he enthusiastically assisted in the planting of the seeds when Salvatore came down to earth for the planting. Even after planting, lucifer with no specific purpose for existence after banishment from heaven, would take his time to wet the seeds into fruits. Lucifer already aware of the punishment to be served on any angel who tasted the fruits. After all it wasn't meant for the angels, but the primitive beings called humans, who will be created on earth. After the germination of the seeds into fruits, Salvatore admired the beauty of the fruits. Lucifer saw these moment as an avenue to confuse Salvatore into eating the fruit, just so he could be banished from heaven and be his earth companion. He tricked him into believing that the taste is even more better than the look, and advised him to have a bite. Salvatore had became over reliant on Lucifer that he hardly rejected his directives here on earth, forgetting what Lucifer is capable of. He ate the fruit and instantly, his wings shed off his back, taking away his means of returning to heaven. Salvatore was so infuriated with Lucifer that he engaged him in a fierce battle for ten thousand years. Lucifer grew tired of the battle and prayed to god to help end the fight. As a sign of response to his prayers, Salvatore was served the punishment of disregard and negligence, and was condemned into the underworld away from Lucifer who still roams the earth. Since then, he had been transformed into a wicked and disobedient angel. He was then assigned to coordinate the affairs of the underworld, where creatures like him duelt. Salvatore ruled the underworld with so much hanger and criminality, since the three stones of truth, light and fate had been removed, he's found a way to release condemned souls to walk the earth He always treated them so badly at first, then he tempt them with redemption of their souls as long as they agreed to kill for him and cause chaos on earth and by doing so, placing the blames on Lucifer. Once they entered a deal with him, he sends them into the land of the living, but he could not himself leave the underworld because he needed for all the four stones to be removed before he could escape. And the most powerful and dangerous of the stones was the stone of fears, whose location was unknown.

Salvatore came to know about Boma since Lindsey's pregnant days, when he first attempted to displace the stones. He sent his minions to carry out the task, but when they got to the stones, they couldn't touch them. So, the messengers employed the services of mortals who were used under the pretense of mining to dig into the ground. When they arrived at the locations of the stones, the mortals that touched them disappeared, while the stones moved away from their locations. The stone of fears controlled the functioning of the others, so the energy sent to prevent the stones from being taken passed through pregnant Boma's mom, Lindsey who was then an archeological supervisor. Boma's power was born out of the stone of fears, to restall back the displaced three other stones. Lindsey felt a relatively sharp pain the moment the energy went through her, but she had no idea what just happened.

Salvatore's messengers failed on the quest to obtain the stones. Salvatore was so infuriated and disappointed in his messengers. He decided to terminate the deals he made with them and returned them to the underworld. She questioned them to know what went wrong, and was made to know of what happened to Lindsey. Since then, he sent several of his accomplices to spy on Lindsey and report back to him.

On the day Boma was born, Salvatore had just completed deals with another five demons in the underworld, towards achieving his mission. All of a sudden, he started hearing a baby's cry in his ears, taunting his brains. He was down in pain knocking on his head, then he saw a quick vision of a child being born in an hospital. But to his total dismay, the baby started crying again, and the more she cried, the more pains Salvatore felt, even to the point of almost collapsing. He later felt relieved, and since then, he monitored Boma's growth, trying at every stage to kill her before she could cause him any trouble, but it all failed.

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