

This story centers around the creation of the worlds billions of years ago. It tells the impact of the the Angels on the hatching of the Devine egg leading to the creation of the billions of universes, both seen and unseen. Salvatore was once an Angel, but due to his conspiracies and arrogance, he was evicted from heaven to rule the underworld for all eternity. Salvatore found a way to relocate the underworld to Earth, but will lead to destructions and the free roaming of supernatural beings in the world of the living. Boma was born of Man but created from the lights of the seventh Heaven. For Salvatore to take over the world, he must first of all contend with Boma in finding the four sacred stones that imprisoned him. Find out in this novel if Salvatore or Boma succeeded.

Adeshina_Okunlola · Fantasy
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10 Chs


It grew dark in the night with birds chirping with ominous display. The air blows with so much brevity, yet heat couldn't arrest the coldness of the scary night. Boma's mom, Lindsey was in so much fear of attack by another sets of demons or maybe ghosts this time. Though she laid on her bed, with her back to the door, facing the window. She couldn't decide where exactly to expect the dangers of the trying night. She got off her bed clumsily, running to the floor her desk lamp. It hit the ground harder before Lindsey could safe it, breaking the glass and the bulb into a dispersed pieces. Boma on her bed equally deprived of slumber, heard the shattering of the glasses and rushed down to her mom's room. She badged into her room, leaving her mom almost jumping out of her skin. " Are you Okay mom, " she asked. She gradually approached her mom who was left frustrated on the spot, covering the rear of her neck with the right palm of her hand and the left hand gazing uselessly at the shattered glasses that hijacked her floor. She turned to Boma with a depressed and tearful rigor. She just stood still confused of the situation. Boma couldn't bare the pains of her tearful mom, as she joined her mom in shedding tears. Lindsey summoned some level of control, opening her arms wide enough to contain her daughter's embrace. " I'm sorry mom if i made you cry," Boma pleaded. Her mom pulled her out of embrace to the length of the stretch of her arms. " What are you doing honey? You weren't responsible for my tears, instead you brought me happiness. I'm only sad because I felt powerless to protect you when in need," Lindsey said to her daughter. They both neglected the shattered glasses and just sat on the bed. 'Only a specimen subjected through testing appreciates the definition of quality. Hardship and sweetness are twin destinations with diverse routes, but when the journey sets in pretense and the traveler in dilemma of purpose, pains must kick in some senses in order to appreciate the value of clarity'.

Boma and her mom later lied face up on the bed, thinking of an escape from the turbulent time. Boma was wondering when her mom will request an explanation to all the happenings. She wondered where to start from, should her mom decided to seek an explanation to fill the void of her worries of the past days she went missing. She took a quick glance at her mom, then face up again. It was as if Lindsey red her daughters thoughts. "I wasn't asking about what happened to you these past days because I was afraid of knowing what you might have gone through." But sweetheart," now she and Boma were facing each other. Whenever you are ready to talk, I'll be here for you and ready to listen" Lindsey assured. Boma shifted to close the gap between herself and her mom on the bed, and later placed her head on her mom's chest, with her mom's arms ramped around her. Lindsey began to make a humming sound, singing Boma's favorite nursery rhyme to calm her nerves and they both dozed off unknowingly. It's been two days since the two had anything resembling sleep. They both didn't wake up till morning, around 7:43am when there was a knock on the door. Lindsey wanted to gently set Boma on the bed to check who's in their home, but Boma opened her eyes. "Hey mom, "Boma greeted. Her mom replied with a relaxing smile." there's someone downstairs. She left Boma in her room and went downstairs. She almost forgot her door was already ripped apart during the attack by the demon. She saw the police chief in her living room, looking around." How did you, " she wanted to ask how he got inside before remembering her house was already door less. " I'm sorry Mrs Cross, for coming into your home without permission. But I was worried when I saw the state of the door and everywhere, " the police chief, Jack Pierce stated. " It's okay, to what do i earn your visit," Lindsey asked. " Do you care to share what happened here, Mrs Cross, " Chief Jack Pierce inquired, turning to face Lindsey. She cleared her throat, ruminated on what to say to avoid further troubles. " It's nothing, I also came home yesterday meeting it like these, but I think the heavy wind during the eclipse was responsible, " she explained. The chief could have sworn there's more to the ripped apartment than what Lindsey was letting out. He moved closer a bit to Lindsey, when his gaze shifted to a burnt section of the floor and a half burnt picture of her and Boma. He picked up the picture. " I came to ask if there's any news about your daughter," He said, offering her the burnt picture. " What about her?" Lindsey asked. Boma already left the room, eavesdropping on the Police Chief's conversation with her mom. " Well, did she come home already, or if there's any news or information that could help us find her" the chief inquired. " Thank you chief, but there won't be any need for that," Lindsey replied. The chief looked stunned and disturbed about the response, adding up the state he met the house when he arrived. Lindsey added quickly " She actually went to be with my coursing in Dan spring, but lost her phone while going, but she has returned yesterday". " But what about her bicycle and bag that was found close to the cliff?" he asked. Lindsey was getting infuriated by the persistence of the police chief. She came off the last two stages of the stairs, about a meter plus to where the police chief stood. She turned a sarcastic smile at him," With due respect to the police, I came to report that my daughter was missing, but you waited almost twenty four hours before agreeing to search for her, she wasn't found but the search was called off, now she's home but I could sense that you aren't satisfied. As you can see, my house needs a lot of repairs, if you'll excuse me, " Lindsey said to the police chief. He gave her a smiley face as she pointed to the exit for the chief. The chief could tell something was off, but couldn't quite confirmed it. She gave a relaxing look immediately the police chief drove off. Boma came down to meet her mom and asked, " mom, what do we do now?" "we do nothing," she responded. Just act and behave naturally like nothing ever happened. Go and prepare for school and tell anyone who asked about your whereabouts the same story I told the chief, " Lindsey addressed. Boma stood still on the spot, confused how to merge her just discovered life with her natural life. She prepared for school while her mom dropped her off. She was able to fend off all gossips from her critiques and friends alike. After the school, Boma couldn't join her cheerleading group for practice, rather she went straight to the library to research more about the protectors and Salvatore. While going through the internet searching for information about the protectors, she discovered that the believe of people was that the protectors have gone into extinction. She looked through the library shelves on books that discusses issues about the supernaturals. She bumped into a book that talked about witches and demons' The shadow of counted spells'. She got the book and continued reading through it. She was almost at the middle of the book when she cut her finger by the tip of this particular page. Her finger started bleeding, leading to a drop of the blood falling on the mid section of the book page. Suddenly, a heavy breeze blew in the library hall, closing the book Boma was going through. A blinding light came out of the book, bringing forth a spirit. Boma could feel her body hairs standing erect, with a bit of coldness in the air. She felt the presence of a supernatural being, but didn't know the being was right behind her. Everyone in the library went into a deep sleep, except Boma. Then she heard a weird voice from behind, that echoed through the whole library space. " The journey of a thousand years that began on the souls of doom and consumed the bloods of the innocent has risen to reclaim the land of the living again. Sadness will engulf the land, blood will flow like oceans and souls will taste agony beyond mortal comprehension. The witches of Necrophers who are the allies of Salvatore have awakened the souls of the seven warriors of Nimuel. The warriors of Nimuel spread terror in the land and brought death to the door steps of every homes in their wake here in Gestfield before their souls was casted into the underworld and bonded into the grave by the same witches of Necrophers one thousand year ago. Now that the witches now sided with Salvatore, their souls have been restored and their mission of terror awakened. Only you Boma stands in their way, and only you could save your world. Go to the land of the snails to meet the wizard of Panda. He has the secrets and the book to help you with your quest". Boma was so terrified by the pitch of the voice. She looked back to see who it was, but she disappeared already. Boma grabbed the shadows of counted spells book and ran out of the library. She believed that things were getting too complicated to be handled alone. She went back to the point where she fell off the cliff to meet the protectors, she reached inside her bag and brought out her short starve and jumped . She expected that she'll be lowered down gradually but instead, she was suspended in the air and driven straight to the cave of the protectors. Getting to the entrance, she was lowered gradually to the ground and went in. She met with the leader and narated what she heard. The leader asked if she truly heard what she narrated, and she responded with yes. The leader then told him more about the seven warriors of Nimuel. " the seven warriors of Nimuel were ones soldiers on the battle fields. But during the war of cast between Draculta and Gestfield over a thousand year ago, they were part of numerous Gestfield's soldiers who were killed. The King of Gestfield then consulted the witches to help win the war. These seven warriors were the most experienced and competent generals in the Gestfield's army, so their bodies were retrieved from the battle fields and spells casted on them by the witches, turning them into a vicious army of the dead. The seven warriors went against about one thousand five hundred soldiers of Draculta and won the war. But something unexpected happened. After the war, the warriors wouldn't stop killing, even when the King of Draculta surrendered, the seven warriors went ahead wiping out the entire kingdom. The witches tried calling them back to return to the land of the dead, but it became impossible. The seven warriors must not taste the blood of a menstruating virgin, but after conquering the soldiers of Draculta, they killed many virgins and innocent villagers and sucked from their bloods. Since then, they became uncontrollable and extremely dangerous without any bounds. After finishing with Draculta, they returned to Gestfield and started killing the people they were supposedly created to protect. As a result, the witches of Necrophers used the Grimmor (witches book of spells) to send them into the grave and bonded. So, if the spirit told you of their return, definitely the witches have a hand in it. Also the spirit that came to you is called 'the guardian of the veil'. She appears whenever the veil is threatened and dead souls were made to roam the earth freely". "But how do I find the Wizard of panda," Boma asked. The wizard of panda was a very powerful wizard who was given the gift of spell. She can create spell and undo them. The leader instructed Boma to come with her into a separate chamber of the cave. The chamber had nine doors with each of them leading to nine magical realms, one of which was Panda. " will you be coming with me?" Boma asked. "Protectors have sworn never to leave the cave, unless in extreme circumstances, " the leader responded. " Was that the reason why the world believed you to be an extincted species?" Boma asked. The Protectors nodded in affirmation. "How do I find him when I get there and will this door remain open for my return?" Boma inquired. " You can't find him, rather he'll find you. And once you step out of the door into Panda, the door becomes invisible from there," the leader said to her. The magical door was opened and Boma found herself in the middle of the forest.

Boma remembered not telling her mom of her movements." why do I keep doing this to my mom?" she asked herself." She'd be worried sick again if I couldn't make it back in time. She saw a narrow path up ahead and followed it through to a river bank. A Canoe was there already to convey her. She looked around but saw no one. Courageously, she stepped into the canoe and it began to move itself. After twenty minutes on the river, she arrived at another river bank and alighted from the canoe. She had no idea where to go next. She sat down, thinking of what to do, then she saw another canoe on the river coming towards her. Then she stood up, anticipating the arrival of whoever was coming. The canoe stopped in front of her, but she couldn't confirm the identity of the person who alighted. His head and face were completely covered with hairs. Even though he was facing Boma directly, she had no idea what he looked like. " The destiny of the world rests on your shoulders. Your eyes shall see death and your ears shall hear the sound of agony. You are against forces beyond your widest imagination, and if you've met the guardian of the veil, then it means you are the chosen one. You will need a comforter in your quest, " he said to her. He brought out the Grimmor and handed it over to her." That's what you came for, "he added. He reached into his bag again and brought out a cat. He gave her the cat, " this animal is your familiar, it will reason with you and listen to your deepest desires and worries, keep it safe "." Are you the wizard of Panda? " Boma asked." must you ask a question you already have the answer to?" he responded. He got back into the canoe and was on his way. Boma also got back into the canoe she came with, following the wizard. They were almost at the middle of the river when the wizard together with his canoe was suddenly swallowed by a very huge creature. Boma had no idea what it was, she didn't know what to do. She heard a bizarre roar in the water, below her canoe. But it wasn't like she could just jump into the river, that would be more suicidal, neither could she just start to run in the middle of a river. She held firmly to her chest the Grimmore looking front and back inside the canoe. She casted a spell for the canoe to move faster. The speed increased but still being chased by the creature. The creature swerved out of the water to grab her, but it missed. Now she could see the river bank, but no one in sight she could call to her rescue. She got her starve in her right hand, pointing it in every direction she heard the roaring of the creature. The creature hit her canoe from beneath, throwing her several meters into the air. She landed in the water very hard, but she still had her starve in her hand. For some moments, she couldn't hear or feel the presence of the creature. So she thought maybe the creature was gone already, then she started swimming towards the bank of the river. She got her foot grip on the ground, trying to walk out of the water, then she heard a very deep and scary roar behind her. The creature charged towards her, but while she looked back, she discovered that the creature was already so close, so she decided to rather walk with her back towards the bank and facing the direction of the creature. The creature swerved out of the water again with all intensity. It was the biggest thing she ever grazed with her eyes. It mouth was widely opened to consume Boma at once. Boma's eyes were fully dilated in fear as the creature approached. Suddenly, she shouted with the full length of her voice. The water began to freeze instantly, freezing the creature with her mouth wide opened. The entire river was transformed into a complete ice in the process. She was completely soaked in water herself back at the river bank. She sensed their could be more dangers ahead for her, but she had no idea how to get home. She held her starve with both her hands, closed her eyes and just thought of her home. She felt a change in the atmospheric condition and opened her eyes. To her amazement, she found herself in her room at home. She dropped the bag on her to the floor and the starve, she fell to her bed and dozed off. The frozen creature turned back into the wizard of Panda. He walked off the ice and the ice turned back into water. " She's truly something amazing, turning the river into ice by just shouting, "he said. The followers of the wizard already hidden around the river bank all came out and rendered their respects to the wizard.

Boma's mom came into her room to check up on her, but found her dozed off on the bed. She felt the need to check the bag Boma dropped on the floor. She picked it up and opened it, but she only saw the spell books, while the familiar turned into a toy cat. She looked through the books and realized they were all about magic and supernaturals. She became worried again, unsure what her daughter had gotten herself into. She dropped the books back into the bag and zipped it up. There was Boma's blanket by her side, she spread it to cover her up and went back to her own room.

It was exactly sixty five hours after Boma's return from the land of the snails, on a Saturday. She went out for morning walk outs this particular morning. She was just a mile away from home when she realized someone just by her side. She looked to her right and found Jason her school mate and also Karen's boyfriend. He gave her a quick glance and Boma responded with a short smile. " what are you doing here?" she asked. "As you can see, I'm equally trying to stay fit, " Jason responded. " I'm not talking about you doing walk out, I meant this, staying side by side with me," Boma clarified. "I actually have something interesting to discuss with you, if you're interested,"Jason stated." why should I?" Boma asked." A friend of my enemy is equally my enemy. Or have you forgotten how your girlfriend treats me?" Boma added. She came to a sudden stop, then turned back facing home. Jason refused to be left hanging. He followed Boma again. Boma looked to her right again and there was Jason. He was the one to smile this time as Boma began to wonder what exactly he wanted with her. "why do you judge me, using your relationship with Karen?" Jason asked. "She truly was my girlfriend, but didn't mean I agree with her attitudes," Jason added. " Was your girlfriend, what are you talking about?" Boma asked. " You didn't know, She and I broke up precisely the day you were declared missing," Jason declared. Boma paused a bit, then continued." So, why are you telling me this? "she asked." I just don't want to be continuously judged by her characters, and since I tried enough to influence her behavior, but she failed to adjust, I refused to continue with such a relationship. Now I hope you and I can be friends from this moment on, and not enemies by proxy, " he declared. Boma didn't know what response to give, she stopped again and watched as Jason skipped away. She wanted to get an ice cream, so she stopped by an ice cream joint. She was about coming out, when everyone started running, she got out of the shop and glanced at the vicinity to observe why that was happening. "Who could it be this time? " she asked herself. Could it be the seven warriors. Far away from her, she saw a very big man standing at the middle of the road, looking directly at her. She was in a doubt, whether the man was really looking at her or something else. She changed her direction and faced her way home, then she saw the man again far ahead in front of her. Out of confusion, she looked back again to confirm, but the man was no longer at her back, now she realized immediately that she's in trouble of another demon. She ruminated for a moment what to do, then she decided to stood her ground. Even if she decided to run, the demon was already standing in her way. The demon carried a car with his bare hands and threw it at her. But suddenly, she was pushed out of the way and the car missed. She looked at the person who pushed her, but it was Jason. They both hid behind another car parked on the road, while people on the street run for their lives. The demon started coming towards them. " What are you doing here again, i thought you left?" Boma asked. "really, you really want to do this now?" asked, Jason. " shouldn't you rather say thank you?" he added. "Thank you for what, do I even know if you're responsible for the man who wanted to kill me, " she responded. Jason managed to peep through the side of the car and noticed the man was heading their way. He got up and entered the car they hid behind, he turned on the ignition and instructed Boma to enter. She got into the car, but the man was holding a chain with fire burning all around it. " What is that?" Jason asked, after seeing what the man was holding. He began to swing the chain and released it towards the car. Jason stepped on the reverse gear and fortunately for them, the chain only hit the side of the car, which busted into flames after that. Jason put the car into acceleration and applied the maximum speed, aiming to clear the mystery man of the road. He hit him at full speed, then looked back to see the result. Disturbingly, they saw the man still standing on his feet. Jason looked disturbed. "What is that thing?" he asked. " Get us out of here, "Boma instructed. Jason then hit the ignition, but the car failed to start. They saw the man coming towards them again. Jason was so scared of the situation, he turned and turned the ignition continuously, but the car wouldn't budge. Boma on the other hand, was wary of revealing herself to Jason. The man was just about fifteen meters away from them, then the car started. Jason had never been so scared in his live. He accelerated the car and in no time was driving at around one hundred and fifty miles an hour, hoping to escape the creature. Jason observed the rear through the side mirror, but there was the man again running after their car with his leg. "Are you kidding me now?" Jason said, still looking at the side mirror. Boma also checked the side mirror and saw the man trying to catch up to them. Boma knew the creature would catch up to them and it could be disastrous for them both, especially Jason. So, she casted a sleeping spell on him without him noticing and he fell asleep immediately, with the car still on motion. She stepped on the break and the car came to a sudden abrupt stop, turning to where they were coming from and Jason's head resting on the steering wheel. Boma alighted from the car, deprived of any fear or anxiety. She stepped out to the middle of the road, expecting the man. The demon stopped immediately he sighted Boma on the road, then began to approach her gradually. His chains caught fire again and he began to swing, hoping to erase Boma out of existence with a single strike. But Boma just wouldn't budge. She thought of what to do without her staff, so she began to cast a spell, instructing the ground to swallow up the demon. It halt his advance and looked at Boma surprisingly. Within a short while, he couldn't move an inch from the spot he was standing, then the ground began to swallow him, till nothing was left of him. Boma got back in the car and woke up Jason. " where's that thing?" he asked. " I think we lose him," replied Boma. "Really? I really thought we were going to die," said, Jason. Then he turned a weird look at Boma. "But how come i fell asleep unknowingly, but you seemed to be fine?" Jason asked. " How would I know," she responded, feigning innocence. " Thank you though, I'm really grateful that you were there to save me. Can you please take me home now," she added. Jason was so happy to hear from Boma's mouth, words of gratitude. He gladly turned the ignition and took her home.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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