

This story centers around the creation of the worlds billions of years ago. It tells the impact of the the Angels on the hatching of the Devine egg leading to the creation of the billions of universes, both seen and unseen. Salvatore was once an Angel, but due to his conspiracies and arrogance, he was evicted from heaven to rule the underworld for all eternity. Salvatore found a way to relocate the underworld to Earth, but will lead to destructions and the free roaming of supernatural beings in the world of the living. Boma was born of Man but created from the lights of the seventh Heaven. For Salvatore to take over the world, he must first of all contend with Boma in finding the four sacred stones that imprisoned him. Find out in this novel if Salvatore or Boma succeeded.

Adeshina_Okunlola · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Boma fell off the cliff with her bike after being hit by the truck, but as she was about to hit the ground, she found herself suspended in the air and gradually lowered to the ground. She was so surprised about what just happened and wondering if what just happened could be taking as a dream. She landed on the ground with her two feet. But to her amazement, even at full speed of the truck hitting her bicycle head on, not even a scratch was left on her body. Boma couldn't quite fathom the mechanism that surrounded her escape and to worsen the situation, she had no idea where she had landed. She looked around and saw a cave nearby, she stare back at the top of the cliff again imagining what could have been, had the miracle not happened. She saw a small starve glowing next to the entrance of the cave, she was attracted to it, because she felt the starve calling for her. She grabbed it and suddenly she heard a whispering voice calling her name, this time more deeper than before grabbing the starve. She catechised the terrains all around and realized the voices emanated from within the cave. She had no volition other than to obliged the call. "I'm in the middle of nowhere, where do I go and who do i call, " that was her thought till she remembered her bag wasn't with her. She swiftly looked around for her bag, but ended in a flop. She thought of calling her mom or any of her friends, but without her bag, she had no phone, since it was left in her bag. Fear metamorphosed into anger, as her anger sequels frustration. She approached the cave entrance and saw golden bubbles flew out of the cave. The voice now became more clear and louder. The starve she was holding began to vibrate and releasing the same golden bubbles as the cave. The bubbles from the starve began to merge with those from the cave forming a big oval shaped ball. Suddenly, the oval ball started shining at very high intensity, illuminating the cave and it surrounding. Boma went into the cave and the entrance was suddenly sealed off. She realized already that her surviving the accident was magical and so was the cave she just entered. She started wondering what magical creatures took the cave as their residence. These magical beings must have cut themselves out from the rest of the world due to their gifts or curse, depending on what they believed. It was almost as if the voices she was hearing had red her thought. " we are the "protectors of divinity. Our presence on earth is to balance the celestial habitation and the worldly wight to prevent the destabilization of the spiritual sovereignty. The protectors were always the first to sense any impending dooms or dangers on these plain of existence and holds the knowledge of the elemental knowledge of events as they unfolded. " They always protect against the infiltration of the mundane plains by the covetous souls that will stop at nothing to escape the raging punishment of the underworld. A human with a celestial inheritance is anointed to fight against the dangers and restore the arch. They were at the beginning of time a part of the human race, but the more they metamorphosed into the magical being, the more threatened the humans became, so they decided to avoid confrontations and relocated into the caves away from civilization. But in times of dangers, they select a random human who portrays some of their magical genes. That's why you, Boma had found yourself here, because you are half part human and half part celestial. You have been blessed to fight against Salvatore, the ruler of the underworld. It's your destiny to restore the torn seal of the underworld and prevent Salvatore from conquering the mundane world." the voice educated Boma of her purpose and stopped. Boma felt the warmth passing through her nerves and the sustained powers growing in the air, then she collapsed to the ground. After several minutes had passed, she regained her consciousness and went on her feet. The cave began to light up on every foot steps she took. She was received by the 'negotiators' among the protectors. They took her to a section of the cave where magical mirrors were installed to negotiate her destiny. Boma could see her past as well as the futures yet to unfold from the mirrors. She was quite thrilled with the beauty and revelations of the glasses. A voice came from one of the mirrors instructing Boma to look deeper, She concentrated on the mirror and saw when she was born. She saw herself sleeping on her court one glorious night and the ruler of the underworld; Salvatore, sent one of his minions to retrieve her. But as the messenger approached her, a bright light emerged from her body and formed a human figure. The messenger of Salvatore was the spirit of ice, it tried to froze her but the light provided warmth for her and exterminate the messenger. The bright light returned to her body after that. Another glass called on her to look deeper again, this time she was seven years old. She was riding her bicycle in front of the house, she lost the control of the bicycle and she found herself between two cars on the road. But instead of her being crushed, the vehicles mysteriously escaped her and her mom rushed out to pick her off the road. It was the first time her mom noticed the strange powers in her. Another glass caught her attention, showing her when she was fifteen years old, and she went on a camping trip with her friends; Lana, Chloe and Cynthia. They were at the side of the ocean in the evening when some other guys also came camping. They were four in number; Lexcort, Tommy, Dean and Bob. They decided to mix with Boma and her friends, which they initially refused, till Chloe convinced them it'll be fun. They were together and as the night approaches, they set up a fire camp and were catching fun, till all of them fell asleep except her. It was around 12:00am in the mid-night, she moved closer to the river bank and sat down thinking through her lives. Suddenly, she felt weird and cold. She saw an approaching shadow heading towards her, she stood up and looked around but saw no one who could be behind the shadow, other than her friends who were already asleep. She went back to join her friends, but couldn't sleep. She saw the shadow approaching again, but this time they were seven in numbers. She couldn't talk or do anything. The shadows took them one by one, and she could see her friends getting suffocated. The last of the shadows grabbed her neck and squeeze as she began to struggle for air as well. She shouted at once and the shadows all lost their grips on their necks. She joined her friends and they all converged at a point. They were asking one another what just happened, because they couldn't see the shadows, but only Boma could. She pointed at the shadows for her friends to see, but they couldn't. They started looking Boma in a weird way, then she cautioned herself, feigning ignorance. She kept watching as all the shadows appeared to be in pains. They all merged and formed a weird creature and then disappeared.

Another glass attracted her attention. But as she was about to look deeper, she heard a voice from behind that said "enough ". The glasses stopped glowing and Boma turned to see who it was. It was the leader of the protectors. He said to her, "come my child, you still have a lot to know and a lot to do. Your journey has just began, you will be the defender of the human race and you have been anointed to be the symbol of hope and deliverance to your people. The dark cloud is upon your world and Salvatore, the ruler of the underworld has chosen to relocate his kingdom to the world of the living. Chaos and blood shed shall rule your world and the kingdom of hell shall reignet on earth ". He said all that to Boma as they head to another chamber of the cave. The leader continued," you shall be trained and empowered to be able to ward off the dangers offering over your world." The chamber was lighted up and Boma was instructed to wait behind. The leader left Boma alone in the chamber as it closed. She became so scared of what might happen to her, she closed her eyes and then found herself raised off the floor and positioned horizontally in space. She went into a state of trance. After about five hours alone in the chamber, she was lowered down. Now she could feel she was no longer the same person. She could feel the powers growing inside her, a rush of emotion and urge to just explode. She faced the entrance to the chamber and it opened up. The leader was there already waiting for her to come out. He smiled as she emerged from the chamber, he grabbed her head with both his hands. Boma could feel her body absorbing some form of energy, but not sure what it was. He lowered his hands, you are now ready to grow from inside out, the more your encounters, the more your powers will grow. Now you can see the future to understand what's at stake and how to come out victorious against the forces of the dark. She was returned to the chamber of revelations where she had earlier witnessed her past. The glasses started glowing again as she moved closer. One of the glasses called her attention and she focused on the glass. She saw what was about to happen in a very close time. She found herself in the middle of the desert surrounded with burning flames, she could hear the voices of her loved ones; family and friends, calling out to her for their rescue, but she couldn't help because she had lost the battle and Salvatore had in turn taken over the world. there. The mirror that just revealed that to her, went dark and shattered into pieces. She heard the voice of the leader telling her from behind, "that's what befell your world and loved ones, if you fail". Regardless of what powers grows inside her, she was scared of what she just witnessed from the glass. "But why me?" she asked, but no response to follow such question. She saw another revelation about how she was transformed from being a savior to being a force of doom herself, due to stubbornness and poor sense of judgment. She rushed out of the chamber after seeing that. " I can't do this, this is beyond me and I think I'm too young and weak to be saddled with such burden of responsibilities. How can I save the world, when I could barely save myself," all these were the words coming out of Boma's mouth due to frustration and uncertainty. She felt like bumping out of the cave, but had no idea how to do so. The leader calmed her and assured her she had nothing to worry about." We shall be with you every step of the way. You need to know you are never alone, and these wasn't just your fight, but the fight of entire the entire earth inhabitants. You are only but a vessel and the instrument for the fight. Whenever you find yourself in a crossroad and confused about your mission, you might need to sometimes blind your eyes to see more clearly. Your decisions and strengths hold the fate of the world in balance. You must always seek wisdom in the midst of doubts and never lose faith in yourself, " the leader admonished. Boma felt a bit encouraged to go back into the chamber and immediately, another mirror showed a different revelation, describing what she could do to conquer Salvatore and his forces." Find the stone of truth, the stone of light and the stone of fate to keep Salvatore in the underworld. The three stones were now in the possession of humans who had no idea of it's importance. The fourth stone was the only thing keeping Salvatore still partially trapped, which is the stone of fears. Salvatore might not yet escaped the underworld, but the removal of the other three stones from there natural positions had allowed Salvatore to sent into the world of the living his followers. But the more damned souls he sends into this world, the more torn the veil of limit between the two worlds. If that is not checked on time, this world will become flooded by Demons, condemned souls and other dark spirits. Find and protect the stones." Boma felt emasculated against the informations just dropped at her feet. She started ruminating on the task at hand and the possibility of her succeeding. She switched her attention to the leader," but can't you and the others do all that and leave me out of this, after all I'm just seventeen years of age, but you want me to carry the burden of the world on my shoulders. How's that even possible, " Boma asked. The leader smiled with chasm. " What age would you rather be if you'll save the world?" he asked." A cat can only charge against a mouse in strength, but when a tiger shows up, the cat must be wise to retreat." We can't get near the stones because we were created from magic and so were the stones. The stone truly kept Salvador in the underworld, but it equally kept us here too, should the fourth stone be moved, it will destroy the natural order of the universe and broke the seal between this world and the underworld, creating a vacuum allowing every creature of magic like demons, dead souls and other dark spirits to walk the earth freely," the leader explained. One of the glasses started to blink, revealing that a spirit had just escaped the underworld. The spirit was sent to stop Boma from learning her destiny and if possible destroy her before she became unstoppable. The glass revealed that the spirit travels in the direction of Bomas home. Boma looked at the leader, I need to safe my mom "she said." The leader nodded in agreement. "You already have all the powers within you, but how to annex them is left to you. Never forget the fate of the world now rests with you, " he said. " The starve in Boma's hand started glowing, the leader looked at it and smiled." It has finally found its master." Boma stood still, gazing at the leader with all serious, even beyond her age. ' But with great powers comes greater responsibilities' Boma was quick to learn that. "Thank you for everything, " she said. The leader placed his wright palm on his chest, above his heart and tilted a little in respect. " The honor is mine, you'll always be welcomed here," he added.

Boma arrived at the house the exact time the lightning sent by the demon was about to strike her mom. She blocked the lightning, and then engaged the demon in a duel. Though the demon was sent with the intention of neutralizing Boma and creating for her a mental and emotional damage, by killing her mom and absorbing her powers, but what the demon discovered was unprepared for. For several minutes, the two tried to suppress each other. Till Boma remembered the strength of her starve, she pointed it at the demon and chanted an incantation. The starve sucked in the demon instantly. Lindsey came out of her hiding and saw her daughter glowing from head to toe, surrounded by a surge of energy. She was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say. Boma looked straight at her mom, still panting from her fight with the demon. She could understand at once what confusion might have grilled her mom, seeing her in such a state. The energy settled back into her body and she slowly approached her mom. She couldn't held back her emotions and started crying. Boma embraced her mother where she was standing. "I knew you weren't dead, but what happened honey. Why are you like this?" she asked her daughter. "It's a long Story mom, but I promise to explain everything after this is over.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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