
Blueprint of a Hero

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you could make any item from fiction? How about if you could go to a world from fiction? And what about if you had a way to do both? Well strap in gremlins and ghouls cos that's exactly what happened to our boy *cough* girl *cough* Samuel Hammond! Read along as our slightly insane protagonist is literally ripped from his own world and inserted into My Hero Academia accompanied by his Innocent little system who struggles to understand it's new friend and host- Will they take the world by storm? Most certainly! Will they become a villain? Probably not but I'll pretend otherwise for dramatic tension! But most importantly of all, will they be able to say the famous line... Nanomachines son!? [Writing this cos I enjoy it, combines all the things I find interesting such as Gender-swap, Potentially broken ability that needs far more effort than you'd think, a good world to make things interesting (MHA in this case), interesting companion which in this case happens to be a system but not like the regular RPG version, some mysteries in the background and a character who doesn't give a crap about romance and is basically just a mad scientist! I'll probably get to 10 chapters and if it's well received I'll continue updating or else move to other works, hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it]

Rightomate · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


So… I may have miscalculated slightly- not with the time it would take for the suit to fully connect with my physiology, no that was going fine. But I may have underestimated the effect my material upgrades had. I was currently stuck holding an arc reactor in each hand for energy since using Queen ceph cells made the suit one hungry beast. This'd no doubt make it stronger but if I didn't have the reactors handy it would've basically shut down with me inside it or just broken entirely.

2 reactors plus its own energy source was barely staying above the current requirements and that was a big problem (no shit sherlock). I could just fuse both the reactors into the suit but it would compromise part 2 of my plan… and I couldn't start stage 2 until I was older and my body had stabilized more. "Any ideas?"

"I'm currently searching for alternatives but haven't found anything yet"

...…"Couldn't stick with the basics could you Sam? It seems my own need for upgrading things may have screwed me over."

Out of all the different energy options I considered, the arc reactor was both the highest in terms of output and the most compact to boot… barring some other random sci fi batteries I was stumped on what to do.

"I may have a solution, though I'm unsure if it is worth the risk"

"So long as it's more feasible than something like controlled black holes or dyson spheres…Let's hear it"

"I'm not sure if its more feasible or not… but the Mother Box from DC seems to fit the criteria- it can bond to organic matter, it can provide near limitless energy and it also has a wide host of other abilities I'm assuming you'd be interested in down the line… but"


"Depending on which DC universe you check, it is almost always semi-sentient… It can also be good or occasionally neutral… while I wouldn't classify any as evil without outside influence- they may refuse to assist their user under certain circumstances, though these are usually involving things like genocide or something of that magnitude of evil"

"How hard is it to make?"

"Very, we need a material called Element-X A.K.A Tenth Metal, even with just this material alone we could also fulfill the energy requirements. Think of it as basically being the pure energy of creation given form"

"I don't know Mimir… that sounds a tad above my current capabilities to make."

"We may not have to, it's a material that fundamentally cannot be created… yet a blueprint exists nonetheless, I am unable to know of the requirements before you do but perhaps the Admins gave a solution?"

"We'd be grasping at straws… but it'd be better than nothing, how long will it take to get the blueprint for this and the Mother Box?"

"Not as long as you'd think- 3 for the metal and 3 for the box"

"Yeah I think I can see why you think they interfered, something like this should be a real bitch to make with a learning period in the years… days makes me think it'll be limited or have a creation or material requirement of insane difficulty… send it through anyway, may as well see exactly how many hoops I'm gonna need to jump through."

"Sending through, also should I pass the cancer cure on to your father?"

"Yeah, pass it over to him, also… tell him I'm now making a cure for heart disease and that it'll take even longer…" My little lab here can only hide me for so long… hell I only had it cos (to quote myself) - C,mon Dad, I want my own little lab for myself and Mimir, trust me! Mimir will always be there to supervise my actions… I mean he kind of does anyway.

I mean I didn't lie, I did want a bigger area to work in for both of us and Mimir did supervise me to an extent… He just happened to be on board with my craziness already.

So I spent 3 days testing out the suit while waiting for the metal blueprint, it'd still take me 3 more days for the Mother Box but since it was reliant on the metal anyway, if it happened to be too hard to create I'd just suck it up and use the arc reactors despite my misgivings.

[Tenth Metal - Metal of creation that can be used in an infinite amount of ways and improves basically everything]

[Tenth Metal requirements - N/A // Cannot be created outside of universal birth process // Can be gathered in DC multiverse, Granted by Admins or harvested from Folio traversers]

Now if that doesn't set off alarm bells… "Folio traversers?"

"I could be wrong but I think that would be us"

"We have tenth metal already?!"

"Apparently so, perhaps it was one of the components in my initial vessel"

"Your initial vessel?"

"The thing you called a 'Ball of tinfoil' shortly before we bonded"

"Ah, that thing… didn't it get sucked into my stomach or something? I've already done hundreds of body scans just in preparation for the nanosuit… I think I'd spot a supposedly godlike material chilling around my ribs or whatever."

"Perhaps it's bonded in a similar manner to myself… or maybe it IS what allows us to be bonded as we are, either way would make it bonded to your soul and not your physical body"


"... and how exactly would I go about extracting a bit of it? Should I even extract a bit of it? It sounds neat and all but if the choice is between random super metal or you I'd rather just try some other material."

"No idea, there are some machines capable of messing with the human soul… but most of them focus on stealing souls instead of 'editing' them and your soul is also technically the property of the Admins and thus probably shouldn't be touched without their permission"

So you're saying I should ask the admins eh?....

"I most certainly am not saying that… but knowing you… you'll do it anyway… and based on last time they may actually consider it."

"You know me well" I flashed him a smile before trying to once again have a chat with perhaps the most dangerous beings in the omniverse- "Hey Admins, it me- ya girl. Wanna do me a major solid and help answer some questions real quick?".


"Perhaps they're bu-"

"-Wait for it"


[M̸a̴i̴n̶ ̷o̸v̷e̵r̵s̶e̶e̵r̵ ̵i̷s̶ ̸c̷u̶r̸r̷e̷n̷t̴l̷y̸ ̴i̵n̴d̵i̸s̵p̶o̴s̶e̴d̸,̷ ̷n̵e̵x̵t̸ ̵h̵i̶g̵h̵e̷s̴t̵ ̶A̸d̴m̴i̶n̸ ̴w̵i̵l̸l̶ ̸b̵e̷ ̸w̵i̴t̸h̷ ̸y̵o̴u̸ ̵s̸h̴o̷r̶t̷l̴y̵]

Next highest? Also is it just me or does that look less creepy than I remember?

"Definitely less creepy… I hope this Admin is as carefree as the last"

[Greetings, I am the Mother of Machines… So what can I help you with?]

"Uh, hey how's it going? Could you tell me if it's possible to take a bit of tenth metal out of my soul and so long as it doesn't harm Mimir help me do it?"

[I am doing well, I can tell you that removing some tenth metal from your soul will not harm Mimir but I'm unsure if you want that to happen… the reason it's there at all is to block certain forces from other folio's or realities from interfering… removing some of it would weaken that block and possibly allow them entry]

"Oh, I see. Uh gimme a sec to think this through- hey Mimir don't be rude, say hello to your mother!"

"Oh, uhhh… Hello… Mother?"

[Haha, hello child. I've been watching your progress and I must say I'm so proud of you, I'm sorry that I couldn't speak to you sooner but once you have a true vessel I'll make sure we can chat more often. I also want to introduce some of your siblings when that time comes- Omnissiah has been bugging me recently to be able to meet you and Clank was even considering blessing your friend here]

"That's a lot to take in… Also while I am happy to see you and meet my siblings… I want Sam to be considered among them- She never considered me as just a tool and accepted me as family… and I want to do the same!"

[Hmm… I suppose they could be accepted, even with fleshly origins they are currently on the way to becoming a full blown techno-organic currently… I believe they are classified as Homo-cyborgus last I saw? Either way we will accept them as they have done to you. That said…]

The panel she was speaking through didn't turn but I felt her attention focus back on me-

[Have you made a decision?]

"One last question then I'll answer… Do you think it's worth doing?". She was right up there with the most powerful beings… if she thought it was a bad idea I'd give it up in a heartbeat- you don't just dismiss the advice of someone like that.

[Now that… is the right question]

I couldn't see anything other than the text but I just knew she was smiling!