
Blueprint of a Hero

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you could make any item from fiction? How about if you could go to a world from fiction? And what about if you had a way to do both? Well strap in gremlins and ghouls cos that's exactly what happened to our boy *cough* girl *cough* Samuel Hammond! Read along as our slightly insane protagonist is literally ripped from his own world and inserted into My Hero Academia accompanied by his Innocent little system who struggles to understand it's new friend and host- Will they take the world by storm? Most certainly! Will they become a villain? Probably not but I'll pretend otherwise for dramatic tension! But most importantly of all, will they be able to say the famous line... Nanomachines son!? [Writing this cos I enjoy it, combines all the things I find interesting such as Gender-swap, Potentially broken ability that needs far more effort than you'd think, a good world to make things interesting (MHA in this case), interesting companion which in this case happens to be a system but not like the regular RPG version, some mysteries in the background and a character who doesn't give a crap about romance and is basically just a mad scientist! I'll probably get to 10 chapters and if it's well received I'll continue updating or else move to other works, hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it]

Rightomate · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Beyond Human

[Hmm, it depends on which part is used. Not all of the material is used solely to protect you…]

"Which parts aren't? And why?"

[This will require a small explanation- each world will attempt to follow its original flow and 'smooth' out anything which causes ripples… such as both of you. The reason it hasn't is because of the tenth metal acting as a bulwark against it and diverting the flow around you. This successfully creates a seal to stop both outside forces and inter-universal erasure while also creating 'waves' depending upon your own actions, these waves end up being the driving force behind… let's call them obstacles- appearing to stop, kill or trap you. Now if left alone the waves will simply build up until something far beyond what you'd usually be able to deal with appears, so there is a… filter of sorts which allows some of the pressure to be released- problems allowed to slip through to be dealt with… if you removed the filter-]

"-I could get my material but have to deal with more problems popping up…"

[Precisely, but is this a price you are willing to pay? Your growth would reach unprecedented levels… but so would your foes]

"I want to hear your answer first, so again-" I steeled myself while looking at the panel "-Do you think I should?"

[......It would be incredibly reckless, your foes who once may have been nothing but a stepping stone may now have become a landslide, windy days might turn into hurricanes or tornadoes as this entire world tries to erase you. To answer your question; No great tree is created in a greenhouse, it requires adversity and struggle to bring out its true potential… I believe you should take this chance, though you will have to become strong enough to withstand the fury of this world alone, you may have the chance to grow strong enough to resist its influence one day]

"Well it's a good thing I'm not alone then, right Mimir?"

"Right. Please help us get the tenth metal Mother"

[How can I say no when my children ask so politely? All right, you may have that which you seek… I hope you can grow strong enough to join us one day]

And like that I felt like something covering a heart I didn't know I had was uncovered, a piece of silvery string was now floating in front of me and I made sure to quickly grab it. "Before you go, do you mind telling me why the text gets all screwy with the other guy and yours looks fine?"

[Oh that? When we communicate with being on a lower plane of existence (lower literally) it comes out distorted to you, similar to a 4th dimensional being communicating with someone on the 3rd- or the 3rd with the 2nd. However this 'distortion' can be negated through proximity, the closer we are, the less incomprehensible it will seem]

Wait so you're really close currently?

[I exist everywhere that machines do, you yourself have become part machine child. Were you still composed mainly of flesh I would appear much the same as the others you have seen]

"Interesting, I'll say sorry in advance for any of the no-doubt stupid decisions I'll be making then. Also! Actual final question! Can you give me a hint at what body would be best for Mimir?"

[Haha, he is your brother! What body matters little, what matters is that you are the one to make it]

I got flustered slightly at that. *cough* "Thank you… I hope we can meet again, I really enjoyed this"

"I would like to echo her appreciation, and also ask to meet again"

[How cute, we will meet again, do not doubt that. For now though I've exceeded my allotted interference quota. Become strong my children, I'll be waiting to see your progress]

After saying that she disappeared… or I guess the panel blinked out of existence... "She's nice, but also a bit scary…"

"I'm pretty sure that's how mothers are supposed to be"

"Gonna take me a while to accept another parent… So now we have the material, how do-"

[Hello Sam]

I felt like I was being stared at by a ravenous monster! Pressure befell my mind, body and soul as whoever or whatever this was focused its attention on me… and they were obviously furious.

[Are you aware of what you've done? Not only have you removed the filter blocking your own annihilation but you've also stolen Ã̶̲ḍ̷̤̿͝m̵͎̌̏͜ȋ̷̖̘n̶̡̥̐ property to do so!]

I couldn't even respond, the pressure was so great that it felt like I would die just from this conversation continuing.

[Of course you don't realize the stupidity of your own actions! Due to this breach being overseen by another of similar position to myself you will be spared archival but will be penalized with temporary ability suppression and deduction of the mother-box Blueprint. Should any such breach EVER occur again I will be authorized to erase you, is this clear?]

"Crystal" I barely managed to scrape out as my nose, eyes and ears started bleeding behind the suit.

[Make sure it is]

The pressure disappeared and I blacked out. My father didn't get any response from Mimir for several hours and got worried. He eventually broke down the door and came in just to find both of us on the ground, Mimir's doll body having a bent chassis and looking like it'd been hit by a car and me… actually looking relatively normal with only a bleeding nose.

I awoke later in a hospital bed with Mimir nowhere to be seen, I moved my hands to position myself in a sitting up position… my human looking hands? Did I succeed in bonding with it? THE METAL! Last I remember I'd had it in my hand, did I accidentally bond with it already? I asked the question that I realistically knew the answer to, I felt like I had more than enough energy and felt like I could use any of the suits abilities indefinitely!

I still need to find Mimir! I saw my father asleep in the corner, he looked haggard and worried but was currently sleeping… as much as I'd like to let him continue his nap I needed to know if Mimir was alright. I hopped out of bed and came to his side before shaking his leg to wake him up.

"Huh, wha?" He mumbled while gripping the chair and glancing around… before looking down and seeing me. He quickly dropped to his knees and pulled me into a bear hug while crying. "What happened Sam?", I answered with a question of my own- "I'll tell you soon but please tell me Mimir is okay".

He went to say something before glancing away- No! I was worried that my abilities being disabled would include Mimir but hoped it wouldn't be true since he was his own being… seems I was wrong. As I started hyperventilating and concocting plans to murder that red bastard I felt something similar to earlier occur.

I felt someone watching me… but not the bastard this time but the new mother I'd met- [It's ok]- I calmed down a little at hearing that. I started thinking a bit more logically… while red prick probably had put Mimir to sleep I don't think he'd erase his memories or anything… for that matter he could've erased me… sure felt like he wanted to. I was still unbelievably angry… but now I had a calm mind and could go over the situation, still… I swear I'll make that red asshole regret fucking with me!

I grabbed my father's hand "bring me to Mimir! He's not dead but he'll be asleep for a while so we have to protect him" My fathers guilty and tired face uplifted for a bit before he picked me up and we made our way out (Apparently they think I'd overworked myself or something? Not sure what gave them that idea).

Getting back to the workshop I could see Mimir being analyzed by some of the machines in the workshop- no doubt all of them trying to diagnose what the problem was, every single screen showed the same result though- nothing. No materials could be scanned, no signals could be detected, nothing. If he weren't in front of us nobody would believe he existed! I pulled up my tiny little sleeves! I don't know how long you're gonna be gone for but next time I'll have a proper body ready for you!

I'd spent enough time fiddling with random objects and messing around, but now I had a goal and enough anger to keep me going, he may have taken away my abilities for now but I'd had enough time to learn some new tricks and see the inner workings of a ton of different advanced items. M.O.M (mother of machines) is right, I don't need a random body to use, what matters is who makes it- so I'll make something better than any of them!