
Blue lock: The God of the field

A young Japanese player by the name of Nakada Shou is born with incredibly talent for football. He was born with the incredible gift of being ambidextrous along with the amazing ability of spacial awareness where he could feel his surrounding better than anyone. With his father blood pumping through his vein and his drive to become the best in the world, what can stop him. He is the god of the field once the ball touch his feet, What can happen when somebody with so much raw talent that may rival nagi has the Drive to actually train and get better on his soccer skill. What happen when that person get thrown into blue lock, will they thrive or will they perish and be one of those forgotten character in the background? Slight romance. Let's find out in this story. A/N I do not own any of the characters except my own. This is my third try at writing a story and as I think I have a pretty decent record of finishing my stories, I plan on doing the same with this on. If you have any criticism I am open to it and I will gladly accept it.

Ppp_Pppp · Anime & Comics
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245 Chs

3 vs 1 (168)

As Nakada rushed towards the heart of Pxg's defense, Shido being close behind him, an air of anticipation gripped the near stadium.

It was a daring move, a calculated risk that showcased Nakada's audacity and confidence in his own abilities.

With each step, Nakada seemed to weave effortlessly through the defensive lineup, leaving Pxg's players off balance and disoriented.

Shido, attempting to close the gap, found himself expertly sidestepped and outmaneuvered at every turn.

Nakada really wanted to get past Shido as he didn't feel like dealing with him at all.

It was as if Nakada was toying with the defense, a maestro orchestrating a symphony of precise movements.

His feet danced with the ball, leaving defenders swiping at empty air.

Shido, despite his best efforts, was unable to predict Nakada's unpredictable twists and turns.

It was to be expected as Nakada and him were on two different levels, he was currently nowhere near the prodigy.

As they approached the goal, Nakada, still in full control, executed a series of feints and dribbles that bordered on the mesmerizing.

He seemed to be enjoying the challenge, reveling in the chance to showcase his prowess against one of the toughest teams in the league.

They didn't have the best defense but they did have a good offense and a lot of speed.

Shido, caught in Nakada's gravitational pull, was left scrambling to keep up.

The defenders of Pxg, initially a solid wall, now resembled a group of puppets controlled by Nakada's strings.

He effortlessly glided past them, leaving a trail of bewildered opponents in his wake.

The stadium erupted in a chorus of cheers and applause, spectators witnessing a masterclass in offensive brilliance.

With Rin, Chapi, and Shido closing in, Nakada found himself encircled by a formidable trio of players.

The air crackled with tension as everyone braced for the imminent clash between these skilled players.

Undeterred by the incoming threat, Nakada had a confident smile on his face, along with a glint of determination in his eyes.

As Rin lunged forward to steal the ball, Nakada showcased a burst of agility, evading Rin's measly attempt with a swift sidestep.

The ball remained glued to Nakada's feet, seemingly under his complete command.

Now surrounded by Rin, Chapi, and Shido, Nakada stood his ground with unyielding confidence. With a defiant grin, he prompted them, saying, "Come at me, bastards."

The stadium echoed with a mix of cheers and gasps as spectators marveled at the audacity of Nakada's challenge.

Some people were suprised by this teenager's sheer confidene he was surrounded by 3 of the best player at pxg and he still had that much confidence.

Shido, unable to contain his eagerness any longer, surged forward with determination, declaring, "I will take it from you." Nakada, however, greeted the challenge with a confident smile, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding of the unfolding dynamics on the field.

With an almost nonchalant ease, Nakada masterfully dribbled past Shido, leaving the would-be attacker and horny bastard grasping at empty air.

It was a display of technical brilliance and agility that further underscored Nakada's mastery of the ball.

As Shido, momentarily thwarted, attempted to recover, Nakada showcased a quick shift in strategy.

Sensing Rin's outstretched leg in an attempt to intercept the ball, Nakada deftly moved the ball to his left leg, just out of Rin's reach.

It was a move executed with split-second precision, demonstrating not just Nakada's physical prowess but also his keen awareness of the positions and movements of every player around him.

Nakada, after eluding Shido and avoiding Rin's outstretched leg, seamlessly shifted the ball backward, away from Chapi's reach. His eyes, sharp and attentive, scanned the field with a meticulous examination of the defenders closing in on him.

The Pxg players, determined to strip Nakada of the ball, moved with synchronized precision, attempting to anticipate his every move.

However, Nakada's ball control was a spectacle to behold.

The way he manipulated the ball, swift and elusive, proved to be a puzzle that Rin, Chapi, and Shido couldn't solve.

As they lunged forward, Nakada's nimble footwork danced around their attempts to intercept.

His eyes, like a hawk surveying its prey, remained fixed on the movements of the players.

The ball seemed to obey Nakada's every command, moving too fast for the defenders to keep up.

Nakada's mesmerizing display left the crowd in awe, underscoring the artistry and beauty that football could achieve in the hands of a true maestro.

As Nakada continued his mesmerizing dribble, he found himself in a situation where Chapi posed the most immediate threat to stealing the ball. With Shido and Rin in close pursuit, Nakada strategically used his arm to create a barrier between himself and Chapi. His focus intensified on the player who seemed most likely to disrupt his flow.

While Nakada expertly dribbled past Rin and Shido, his arm acted as a shield against Chapi's attempts to intervene.

The physicality of the game came to the forefront as Nakada utilized every tool at his disposal to maintain control of the ball.

Even if Chapi wanted to escape, Nakada's attention to detail and split-second decision-making kept Chapi at bay.

The stadium erupted with cheers as Nakada, in a display of both finesse and physicality, showcased the multi-dimensional nature of his playing style.

The battle between Nakada and Chapi became a focal point, adding an extra layer of intensity to the unfolding drama on the field. The crowd eagerly anticipated the next move in this enthralling contest between player and defender.

A: N The reason there is not that much dialogue is because the AI I use to make the grammar better usually removes most of the dialogue I wrote to glaze a character.

Anything a character gets glazed keep in mind there was a dialogue there.2