
Blue lock: The God of the field

A young Japanese player by the name of Nakada Shou is born with incredibly talent for football. He was born with the incredible gift of being ambidextrous along with the amazing ability of spacial awareness where he could feel his surrounding better than anyone. With his father blood pumping through his vein and his drive to become the best in the world, what can stop him. He is the god of the field once the ball touch his feet, What can happen when somebody with so much raw talent that may rival nagi has the Drive to actually train and get better on his soccer skill. What happen when that person get thrown into blue lock, will they thrive or will they perish and be one of those forgotten character in the background? Slight romance. Let's find out in this story. A/N I do not own any of the characters except my own. This is my third try at writing a story and as I think I have a pretty decent record of finishing my stories, I plan on doing the same with this on. If you have any criticism I am open to it and I will gladly accept it.

Ppp_Pppp · Anime & Comics
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245 Chs

The shot (169)

With the intensity of the match reaching its peak and Chapi persistently closing in, Nakada made a daring decision. In a split-second decision, he opted for a move that bordered on the audacious—a gamble that could either elevate him to new heights or expose him to the risk of losing possession.

His eyes, focused and determined, reflected the calculated risk he was about to take.

Whether it was a flashy trick, an unexpected change of direction, or a skillful maneuver, Nakada's move was a testament to his willingness to take risks in pursuit of greatness.

The pitch became the stage for this bold gamble, and Nakada was at the center, ready to defy expectations and leave an indelible mark on the match.

In the crucial moment of the match, Nakada, decided to unleash a move that would go down in football lore as a stroke of genius. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as he prepared for the daring gamble.

With Chapi closing in, Nakada executed a move that seemed to defy the laws of physics. He deftly flicked the ball with the outside of his foot, sending it into a subtle spin.

As the ball spun, Nakada smoothly pirouetted, his body moving in perfect harmony with the ball's rotation.

In an unexpected twist, Nakada used the spin to not only evade Chapi but also to propel the ball into an unpredictable trajectory.

The viewergasped as the ball, seemingly guided by an invisible force, danced around Chapi, leaving him momentarily disoriented.

Nakada, now on the other side of Chapi, continued his run, seamlessly reclaiming control of the ball. The move was a combination of skill, timing, and audacity—a gambit that only Nakada, with his unparalleled vision and technical prowess, could pull off.

Nakada's gamble had paid off, not just in terms of retaining possession but in elevating the game to a spectacle of artistry and brilliance.

As Nakada executed his audacious move, a transformative intensity overcame him.

His eyes, once filled with determination, now seemed to transcend the ordinary.

The pupils turned a deep, penetrating black, surrounded by mysterious markings that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy.

Veins, like tendrils of determination, traced their way around Nakada's eyes, creating an intricate web that hinted at the extraordinary focus coursing through his veins.

The stadium lights reflected off the markings, giving Nakada an almost ethereal appearance as he delved deep into the zone.

In this heightened state, Nakada appeared to be in a realm of unparalleled concentration, where time slowed, and every movement became an extension of his will.

The markings around Nakada's eyes symbolized the fusion of skill and mental fortitude, a manifestation of his unwavering commitment to the game.

As he continued to navigate the pitch with this newfound intensity, it became clear that Nakada had tapped into a level of focus and mastery that set him apart, even among the elite players on the field.

In a moment of sheer defiance, Nakada found himself confronted by a united front of Pxg's defensive line.

Every member of the opposing team closed in, creating a suffocating barrier that demanded nothing short of perfection from Nakada.

The proximity of the defenders left no room for error; even the slightest miscalculation could prove disastrous.

A smile appeared on his face as he was Undeterred by the daunting challenge, Nakada, was in his heightened state of focus, and didn't care about those bums,he ignored them pressed forward.

The ball, seemingly an extension of his will, danced with him as he executed short, precise touches. His control was immaculate, the ball always within arm's reach, as Nakada navigated the intricate web of defenders surrounding him.

Nakada's movement was a delicate ballet, a testament to his extraordinary skill and composure under pressure.

Each step he took was a calculated risk, a strategic dance that could potentially dismantle Pxg's formidable defense.

As Nakada advanced, the defenders closed in, their collective presence creating a wall of anticipation.

Every eye in the stadium was fixed on this pivotal moment, recognizing the extraordinary challenge Nakada faced. It was a testament to his courage and skill that he dared to push forward against overwhelming odds, transforming the pitch into a stage for a thrilling display of football prowess.

As Nakada skillfully maneuvered through the tightly packed Pxg defense, a confident smile played on his lips. In a moment of revelation, he couldn't help but taunt his opponents.

"Dumbass... y'all forgot something," he quipped, the smirk widening on his face. The defenders, realizing the implications of Nakada's words, exchanged glances in a sudden realization.

They had collectively converged on Nakada, leaving a significant gap and vulnerability in their defensive line. If Nakada were to pass the ball to a teammate, the goal would be left wide open and exposed from the side they had neglected.

The stadium buzzed with a mixture of disbelief and awe as spectators comprehended the strategic brilliance in Nakada's move.

His taunt had not only disoriented the defenders but also exposed a critical flaw in their formation.

Nakada, in that moment, had turned the tables, using the collective aggression of Pxg against them and revealing a strategic opening that could potentially lead to a game-changing play.

Seizing the moment of stunned realization among the Pxg defenders, Nakada accelerated with the ball at his feet.

Some players on the opposing team were momentarily confounded, questioning why he wasn't opting for the seemingly easy option of passing to an open teammate for a straightforward goal.

Others, more cautious, considered the possibility that Nakada might be baiting them into a trap.

Yet, one undeniable truth emerged: Nakada was a threat they couldn't afford to ignore.

The stadium echoed with the buzz of speculation and anticipation as Nakada, in a solo offensive surge, navigated the field with an unparalleled combination of speed, skill, and determination.

His decision to hold onto the ball spoke volumes about his confidence in his ability to penetrate the defense and create a scoring opportunity.

The Pxg players, caught in a momentary state of disarray, scrambled to read Nakada's intentions, their collective focus now fixated on the dynamic figure advancing toward them.

As Nakada weaved through the defense, the suspense in the stadium reached a crescendo.

The crowd held its breath, unsure of Nakada's endgame, but fully aware that, in this moment, he had asserted himself as a singular force that demanded the undivided attention of every Pxg player on the pitch.

In a breathtaking display of skill and precision, Nakada continued his solo run, dribbling past four Pxg players with a series of deft touches and nimble footwork.

Each movement was a testament to his mastery, leaving the defenders in his wake as he effortlessly glided through their ranks.

As Nakada approached the critical moment, the defenders, fixated on the threat he posed, braced themselves for an impending move.

In a display of exquisite skill and unwavering confidence, Nakada showcased his mastery over the ball. With a subtle flick, he delicately lifted it into the air, setting the stage for a breathtaking volley.

The crowd, anticipating the impending strike, held its collective breath as Nakada, without a moment's hesitation, launched himself into the air.

The connection between Nakada's foot and the ball was poetry in motion. The volley was executed with precision and power, the ball hurtling toward the goal with remarkable speed.

The goalkeeper, caught off guard by the sudden and audacious move, reacted too late as the ball sailed through the air.

Rin, determined to thwart Nakada's impeccable volley, appeared seemingly out of nowhere with a resolute declaration, "Not on my watch!" His outstretched foot aimed to intercept the ball and deny Nakada's spectacular attempt.

To Rin's surprise, Nakada responded with a confident smile, stating, "Good, just like I expected." The words hung in the air, creating a moment of suspense. As Rin watched in shock, the unthinkable happened—the ball seemed to defy the laws of physics, curving away from Rin's outstretched foot.

The realization dawned on Rin: Nakada had anticipated his defensive move, perhaps even manipulated his expectations. The subtle curve of the ball suggested a level of control and foresight that transcended the ordinary.

Rin, fueled by sheer determination and refusing to succumb to Nakada's brilliance, gritted his teeth. With unwavering focus, he summoned every ounce of his skill to make a last-ditch effort.

In a feat of athleticism, Rin managed to slightly tip the ball away from its trajectory, altering its path just enough to redirect it towards the goalpost.