
Blue lock: The God of the field

A young Japanese player by the name of Nakada Shou is born with incredibly talent for football. He was born with the incredible gift of being ambidextrous along with the amazing ability of spacial awareness where he could feel his surrounding better than anyone. With his father blood pumping through his vein and his drive to become the best in the world, what can stop him. He is the god of the field once the ball touch his feet, What can happen when somebody with so much raw talent that may rival nagi has the Drive to actually train and get better on his soccer skill. What happen when that person get thrown into blue lock, will they thrive or will they perish and be one of those forgotten character in the background? Slight romance. Let's find out in this story. A/N I do not own any of the characters except my own. This is my third try at writing a story and as I think I have a pretty decent record of finishing my stories, I plan on doing the same with this on. If you have any criticism I am open to it and I will gladly accept it.

Ppp_Pppp · Anime & Comics
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245 Chs

Dribbling (167)

As Nakada advanced up the field with the ball at his feet, he encountered the formidable figure of Tokimitsu.....not really formidable but more like a pain in the ass, who moved to intercept him. Tokimitsu, relying on his imposing physique, attempted to halt Nakada's progress, using his strength as a defensive barrier.

However, Nakada, wanting to play with Tokimitsu a bit and also to show his physique wasn't shit, saw an opportunity within the challenge.

With a swift sidestep and a subtle use of Tokimitsu's own physicality against him, Nakada expertly maneuvered around his opponent.

Tokimitsu, momentarily off-balance, found himself unable to thwart Nakada's agile evasion. Nakada seamlessly glided past him, leaving Tokimitsu grasping at empty air. 

As Nakada continued his dynamic advance up the field, he found himself confronted by Zantetsu, a player renowned for his astonishing acceleration. Zantetsu could go from 0 to 120% of his speed in an instant, but the trade-off was a challenge in abrupt deceleration.

Recognizing this unique aspect of Zantetsu's playing style, Nakada astutely decided to exploit it to his advantage. With a sudden burst of speed, Nakada accelerated to 100% of his own velocity, leaving Zantetsu momentarily caught off guard by the sudden change in pace.

Then, in a move that showcased Nakada's tactical brilliance, he swiftly decelerated back to 0%. The abrupt shift in speed proved too much for Zantetsu to handle.

His momentum carried him forward even as Nakada came to a near standstill, resulting in Zantetsu losing his balance.

In a comical twist of fate, Zantetsu ended up falling flat on his backside, unable to cope with the unexpected turns and twists in Nakada's movements.

"Huh... You are still nowhere near me. Why did you think would happen when you tried that shit."Nakada said bluntly while looking at the down Zantetsu..Nakada however didnt wait for his answer and rushed forward.

As Nakada continued to weave through the field, his next challenge emerged in the form of Shido. The air seemed to crackle with excitement as Shido eagerly stepped up, his eyes gleaming with anticipation at the prospect of halting Nakada's progress.

The stadium held its breath, recognizing the impending clash between two formidable players.

Shido, with a confident grin, relished the challenge ahead. His eagerness to face Nakada spoke of a genuine excitement for the intense competition that was about to unfold. 

Nakada's face visibly contorted with a subtle cringe as he locked eyes with Shido, but he swiftly composed himself before making a purposeful rush toward Shido's location.

Amidst the impending clash, Nakada's perceptive gaze also caught the subtle but predatory movements of Rin, closing in on him like a skilled predator tracking its prey.

However, Nakada's approach to understanding the field was not limited to mere observation.

His tactical acumen transcended the basics of meta vision. Beyond tracking movements and predicting plays, Nakada had taken it a step further.

He had delved into the intricacies of each player's unique playstyle and ego, using that information to formulate a remarkably accurate estimation of their next moves.

In Nakada's mind, the field wasn't just a canvas of actions; it was a dynamic tapestry woven with the threads of each player's tendencies, ambitions, and distinctive styles of play.

His mental map went beyond the conventional, granting him foresight that extended several moves ahead.

As he navigated the pitch, Nakada saw not just the immediate actions but also glimpses of the next 10 seconds, a privilege that set him apart.

In this moment, Nakada transcended the ordinary. He became an orchestrator on the field, wielding a strategic mastery that bordered on prescience.

His vision was panoramic, akin to a bird's-eye view, revealing nuances and opportunities that even other meta vision users couldn't fathom.

Nakada, in this instance, was more than a player; he was a maestro conducting the symphony of the game with a level of insight that bordered on the extraordinary.

Nakada, armed with his extraordinary foresight, calculated the optimal path to effortlessly navigate past the opposing players and secure an easy goal.

The safe route, the one with the minimum effort required, lay in avoiding the dense cluster of Pxg's formidable defense.

However, Nakada, driven by an insatiable desire to challenge himself, made a bold decision.

Against conventional wisdom and the strategic advice offered by his meta vision, he opted to confront the heart of Pxg's defensive stronghold.

Shido, the looming threat, only added to the risk and complexity of Nakada's chosen path.

With Shido in close pursuit, Nakada sprinted toward the very epicenter of Pxg's defensive fortification.

It was a decision that defied conventional wisdom, a deliberate choice to embrace the maximum challenge rather than take the easier route to the goal.

The stadium buzzed with anticipation, spectators holding their breath as Nakada willingly dove into the lion's den.

This audacious move showcased Nakada's unwavering confidence and his quest for self-improvement.

It was a declaration that, for him, victory wasn't just about winning; it was about conquering the most formidable challenges and pushing his own limits on the field.