

Ryan Stephens was born blind, but despite her condition, she is always described as an optimistic, bubbly and a bright person. She has a younger and older sister; Dannie, the oldest and Yuan, the youngest. The three of them has an unbreakable bond and was always seen hanging out at the park near their mansion, but an unexpected incident ALMOST change the bond they have. Unrealistic things started to happen after Ryan's eye transplant. Most of the people admire Ryan's new pair of eyes, but the owner of the eyes never felt that way. She always feels the opposite of ALL the compliments she always received. Blue is now her hated color and maybe some people wished to have the same eye color as hers, but Ryan wishes the opposite. She regretted having the surgery. She had regrets after seeing the world.

SR_96 · Fantasy
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8 Chs



We've already arrived at the Intramuros or also known as Manila's Walled City of Intramuros to have a picnic. This place holds a lot of historical events that happened in our country, Philippines.

"Let's go to the Manila Cathedral first and attend the mass before we proceed to our Sister-time?" Ate Dannie suggested. I just hum in response enjoying the silence. Before I forget to mention, the entire place was rented for ourselves only because Ate doesn't like too much ATTENTION. "We're a bit early before the next mass started" Yuan said, intertwining her fingers with mine. "Let's go before we missed it" Ate Jeyson infer then I felt vibrations from the ground. I think they already started walking ahead of us.

Fast Forward: [After attending the mass]

"Stolen Memories is live on YouTube right now. Check or mute?" Bright reads the notification I received and asked what she will do next. "Check it please" I said while sipping my iced tea, then I heard Nylon's voice right away. Bright is surely handy. I'm starting to love her as the best suitable application for me.

"Hi. It's me, Nylon Enriquez. Leader of Stolen Memories. A few days ago, we've conducted a paranormal research at Johnson's Mansion not minding what else the house is hiding. We only went there as per requested from our Avid viewers. Most of their comments said to find the infamous blood trail" Nylon paused in speaking. Seem like she'll apologize in the end though. "We find it interesting and a good content for our Channel. It took us a week before we finally had the permission to enter the subdivision with the help of our friend. The only intention we have was to explore the mansion and find the blood trail which we unexpectedly did" she continued. I wonder if she was the only one doing alive. Is Alliyah there as well? I'm worried. "We had received a lot of questions in our social media accounts about the blood and the blood trail being faked out. If you're been with us from the start of our Channel, you will definitely see HOW raw all of our footage were. Stop trolling us guys please. We have proofs in here" she said as a matter of fact. I'm not an Avid viewer, but I believed in you. I smiled a little feeling how passionate Nylon was at her job.

"It saddens us that our society nowadays only believes in what they just see and not with the backstory of it. It hurt us in terms of those strangers that keep saying mean assumptions about our Channel. We're not doing this job for views, we do this in proving you that some things beyond our imaginations are REAL. Most are skeptic, few are convinced and believing in us. We don't need a million subscribers if those are just there to criticize us. Few are enough because those are REAL" Nylon states all her points clearly. I can't help but to smile. Her braveness and confidence is contagious. I can feel it through her voice.

"But seeking for the truth won't stop us conquering the land of the dead. Are you guys ready for the next adventure?" she said in the outro of the Channel. "Once again, this is Nylon--" then she paused. Wait. Don't tell me-- "and Stolen Memories Crew. See you soon to the next episode, Monsters!. Goodbye!" then I heard many voices at once. Alliyah is not with them. I sigh in relief, hearing the end of the live.

"Here's your sandwich, Ryan. You seem focused on listening that's why we did not bother you. Eat" Ate Dannie said, guiding my hand to the paper plate. I smiled in her voice direction and found the sandwich. I'm already eating when Ate Jeyson said something interesting. "When Dannie is driving. While re-watching Ghost of High-gates, I took a screenshot of the blood trails and sent it to Kristoff" she started. By just hearing his name I already know where this conversation could lead to. "I'm not yet ready to see HIM again" I emphasized and joked at the same time.

Kristoff is also a family friend. He is my childhood friend, but they moved to another country when we turned 5. He is currently residing in Australia to finish his schooling. The last time he visited me was like 10 years ago, but he still calls me whenever he had a free time. I understand how busy he was because he is a nerd. A complete geek and a bookworm. Yuan likes doing a debate with him.

"A dollar bill for all of your thoughts?" Yuan playfully said, succeeding in pulling me out from spacing out. I giggle then finish eating my sandwich. "Anyways, what favor you asked Kristoff this time, Ate Jey?" I curiously asked because once Ate asks for a favor, interesting things awaits for us. "I just told him to make a clear copy of those photos, but concentrate more on the bottom blood trail" Ate replied. Her tone was like she's anticipating. "I thought you were up for the top?" Yuan recall "Yeah. But, bottom seem more interesting to begin with. Don't you girls think?" Ate Jey said, hinting about something. "I call for dibs" I butt in, plastering an excited grin. "No fair!" Yuan complaints, but I just grin in her direction. "I'm already considering your analysis the other night, Sherlock Stephens" I copied the way how she said it, then I heard her groan which I only giggle in return. "Fine! You got me. Tsk!" Yuan said in a low tone and by the sound of her voice. She's pouting.

"Disgusting" Ate Dannie grimace, but she said playfully because our bunso is emotionally sensitive sometimes. "Stop the tease, Stephens. Let's start solving" Ate Jeyson suggested while clapping her hands to gather our full attention which she did. Congrats!

"Based on the clear copy that Kristoff sent me--Grrr. It still alike from what I sent him!" Ate Jeyson growl which she earned a chuckle by us. "What do you expect? He's probably busy that's why he just sent it back" Yuan stated a fact and I just nodded. It's either Kristoff is really busy or it just nothing much to edit. "Look closely. There's a tiny difference in those. Keep looking" I said, being a positive thinker. I always trust my guts because it never failed me yet. "I am already staring at it, Ryan" Ate Jeyson said as a matter of fact. "Yet you didn't see any difference" I said, copying her tone. "Let me do it instead!" Yuan rhetorically said. "That's rude!" Ate Jeyson complain. I think Yuan snatches her phone.

"Do you see anything different?" Ate Dannie asked. She sounded bored too. "None so far" Yuan said in disappointment, then I released a sigh. "Re-watch the part where Akiko and Eugene found the top blood trail" I suggested, looking straight in front of me, then close my eyes. The gut feel I'm having becomes stronger as the minute passing-by. Weird. "But all of you already re-watched that many times right?" Ate Dannie clarify, but her voice was full of confusion. "Exactly, but none of you heard nor noticed something suspicious about that area" I pointed out. "Because I didn't hear anything but the footsteps and them, speaking" Yuan assess. I nodded my head, glancing in her voice direction. "Exactly. For a normal hearing that you have, minimal sound like faint breathing cannot be distinguished anymore once it was in between different voices all speaking at once" I justify, then silence. "You heard breathing?" Ate Dannie asked, and I just shake my head sideways as no. "It's just for an example" I said. "So what are you pointing out?" she questioned. I think she's in deep thoughts already.

"I always heard a squeaking sound in the edge of the stairs whenever they stepped into that same spot" I described my observation. "All the floors in that mansion are old, Ryan. So probably all of them still creaks whether it came from a footstep or just a strong wind" Ate Jeyson gainsaid which I smirk in her voice direction, rolling my eyes playfully at the same time. "I ONLY heard the squeaking sound in that certain area, Ate. Only in that particular spot. Anyways, I accept comments nor explanation for that" I imposed, challenging them as well.

"Let's just say your hearing is accurate, Ate Ryan, but in the aspect of identifying from which object you've heard the squeaking sound is already hard to think of nor analyze. The investigator won't consider it as a solid evidence, don't you think?" Yuan pointed out. Her Enola instinct. "But if an expert will going to enhance the audio from where I heard the sound is POSSIBLE. It can be identified, Yuan. It's still considerable unless someone is hiding something" I justify my point furthermore.

Sometimes, I can't just let myself lose in an argument specially when my gut feel is taking a part of it.

"You two chill out. Both of you are defending your side very well" Ate Jeyson butt in while letting out a nervous chuckle. I can feel it from her voice. It was shaking a bit. "You chill out, Jeyson. That is how they play Solving Cases. They find things logically in an advance state and starts digging possible scenarios that could be related into that" Ate Dannie expressed her knowledge about How Yuan and I play. I just nodded my head, being pulled for a sisterly hug. "I had fun~" Yuan beam, pecking me on the cheek.

Time skipped: [The next day. Sunday. Alliyah visited again]

"So Tito found out?" I console my best friend, reaching for her hand. She just hums in response while interlacing her fingers with mine. "I tried explaining to him everything, but he never listens. I can't pinpoint if he is mad at me or disappointed. He is so confusing to be understood" she said in low tone. I nodded my head processing what she just said. "The way how Tito will react to that was already obvious, don't you think?" I said a possible fact. "How?" she asked. "My guts told me" then I shrug, but Alliyah scorn beside me. "Explain it further, Ryan. Will you?" she demands while leaning her head to my shoulder. "You appreciate girl's beauty than boy's appearances" I innocently said, leaning my head on top of hers.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, sounded so confused and lost at the same time. Did I say something wrong and offensive? "That you're gay?" Now I sounded like I'm not sure anymore, then I heard her laughing. "Why are you laughing?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow in confusion. I felt her head left my shoulder while giggling. "Seriously, Ryan? That is the reason you think of why daddy got mad at me?" she asked in disbelief, still giggling beside me. "I'm straight as hell, Ryan~" she added in her clarification. I blink a few times, trying to think of another options. "So why is Tito gone mad about?" I give up, closing my eyes while leaning the back of my head to the headboard. "Me joining the crew" she replied, leaning her head back to my shoulder. "He wants you to quit?" I guessed, earning a hum from her.

"Why are you here? You get kicked out?" I guessed again, receiving a giggle from her. She seems in a good mood today. Too much giggling from her. "Silly~ Of course not" she denied, then I hum in response. "Then why are you here early in this morning?" I throw another question. "I miss you. Why? Can't I visit my best friend anymore?" she scoffs, then embraces me. "Stay here as long as you want then" I smiled, feeling her arms wrapping around my waist protectively. "Even you won't let me, I will still stay here" she giggles again. I rolled my eyes playfully first before nodding. "I support you in staying, but just be careful. Your new hobby contains dead people" I expressed my worry. "And what about that? I don't get it" she said. "Just avoid disrespecting them, I guess? I don't know. I suddenly can't explain my point properly" I shrug, kissing the top of her head. "Is the kiss necessary?" she said while sniffing my perfume. "Gay" I teased her, earning a light whack to my head. "Let's break up!" I acted hurt while massaging my head. "FOR PETE'S SAKE, RYAN. I'M NOT GAY!" Alliyah groans loudly beside me and I just laugh at her.

"QUIET! I'M TRYING TO HAVE MY BEAUTY SLEEP IN HERE?! RESPECT. OKAY? RESPECT AND JUSTICE FOR THE SINGLE SOULS IN THIS MANSION" then we heard Yuan's screaming at us inside her room which just beside mine.

I forget to tell you that our room is interconnecting to each other, so she can easily hear the noises created from here. Not everything, but most of it.

"FOR THE LAST TIME, I'M NOT GAY AND WE'RE NOT A COUPLE, YUAN!" Alliyah screamed back while I just giggle quietly so that Yuan can finally go back to sleep. Let's just hope she can still sleep.



Hi ORENJJIES. Do you have any ideas what could be the possible object where Ryan heard the squeaking sound from? Is Alliyah really gay? HAHAHAHAHA.


Will do my best to make my story BETTER.