

Ryan Stephens was born blind, but despite her condition, she is always described as an optimistic, bubbly and a bright person. She has a younger and older sister; Dannie, the oldest and Yuan, the youngest. The three of them has an unbreakable bond and was always seen hanging out at the park near their mansion, but an unexpected incident ALMOST change the bond they have. Unrealistic things started to happen after Ryan's eye transplant. Most of the people admire Ryan's new pair of eyes, but the owner of the eyes never felt that way. She always feels the opposite of ALL the compliments she always received. Blue is now her hated color and maybe some people wished to have the same eye color as hers, but Ryan wishes the opposite. She regretted having the surgery. She had regrets after seeing the world.

SR_96 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs



"You wear different socks again" Yuan giggle while guiding me towards her bed. She helps me sat down on the mattress and I just smiled sheepishly. "Not my fault that I can't see~" I playfully said, crossing my legs at the same time. "Close your eyes. I'm already changing" she joked which I rolled my eyes playfully and just listen to the sound it creates. "Put it in the laundry basket, young lady" I firmly said, hearing clothes being thrown out to the floor one by one. "Yeah, yeah. I always forgot that your hearing is really sharp" She chuckles while picking up clothes, shooting it straight to the laundry basket. I can hear it very well and feel the vibration coming from it. "I forgot my white cane in my room" I remembered as I pouted my lips at the same time. "Nope, silly. It was in the living room on top of the center table" Yuan patted my head, pulling me up. "Ah, right. Alliyah placed it there before she left for school" I scratch my neck, holding onto her arm again. "Wow. This early?" my sister asked in disbelief. I just hum feeling sleepy. A Few seconds later, another clicking sound was heard. We already reached my room.

"Hey" I said while comfortably sitting on my bed, hearing some shuffling sound from my drawer. "Yes? Anyways, I can't find the other pair of your socks. I'm going to change it okay?" she informs, removing both of my socks. I just wiggle my feet, feeling the cold air coming from the air conditioning. "What does blood looks like?" I randomly asked, since I've never smelt blood before, so I can't picture it on my mind accurately. "Hmm, most of the time it's red and sticky. Sometimes, it's also shiny, but it smells like iron all the time" she described, but I still don't get it. "What does iron looks like?" I asked again, feeling the warmth of my new socks. "Uh. It's hard and most of the time in metal or stainless form. For example, knives, scissors or cutter. Why though?" she sounded confuse, but I just smiled at her while finding her cheeks. "Knives don't smell like blood" I said in innocence which Yuan ruffles my hair while placing both of my hands on the side of her cheeks. "You think too much again, Ryan" she giggles and guide me off of my room.

Fast Forward: [Hanging out in the living room while waiting for Dannie]

"Am I doing it right?" I cautiously asked while being careful and gently tapping a jenga block off from its position. Yuan introduces me a new physically game. "Yes. How was the texture, Ryan?" she asked. I close my eyes in comfort when I successfully took off one jenga block. "It's smooth" I smiled while picturing how it might look like. "Doing good, Ry" Yuan complimented my tiny improvement for today. Both her and Dannie always does that when I achieved, or I learned something new. "It is light as well. Hmm. I think it's made from wood" I comprehend the texture. "Are you sure? Time for the last look!" she said in excitement. What she meant was it's already the time for the overall Familiarization.

I nodded my head while leaning the Jenga block close to my nose and starts sniffing it. I smiled in satisfaction while registering in my mind the Jenga's weight, texture, shape, size and the smell. "It smells like it was painted in varnished. It's light and rectangular shape. Lastly, its smooth" I smile widely, completely familiarize to the Jenga, then I felt a hand patting me to the head. "Good job, Ry!" Yuan proudly said, embracing me for a hug. "Let's play again later with Dannie" I said in excitement. Tomorrow is Saturday. She doesn't have her training, it means we will be having a sister time!

"We will. Someone is excited~" Yuan teases me while nudging my side then releases me from her embrace. "Want to watch?" she suggested, and I just nodded my head, flashing her a grin. "Yes. I want to listen" I corrected her playfully then smile in her direction sheepishly. "So cute!" she squeals not to loud, but enough for me to let out a chuckle. Her voice switched in to a high pitch when she does that. "Let's watch anime" I infer, hearing a hum from her.

"Flash News: Johnson's Mansion murder trended #1 in the country after a group of vloggers conduc--" it was cut off when Yuan switches it to a different channel. "Switch it back to the news please" I said, earning another hum. "The untold truth about the blood trail has finally revealed. The Johnson's murder case had been closed for almost a decade after the failure in finding the suspects, the bodies and the lack of evidences. This case has been buried in the history a long time ago until a group of vloggers found out the infamous blood trail. It even trended #1 after releasing the episode. Avid viewers said that the blood looked like it was fresh and from a recent incident, but some said it could be maybe just from a dead animal from the way it smells like a rotten. We tried to ask Stolen Memories statement, but they decided not to comment anything about it--" then it was cut off again.

"Bright, Dad. Its brown out. Kindly switch on the generator. Send it to Father please" Yuan said calmly, but hugging me tight, then we heard a click. "Close your eyes and join me in my world" I joked while giggling. "It's too quiet" Yuan said still hugging me. "Don't worry, I can hear everything in the perimeter" I assured her, leaning her head to my shoulder.

Time skipped: [The next day: Sister-Time]


"Alliyah is calling. Answer or decline?" Bright informed. "Answer please" I said. I heard a click before the call automatically connected. "Dad is mad at me" Alliyah said. Her voice sounded dull. "Why? Is it because you skipped school the other day?" I asked. "No. He found out" she said followed by a sigh. I hum in response while using my white cane in navigating my way to the living room. "Try to explain why did you join the crew" I suggested. "I already did. He didn't bother to let me finish" she replied in monotone. "Prove him wrong about his assumptions, I guess?" I infer, hearing a hum. She's not in the mood better end the call then. "I'll hang up now" I inform. "Bright, ended the call please" I said, then I heard clicks followed with vibrations from the phone. It's on rest mode.

"Hi Ate Jeyson. Didn't know you're coming with us today" I smile, greeting her as well. She is a family friend and also Ate Dannie's best friend. "You found me first" she giggles, and I heard cracking sounds too from her direction. "That was your last chicken for the whole picnic" Ate Dannie stated. Her voice was firm. "Have a nice meal ahead, Jey" I smirk in her direction, then used my white cane again in following Yuan's perfume scent. "Good morning, baby" I said, successfully finding her. She's sprawling out to the couch. "I'm still sleepy. Ate Dannie woke me up at 4AM!" she groans, but I just giggle. "Btw, I was scrolling through social media awhile ago and Johnson's Mansion is everywhere. Do you think something is special about that?" she questioned me. I sat on the couch beside her legs. "It'll be special if they will be able to find the skeletons instead" I said as a matter of fact. "I finished the episode and what's behind the stairs made me curious. The position of the blood trail doesn't make any sense to be honest" she pointed out which I agreed right away.

"I asked her regarding that, but she said it could be just from a dead rat" I shrug. "From the way how I saw it? Its obvious that something was behind the steps though" Yuan claimed. "My guts told me so" I second the motion and winks to her. direction. "I'm already considering your analysis the other night, Sherlock Stephens" she playfully acknowledged while holding my hand. It was perfectly positioned for a handshake. "Thank you for the consideration, Enola Stephens" I played along, shaking her hand at the same time, then we both chuckled because of our silliness and childish act.

It's our hobby. We like to investigate and play with our minds. We find solving cases fun. During free time, Ate Dannie join us and even creates scenarios for me and Yuan to solve. Sometimes we get competitive with each other but in the end we still solve it together. There are also instances where we tried solving an unsolved murder cases and miraculously the playful investigation we had conducted made progress. Our hypothesis and analysis somehow connected to the possible things and scenarios that happened. We didn't bother to talk it out to the police because we don't want to be involved.


"What are they doing?" Jeyson asked Dannie upon hearing Ryan and Yuan's conversation. "Playing" Dannie answered while placing all the lunch boxes inside the basket then glances to her sisters's direction. "Don't mind them. They just found a new case to solve" she explained. Jeyson nodded her head and decided to join the two younger Stephens, leaving her best friend alone in the living room. Dannie just look at them in disbelief.

[Back to Ryan's POV]

"The way how Akiko took the shot of the trail is not that clear. She moved the camera too much" Yuan complaints while watching that scene over again. "Alliyah has her own camera right? Why not check her footage?" I suggested while listening attentively to the episode then heard the part where Nylon and Alliyah found the continuation of the trail. "She's focusing it to the dried blood on the floor, but to check it clearly--" Yuan described then the scene was paused. "At first glance, the blood trails on the top and the bottom of the stairs seem alike, but if you watch it closely you can comprehend that the color isn't the same" it was Ate Jeyson. "Right, right. I just noticed that. Clear. It was indeed not the same color, Ryan" Yuan confirmed and pats my shoulder. I nodded my head and immediately analyze what I've just heard from them.

"If that's the case, only one of them is the real blood trail" I assess. "So you mean it's either the top or the bottom?" Ate Jeyson nonchalantly said, and I just nodded my head in response. "I go for bottom" Yuan excitedly say. "I go for top" Ate Jeyson and I unexpectedly recite in sync. "What makes you believe that it was the bottom not the top and vise versa?" Suddenly, Ate Dannie joined in. "Ate Dannie! Join us!" Yuan beamed which I giggle. "I will, but it's time to go now. We can continue this in the car" Ate Dannie said in assurance.

On our way to the car, there was a scene that keeps replaying in my mind all over again where I've heard one of the floors and only on that particular area creates a squeaking sound when being stepped on to, but Yuan and Ate Jeyson didn't hear nor noticed that. What is this feeling now? Its weird and familiar.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Then Yuan's voice starts registering in my ear again. I think I've been spacing out for a minute now. "Uh, yeah. Just thinking" I smiled and followed her lead inside the car. Once we're all settled in, Ate Jeyson started to drive.



Hi ORENJJIES. Do you also think that there is really something behind the steps of the stairs? Or it could be just a dead rat?


Will do my best to make my story BETTER.