

Ryan Stephens was born blind, but despite her condition, she is always described as an optimistic, bubbly and a bright person. She has a younger and older sister; Dannie, the oldest and Yuan, the youngest. The three of them has an unbreakable bond and was always seen hanging out at the park near their mansion, but an unexpected incident ALMOST change the bond they have. Unrealistic things started to happen after Ryan's eye transplant. Most of the people admire Ryan's new pair of eyes, but the owner of the eyes never felt that way. She always feels the opposite of ALL the compliments she always received. Blue is now her hated color and maybe some people wished to have the same eye color as hers, but Ryan wishes the opposite. She regretted having the surgery. She had regrets after seeing the world.

SR_96 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs



"Oh gosh! Please remind me again HOW I hated being followed by paparazzi all my life!" Ate Dannie groan while helping me to unbuckled my seatbelt. Today is Parents Meeting day at Yuan's school. Mom and Dad is busy as usual that's why Ate Dannie and I will be their substitute.

About the Paparazzi, uh, being considered as part of the 10 richest teenagers in our country and being the 2nd to that chart? It's not shocking anymore that there are few hot eyes that always seen following us and even trying to stalk us around just to see how we live our lives. Guys, chill~ we also breathe the same air as you. Calm down and let us live~.

"I choose tails, one of them will ask you about your dating rumor" I playfully said earning a not so hard punch to my shoulder from Ate Dannie. "I hate you. You too, Yuan!" Ate Dannie growl. "Why including me? I'm not doing anything yet!" Yuan said in a teasing manner. "Don't me, Yuan. I just saw you getting a coin" Ate Dannie said in sarcasm. Yuan and I just cracked up a laugh once we heard the door opened. Ate went out already. "It's too early to pissed her off" I joked, hearing my door side opened. "No need to act INNOCENT, Yuan. You two are so obvious, but let's go. I can't bear the cameras flashing everywhere" Ate Dannie said in a low tone while helping me to get out.

Her, being the eldest already took a full responsibility of me and Yuan since our parents is busy with our family business. Yes they are busy, but they never lack in giving us attention, care, love and time. Mom and Dad always send us messages every day. The conversation with them is always short, but it's already enough.

"YUAN STEPHENS!?" Yuan giggles upon hearing her fanboys screaming and yelling her name over again. "That is the other thing I can't even bear to hear" Ate Dannie mumbles to herself, but I still managed to hear it. I just smiled, feeling Yuan's hand intertwined with mine.

"RYAAAAAAAN!" then I suddenly heard my name being called out, but since I'm blind, I just smile to the voice's direction. "OH MY GOD! RYAN SMILED AT ME!" a female voice squeals from a distance. "Didn't know that I also have fan" I muttered. "Idiot, we made you an Instagram account remember?" Ate Dannie remind me while she trailed us from behind. "Oh~ so I'm insta famous" I considered, hearing my name being shouted again. "Yes you are silly~ you're the most famous blind in the country" Yuan claimed while holding me tightly and protectively. The surrounding started to feel crowded. I'm hearing too many voices too. It's making my head hurts. "They are mobbing us again like we're a bunch of celebrities! Oh, please just stop. Stop" I heard Ate Dannie's silent whimpers as we passed through the bunch of crowds. "At least the bodyguards are here to SOMEHOW protect us. Yeah. Somehow" I sarcastically said, feeling few touches to my shoulders from those people called themselves a FAN of us. "A great help indeed" Yuan agreed, but with sarcasm of course. Ate Dannie could just groan helplessly behind us.

"It's more comfortable in here than outside" I commented, but Ate Dannie just groan while leaning her head on my shoulder. "It is comfortable because you don't see the flashes" Yuan said, and I just smirk. "I'm just lucky that I was born like this~" I proudly said, plastering a smirk at the same time. "Being optimistic again, huh?" Ate Dannie growl, side hugging me. "Footsteps" I blurted out. Too many of them. "I'm afraid that the parent's meeting will be starting" Yuan said, then Ate Dannie already lifted her head off my shoulder, but not breaking the hug yet. "Tattles" I whisper, hearing different assumptions about me and Dannie. Some of them said that we're spoiling Yuan. "Are they backstabbing us?" Ate Dannie whisper back, then I heard cracking of knuckle. "They said we're spoiling Yuan" I revealed what I heard. "Sit still, Ate. Don't make a ruckus. We're surrounded with a bunch of cameras here" Yuan said as a matter of fact. "They are silently coming in" Ate Dannie deadpan as I only nodded in response.

The stares are coming in again. I almost feel it everywhere.

Fast Forward: [In the afternoon. Visiting Alliyah]


I pressed the doorbell while holding my white kane at the same time. Ate Dannie already dropped us off, but she still needs to go back to the company for her training. "Coming!" An unfamiliar voice was heard inside. "Someone else is at home?" I muttered, hearing the door opened, but no voice is heard after that. I just felt a stare. "Hello?" I said, a little unsure then I heard multiple gasps inside Alliyah's house. "Oh my gosh!" another voice was heard, but this one is more familiar. Way too familiar, but it can't be right?

"I forgot to tell you that Alliyah texted me that she invited her crew members over" Yuan whispered beside me. "I bet Tito is not home, or she can't go out" I conclude, hearing Yuan's giggle. "Hey JooE-- who's at th--" she didn't finish speaking, and I just smiled as I felt vibrations coming. She is already heading towards me. "Hi Alliyah" I greeted her then I was engulfed by her arms. "I'm kinda having a group meeting with the crew. Is that okay?" she whispered then a light bulb pops up through my head. I just need to find a perfect timing to join their conversation. "Yuan stay with me okay?" I happily said while my best friend is guiding me inside. "I don't want too~" Yuan said, sounded lazy. I nodded my head then pouts my lips. Once my butt laid comfortably on the sofa, I felt weights from my left and right.

"I thought you don't want too?" I lowered down my voice because I felt many eyes staring at us. I kinda felt uncomfortable, so I lowered down my head as my defense mechanism. "Guys, could you stop staring at her? She's not liking it" Alliyah stated while squeezing my hand gently. "In the count of 3 whoever I caught still staring at my sister will be kick out from this house" Yuan said in a firm way which we heard a couple of gasps from the people in front of us. "Yuan" I muttered. "I'm kidding~ just stop staring at us, specially at Ryan. She ain't fond of it" Yuan chuckles while ruffling my hair at the same time. I lifted my head, but I felt stares again, so I looked down. "Ooppsies~ sorry" someone familiar said.

I looked straight while closing my eyes, and start picturing her facial features. "Akiko-chan?" I called her name out, just making sure that it was her. I heard her giggles, but also gasps from the other members. "Yeah, the one and only" Akiko proudly said, and I just smile to her voice direction while waving my hand shyly.

"Anyways, I hate to admit it, but I'm sorry for participating in getting us in trouble" Akiko said. Honestly? I don't expect her to say that since we don't show in public that we're friends. It's for both of us privacy. "You're already forgiven even before you apologized, but that's not what we are here for right? Now, Alliyah, tell us what will happen?" Nylon said, and she's serious as heck. I had to admit it, she's scary. "As of now, nothing is going to happen yet, except that we might be called by the investigators about trespassing" my best friend nonchalantly said. What are they talking about? She didn't mention anything to me about that yet.

"Really? I almost thought that they're shutting us down" then that same unfamiliar voice spoke again. "Hmm" I hum while closing my eyes. "Is she o-okay?" Eugene nervously ask. "She's fine. She's just wondering about her voice" Yuan explained, but a gasp was heard AGAIN. "Eh? Why me?!" the now familiar voice exclaimed, then I opened my eyes again as I plastered a smile. "Nice to meet you" I suddenly said, hearing gasps again. Seriously, how many gasps will I be hearing for today. "Guys, please. Stop treating my best friend like she's some sort of celebrity. Please act normal" then Alliyah starts groaning beside me. I only nodded my head in agreement. "Yes please~ I ain't special so kindly drop the formalities too" I reassured them while reaching for Alliyah's & Yuan's hands. I'm shy. I fully understand now how my sister's felt about receiving too many attentions. It feels uncomfortable.

"B-but you're a Stephens" Eugene stutter, her voice was still nervous. I tilted my head to the side, not really getting what's up with being a Stephens. "Being a Stephens is not even closed enough to be a celebrity. We're just a normal family with money" I straight forwardly said. I don't really get it why a lot of people are looking highly at us. We're just equally human, breathing the same air. Then I heard my best friend released a frustrated sigh. She only became like this when people keep staring at the both of us. "Just think of this--I'm a Reesé, but you guys doesn't have that kind of reaction towards me right? Do the same to Ryan. She wanted to be treated that way as well. Treat us both like a normal human being" she added up to my remarks as I only nodded my head, hoping for them to cooperate.

Alliyah came in 3rd in the most influential teenager in the country. We're in a different chart, and I don't know what was all of that chart for.

"We won't promise that, but we'll try" Nylon shyly said, but I just closed my eyes, feeling bored ALREADY. "Anyways, see you later, Ry. Alliyah, take care of my sister or else I'll cut your head off" then Yuan threatened my best friend. "That's right, Yuan. Leave. You ain't needed here. Go~" Alliyah dissed. "What'd ya say?" Yuan scorn. "Oh my God" I facepalm myself, already knew what will happen next.

These girls will be bickering for an hour or 2. Their epic moments in our childhood might be blurted out as well. A moment of silence, everyone.

Time Skipped: [After Yuan and Alliyah bickers in front of the crew]

"I want to say something" I started off while tapping the back of Alliyah's hand. "Go on. Guys, please. Stop staring at her" my best friend firmly said, and I just giggle. "Just let them be~ I think I'm indeed insta famous" I joked while covering my mouth as I keep on giggling. "Oh! Oh!? I followed you on Instagram!" JooE exclaimed in excitement. "Really? I will tell Ate Dannie to followed you back" I smiled in appreciation. "Yuan is the youngest right? Eugene followed her on Instagram" Akiko said out of the blue, then I heard a slap sound coming from her voice direction. "Really" I said, remembering how my sister hated Eugene.

"Anyways, what are you going to say again?" then Alliyah changes the subject while playing with my hand. "It's about you guys" I smile, feeling her grip on my hand tightens. "Don't tell me--" she dread, but I just smiled at her in assurance. I'm basing on what she said earlier. "I want to be straight forward, can I?" I said with honestly while closing my eyes at the same time. "I'm having a bad feeling about this, Ryan" Akiko said. "You shouldn't be because I'm just going to give you some pieces of advice regarding your YouTube channel, plus giving you some does and don't's" I smiled while caressing my best friend's hand to help her calm down. "Just spill the tea, dude" Akiko remark, being her impatient self again. "Shut your mouth, midget" Alliyah snorted. "What di--" then I fake a cough intentionally cutting Akiko from speaking.

"First, you should upload a new episode to your YouTube channel, so that the attention will be diverted away from the Johnson's mansion issue. Since based on the law, you guys trespassed, and invaded the family's privacy. Therefore, it will lead into suspicion that you might be involved in the recent incident that occurs before you filmed in there. You could be the primary suspects for that as well too--" then someone cuts me off. "But we're not the ones who did that!" Nylon said in frustration. "No raising of voice, Ms. Enriquez" Yuan butts in to the conversation while patting me to the head. I think she saw how I got startled by Nylon's sudden outburst. "I'm basing on what Alliyah told you earlier. It is possible that all of you will be gone in an interrogation sooner" I justify. "Why I suddenly s-shivers?" JooE stuttered, then Eugene nudges her while wiggling her eyebrow. "That's because you're a scaredy-cat, Ate JooE" Eugene tease her which I find cute. It was true though. I remember an episode where I heard a compilation of the members being scared and startled. Most of the screams came from her. HAHAHAHAHA.

I just ignored her, and continued. "So, as of now be a more extra cautious about the place you will visit next time because who knows if you're already revealing something that shouldn't be showed to the public anymore" I advise while standing up. Yuan immediately intertwines her fingers with mine. "What are you really trying to prove, Ryan?" then Nylon finally spoke up again. Her voice turned out in between she's not convinced at all, and she's not getting a hold of WHAT I am really trying to warn them about yet. "Bright, kindly look for how many signed signature does the petition to reopen the Johnson Mansion Case has by now. Please" Yuan said, then we heard a couple clicks before Bright response. "It is not summarized yet into total, but it was seen to be 48%. Click for the next hyperlink?" Bright asked, then we heard a couple gasps again.

This is the first time we showed Bright in public. We ain't allowed yet, but I guess my sister is already getting annoyed by Nylon, and she decided to just showed a fact to simplify the talk.

"No. Thank you, Bright" Yuan said, then I felt a faint vibration coming from her phone. It's on rest mode now. "The percentage of the petition is almost reaching the half of the target signatures. This could be bad and good for us" Alliyah finally caught up. "Is that because of the rumored fresh blood issue?" JooE asked, but I just remain silent. They have a television in their homes. They could easily search up the data for them to be enlightened more.

"Anyways, I think all of you should leave now. Tito we'll be home in any minute. Alliyah is still in a hot seat, and he can't see you all gathering in here WITHOUT his consent" I deadpan while waving them goodbye. "Don't forget to give me a call for your check-up, Ryan" Akiko remind me, and I just grin to her voice direction. She's indeed exposing our secret FRIENDSHIP. "You're suddenly being friendly, Akiko-chan" I rolled my eyes playfully while being guided back to the door's direction by Yuan. "Wait! Was that just a hypothesis, or you're really serious about that?" Nylon question me. I could tell that she's just behind us because I heard her footsteps.

"No. It's a hunch" I said, well-founded, while gripping on my white kane tightly. I tap it to the floor, and made my way outside when I heard the door clicks open.



Hi ORENJJIES. So all this time, Akiko and Ryan are revealed to be a secret friend, but how does happen when she only hangs out with her siblings, Alliyah and Jeyson? I smell a flashback coming.


Will do my best to make my story BETTER.