
Blue blood noble

Charles accidentally crossed into the extraordinary mysterious world and became the youngest son of the West family, one of the six blue blood aristocrats. Under the unfavorable start that everyone wanted him to die, Charles had to raise the flag of resistance, and began to trade with the ancient god, step by step to the peak of the world. "When blue blood shines on the battlefield, you are the real aristocrats!" "Those aristocratic darkness covered up by dirty means will be uncovered by the aristocrats themselves!" "Only with truth and practice can we prove that red blood is as noble as blue blood!" "Lord Charles, is it not enough to put such a few words in your biography?" After thinking for a moment, Charles silently added a sentence at the end. "For the glory of blue blood aristocracy!"

liang_zhang · Fantasy
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42 Chs

The heart of the red dragon


Charles is not very impressed by this family. He only knows that the people in this family are brave and good at fighting.

However, in terms of the family strength, the Gylensell family will definitely outdo the West and Wilton family, and I don't know what this family thinks of themselves.

As for the Duke's statement that okoggi and isa Wilton were in love, Charles did not believe this kind of nonsense.

The Duke calmly took a sip of tea and stared at Charles's face, which was somewhat astonished.

"This little princess will join you as a freshman of violet college this year. You should communicate with her more."

The Duke's eyes narrowed slightly to look at Charles, like an eagle staring at its prey.

"Don't waste this opportunity again, Charles. You have more competitors than you think."

"You're a smart boy. You know what to do!"

The expression on Charles's face gradually calmed down. He nodded to the Duke and replied:

"I see, father."

"Ok,you know it, go away, tidy up and get ready for your college life."


"Are you unwilling, master Charles, that your fiancee was taken away like this?"

While laughing, luojia helped Charles pack his bags.

Charles was lying on the bed bored, as if he didn't care about her.

His fourth brother, okoji, has been targeting him, and he doesn't know where he has offended him.

Charles is not a willing loser. Okogi does this. Sooner or later, Charles will give him back everything he has done ten times.

But now, he is not capable of that.

"Master Charles,your former betrothed was easy."

"I've heard the Wiltons say in the Union Army that Lady Isa seems to have several young knight lovers of tender skin."

"Tut Tut, that girl is only 13 years old."

Hearing this, Charles gasped. He didn't expect that okogi would pay so much for him.

So he still needs to thank okogi. He doesn't want to wear such a big green hat.

Charles looked at Luojia, who carefully arranged her luggage, and suddenly asked with some curiosity:

"Luojia, how old are you?"

Luo Jia's face stiffened and she answered him with a smile:

"Master Charles, the age of a girl is a secret!"

Charles sneered with disdain:

"You don't know how many years you have lived. Don't pretend to be young!"

"Wait a minute, Luojia, you put down your suitcase. In fact , I want to say that you are the youngest and most beautiful girl in the world!"

"Don't get close to me. It will really kill me if you drop it. Ah ah!"

At night, Charles secretly took out the belt from his ring, which had not been opened since he came back.

The main reason was that he was busy training every day a while ago. He had long forgotten this matter.

Slowly unzipped the belt, and Charles stretched the bag mouth, only to see that it was filled with red stones.

"Is this... Blood stone?"

Charles hesitated to take out the stone like ruby, and the pupil of true vision in his eyes began to emit golden light. It was really a blood stone!

The blood stone was only dropped after the death of Warcraft in the third sequence. It is extremely valuable. I don't know where those two people got so many blood stones. It's all his own now.

In this case... Charles's eyes were bright, and then he quickly took out the remaining blood of the Warcraft and quickly painted the ceremony on the ground.

There are many good things in Mamen. Anyway, he can't use these blood stones now. It's better to trade with Mamen for some treasures he can use now.

After a while, as expected, Mamen's voice came out again.

"My faithful believer, offer your sacrifice, and I will fulfill your wish!"

Charles folded his hands and said:

"Great Mamen, please take the blood stone in the belt."

The original bulging belt was visible to the naked eye. Not long after, Mamen's voice came again. This time, Charles heard that there was a faint satisfaction in the voice.

"What do you want?"

Charles was stunned, what he wanted... He really didn't think well.

When Mamen saw the hesitation of Charles, she said before Charles spoke:

"In that case, I send you a red dragon's heart."

Eh? Red dragon's heart? Is it so high-end?

Charles wondered, but at the next moment, his consciousness became blurred, and he could only vaguely see a beating red heart getting closer and closer to him.

A vertical pupil suddenly appeared in the center of the ceremony. It was Mamen's eye.

"The blood stone of the eighth sequence... Giving you a red dragon heart is a fair deal."

The next moment, the vertical pupil disappeared, and the blood of the Warcraft painted on the floor gradually dried up, and finally disappeared.

All that remained in the room was Charles lying unconscious on the bed, and the growing sound of his heart beating.

The sound of the dragon's heartbeat is the same!


The central court of the imperial capital has always been the territory where the royal family lives. Although the royal family has lost its ruling power over the six blue blood nobles, the royal family is still the strongest force in the open. Both the church and the nobles have to retreat.

"Princess hurell, tomorrow is the day you go to school."

"Your Majesty has selected three colleges for you. Please make your choice."

A young girl with silver hair knelt down in front of the huge stone statue in a long white dress. The white gauze covered the girl's eyes, revealing only her white face.

The girl prayed silently with her hands folded, while the maid on the side waited respectfully.

After a long time, the girl slowly got up, and the maid hurried forward to hold the girl's delicate body.

The girl opened her mouth, and her voice, like the sound of nature, seemed to have a strange magic, as if people were immersed in the world of flowers.

"Go to the violet Academy. The God told me that there will be a real dragon awakening!"


Fina stood in front of the priest of the church, kneeling on one knee, her short hair covering her side face looked cool and cold. She had to make an important decision here today.

She is going to give up the sequence of the wind warrior, and she will be reborn as a judge.

She has had enough of all the nobles. She wants to live for herself. She is destined to belong here.

The priest hung the cross in his hand on Feina's neck. Behind the priest stood Mrs. Alice, Feina's mother.

The lady's eyes were soft on Phina. If Charles was here, he would be envious. That was something he had never felt.

Maternal love.

"May the God of light give you a new life and wash away your past sins!"

Fina's eyes were so firm that she shouted out word by word:

"Great because of faith!"