
Blue blood noble

Charles accidentally crossed into the extraordinary mysterious world and became the youngest son of the West family, one of the six blue blood aristocrats. Under the unfavorable start that everyone wanted him to die, Charles had to raise the flag of resistance, and began to trade with the ancient god, step by step to the peak of the world. "When blue blood shines on the battlefield, you are the real aristocrats!" "Those aristocratic darkness covered up by dirty means will be uncovered by the aristocrats themselves!" "Only with truth and practice can we prove that red blood is as noble as blue blood!" "Lord Charles, is it not enough to put such a few words in your biography?" After thinking for a moment, Charles silently added a sentence at the end. "For the glory of blue blood aristocracy!"

liang_zhang · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Kingdom, western regions and Northern Territory


Luojia opened the curtains of Charles' room, and the glare of the sun shone into Charles' small room, directly through Charles' bed curtain and hit his white face.

Charles struggled to turn over and fell asleep again.

Luojia sighed helplessly, walked quickly to Charles, leaned down and whispered in Charles' ear:

"Master Charles, get up.if go to sleep again,the sun will shine on your ass!"

Charles opened his eyes slowly. His hair was messy and his clothes were soaked with sweat. The whole person looked like he had just finished a fight with someone.

"You are going to school tomorrow. What do you want to do today?"

Luo Jia picked up the corner of the lace skirt, and the soft and delicate thighs were looming.

Charles rubbed his eyes in a daze. After glancing at Luojia, he closed his eyes again and said:

"Let me sleep a little longer. I'll talk later!"


Charles was finally dragged out of bed by Luojia. He didn't know what the old woman thought. He was the master. Would you mind if I slept a little longer?

However, after considering the difference in force, Charles can only angrily stop thinking about Luojia. The undead in the fifth sequence is not easy to mess with!

The undead is a special transcendent sequence. This kind of power has no normal person to obtain. It can only be born under the special conditions when people are dying.

If you were a supernatural person in the third sequence, you will become an undead in the second sequence and lose the power of the original sequence.

Every kind of transcendental sequence is like this, even the transcendent in the blue blood aristocracy will be assimilated by the power of the undead.

After becoming an immortal, he will really not die like this name, and at the same time, he will retain his face before death and be young forever.

But this kind of immortality also needs to pay a heavy price. All undead people need to kill to maintain their lives. Once they stop killing, they will gradually become empty shells without thoughts, like zombies.

Charles glanced at the leisurely undead maid and said:

"You are really a strange undead, who yearns for peace."

Luo Jia opened her eyes and replied:

"You are also a strange noble young master!"

I don't know why, since seeing Charles this morning, Luojia always has an indescribable fear of Charles, which is from the depths of her blood, or from the species gap.

"Viscount Charles, the destination is here!"

The old driver of the carriage pulled the curtain from the outside and bowed respectfully to Charles.

The old coachman's call made Charles a little surprised, viscount... Unconsciously, he was already a viscount.

After the awakening of the enlightenment ceremony, the direct descendants of the six blue blood nobles will naturally accept the royal title and become a glorious viscount.

The aristocracy system in this world is also divided into five classes: Duke, marquis, count, viscount and Baron. Among them, Duke can only be served by the patriarch of the six blue blood aristocrats, and is the top aristocrat.

The Marquis is composed of the heads of the eight red blood nobles and the king's brothers.

The Earl is composed of the families of the blue blood nobles and the civilians who have important achievements and contributions, such as Charles' Uncle Jack.

The viscount and Baron are the lowest little nobles. These nobles often do not have their own territory, and they are dependent on the big nobles.

Charles's father, for example, had a large area of territory, but his father did not like to take care of it, so he brought his relatives to settle in the imperial capital.

Generally, the patriarchs of the six blue blood nobles live in the imperial capital with their family members, and hand over the territory to separate families.

Of course, there are also exceptions. For example, the family of the fiancee of Charles, Gylensell, lives in the northern border far away from the emperor, but they also send their children to the imperial capital to study.

The world is mainly composed of three parts: the Kingdom, the western regions and the Northern Territory. The kingdom is a unified aristocratic country. The Charles in the northern and western regions do not know much about it. He only knows that the western and northern regions will pay tribute to the kingdom.

The church is one of the few forces across the three regions. They believe in the God of light and hold three transcendent sequences. They are also a giant with a strong voice in the world.

But their goal is not power and money. All the extraordinary people in the church are committed to eliminating the pagans who believe in the ancient gods.

Those lunatics in the church think that you either don't believe in anyone, or you only believe in their God of light.

Of course, the hands of the church can not be inserted into the six blue blood nobles, otherwise Charles and Jack would not be so unscrupulous.

Children from noble families in the imperial capital will choose the college to continue to develop their extraordinary power after the enlightenment.

There are three top colleges in the imperial capital, namely violet college, Golden Rose college and union college.

Among them, the West family went to violet college except Jenny and hechu.

In violet college, not only the direct descendants of nobles, but also the children of separated families can come here to study, but they have to pay a lot of tuition fees.

Charles will also go to violet college tomorrow to learn how to control his extraordinary power and other messy knowledge.

Today, Luo Jia wants to take him to the shopping mall of the imperial capital, saying that he wants Charles to buy something useful for school in the future.

Originally, Charles didn't want to come, but after Luojia patted her chest and said that all the expenses were paid by Miss Luo, Charles followed.

You have money to honor your master,Why not earlier said .You didn't know that your master is already poor?

"I came here once when I was very young. Now I see that it is really magnificent!"

Charles sighed.

In front of him was a 100 meter high building. Every part of the building was made of gold bricks. Dazzling diamonds, blood jade and pearls seemed to be embedded in the building without money.

All the men and women in and out of the building are dressed in luxurious clothes. Even the two security guards at the gate are the extraordinary people in the fourth sequence, and they are extremely extravagant.

This is the paradise on earth - Paradise building, operated by Chris family, one of the six blue blood aristocrats.

Here you can buy services that meet any requirement, luxurious and extravagant clothing, superior weapons of high sequence, noble pets of Warcraft, and even beautiful slave girls.

As long as you have money, this is paradise on earth!

Turning his head to look at the face of Luojia, who was not surprised at all, Charles scratched his head in embarrassment. Unexpectedly, Luojia disdained to give him a white eye.

Charles was so angry that a little maid dared to look down on me. I've been here too, haven't I?

Charles was about to say more when Loja pushed him out.

"Come on, master Charles, I'll pay for today's consumption!"

Well, money is the real good!